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FTP File Availability

The following documents are provided through anonymous FTP. For downloading purposes, FTP is supported by the Windows "ftp" command, Windows File Explorer, Safari, and various third-party products (e.g., WinSCP, Cyberduck). To access the files, enter the address

Explanation of FTP File Structure

Bills Folder (documents)

Directory structure: /bills/<legislative session>/<document type>/<text format>/<bill type>/<grouping of 100 bills>
<legislative session> 81r (2009), 80r (2007), etc.
<document type> Bill text, bill analyses, fiscal notes, bill witness lists
<text format>* DOC (Microsoft Word), PDF (Adobe PDF), HTML
<bill type> house_bills, house_concurrent_resolutions, house_joint_resolutions, house_resolutions, senate_bills, senate_concurrent_resolutions, senate_joint_resolutions, senate_resolutions
<grouping of 100 bills> Folder content is divided into groupings of 100 bills to allow directory browsing to be more usable.
*Some documents may not be available in all formats.

The naming convention for individual documents is: <bill chamber><bill type><bill suffix><bill version>
File NameDescription
<bill chamber> H=House, S=Senate
<bill type> B=Bill, J=Joint Resolution, R=Resolution, C=Concurrent Resolution
<bill suffix> 5-digit number
<bill version> I=Introduced, S=Senate Committee Report, H=House Committee Report, E=Engrossed, F=Enrolled

Bills Folder (bill history XML data)

Directory structure: /bills/<legislative session>/billhistory/<bill type>/<grouping of 100 bills>
<legislative session> 81r (2009)
<bill type> house_bills, house_concurrent_resolutions, house_joint_resolutions, house_resolutions, senate_bills, senate_concurrent_resolutions, senate_joint_resolutions, senate_resolutions
<grouping of 100 bills> Folder content is divided into groupings of 100 bills to allow directory browsing to be more usable. A file named history.xml located under the billhistory folder identifies when individual bill files have been updated.

Bills Folder (reports)

Directory structure: /bills/<legislative session>/reports/<report type>/<filename>
<legislative session> 81r (2009), 80r (2007), etc.
<report type> Author, coauthor, sponsor, cosponsor, committee
<filename> An HTML page exists for each author, coauthor, sponsor, cosponsor, and committee. The index.htm page is the table of contents for each report type.

The following summary reports are available for each legislative session:
housefiled.htm Bills filed by the House.
senatefiled.htm Bills filed by the Senate.
filedwogovsign.htm Bills filed without the governor's signature.
passed.htm Bills passed by the House and Senate.
effectiveimmed.htm Bills effective immediately.
effective90days.htm Bills effective in 90 days.
effectivesept1.htm Bills effective on September 1st.
effectivejan1.htm Bills effective on January 1st.
signedbygov.htm Bills signed by the governor.
vetoedbygov.htm Bills vetoed by the governor.
legislativestatistics.htm Statistiscal comparison of bills introduced, passed, and veteod across all legislative sessions.