87S21085 TBO-D
  By: Huberty H.R. No. 92
         WHEREAS, May 4, 2021, was indeed a special day in the lives of
  William and Sarah Jane Holleman, for on that day they became the
  proud parents of a darling baby boy, James Robert Holleman; and
         WHEREAS, This charming bundle of joy weighed 6 pounds, 15
  ounces, and measured 18.5 inches in length when he made his
  long-awaited debut at 5:47 p.m.; and
         WHEREAS, The arrival of their son has profoundly deepened the
  relationship of Will and Sarah Holleman, who married on August 20,
  2016; Ms. Holleman has enjoyed a successful career that has
  included tenures with Trinity University, the City of Bryan, and
  the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; she hails from Houston and
  has a master's degree in information studies from The University of
  Texas at Austin; raised in Cleburne, Mr. Holleman holds a master's
  degree in public administration from Texas A&M University; he
  served as chief of staff in the office of State Representative
  Jimmie Don Aycock, and though he has since moved on to the Texas
  Association of School Boards, he has maintained a strong connection
  to the Capitol, where he is affectionately known as "Peaches"; even
  at an early age, his son James is continuing this tradition, having
  already made the first of many visits to the Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to bringing great happiness to his
  parents, James has been enthusiastically welcomed by his
  grandparents, Ken and Vicki Alger and Mandy Holleman; and
         WHEREAS, James begins his life secure in the safe and loving
  embrace of his family, and with their support, dedication, and
  guidance, he may truly look forward to a bright and promising
  future; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate William and
  Sarah Jane Holleman on the birth of their son and welcome James
  Robert Holleman as a new citizen of Texas; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the family as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.