87S30430 BK-D
  By: Burns H.R. No. 73
         WHEREAS, The untimely passing of Kori Freeman Crow of Austin
  on September 21, 2021, at the age of 43, has brought a heartbreaking
  loss to her family, friends, and colleagues; and
         WHEREAS, Born on March 14, 1978, in Landstuhl, Germany, to
  Mike and Starr Freeman, the former Kori Freeman grew up with the
  companionship of a sister, Lacey; during her childhood, she moved
  with her family to El Paso and then to Central Texas, where she
  graduated from Round Rock High School in 1996; while at Round Rock
  High, she served as editor of the school newspaper and had a
  memorable stint as the school's dragon mascot; she also
  participated in a number of local political campaigns; and
         WHEREAS, From the age of eight, when she idolized
  then-President Ronald Reagan, she had set her sights on a career in
  politics; she majored in communications at Concordia University
  Texas in Austin, and she went on to meet her future husband, Chad
  Crow, while running her first political campaign; the couple were
  married on May 26, 2002, at a ceremony in Round Rock; together with
  her husband, Ms. Crow founded a political consulting firm called KC
  Strategies that has worked on more than 300 campaigns over the
  course of two decades; in 2017, she was honored with the Texas
  Blazing Star Award from the Women's Chamber of Commerce of Texas,
  and that same year, she was recognized as one of the 40 best
  campaign professionals under age 40 by the American Association of
  Political Consultants; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Crow and her husband shared a love of travel
  that led them to live in six different countries and to visit at
  least 60 others; despite the demands of her work, she was able to
  have many adventures in far-flung places, which included earning a
  culinary arts degree in Argentina, becoming a certified master
  scuba instructor in Honduras, and attending an audience in Rome
  with Pope John Paul II; in 2019, the Crows were blessed with a son,
  Francis, while they were living on Vancouver Island in Canada; and
         WHEREAS, Kori Crow lived a rich and vibrant life, and she will
  forever be remembered with deep affection by all who were fortunate
  enough to know her; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the memory
  of Kori Freeman Crow and extend heartfelt sympathy to the members of
  her family: to her husband, Chad Crow; to her son, Francis Crow; to
  her parents, Mike and Starr Freeman; to her sister, Lacey Eaton, and
  her husband, Bill; to her niece, Samantha Davis, and nephew, Toby
  Eaton; to her father- and mother-in-law, Joe and Pat Crow; to her
  uncles and aunts, Pat and Cindy Keith and Joey and Norma Keith; to
  her cousin, Kelly Higdon; and to her other relatives and friends;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Kori Crow.