87S31134 TBO-D
  By: Wu H.R. No. 148
         WHEREAS, All who shared in the life of Manuel Valdes
  LaFont Jr. were deeply saddened by his untimely death in June 2021,
  at the age of 54; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Houston on January 27, 1967, Manny LaFont
  was the son of Myriam Matilde Manresa de Valdes-LaFont and Manuel
  Valdes LaFont, who both emigrated from Cuba; he grew up in the
  Robindell neighborhood with two sisters and attended Richmond
  Elementary School and Sharpstown Junior and Senior High Schools; a
  talented athlete and baseball fanatic, he was a member of Little
  League and high school teams and played at Hill College and in a
  local Cuban league; after completing his bachelor's degree in
  business administration at the University of Houston, he embarked
  on a career in the road safety industry; he eventually moved to the
  Miami, Florida, area and led a division of Lindsay Transportation
  Solutions; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. LaFont and his former wife, Adriana LaFont, were
  the proud parents of a daughter, Mia, and a son, Santi; his world
  revolved around his children, and almost every day, he rode bikes
  with them on the beach, took them to the park, and played baseball
  with his son; as coach of his son's baseball team, the Astros, he
  was kind and encouraging to all of the players, offering positive
  reinforcement for good efforts and personal improvement; when team
  members moved on, he stayed in touch with their parents and
  continued to follow their progress; he volunteered as a youth
  basketball coach as well; and
         WHEREAS, A man of strong faith, Mr. LaFont was a parishioner
  of St. Patrick Catholic Church, where his children attended school;
  his big heart, big personality, and marvelous sense of humor
  brought him a host of friendships, and he always stayed especially
  close to his Houston schoolmates, including many he had known since
  kindergarten; during the COVID-19 pandemic, he was a steadfast
  source of support and consolation to those in his circle, talking
  for hours on the phone about their challenges; he never hesitated to
  express his love to those he held dear; and
         WHEREAS, Manny LaFont possessed a generosity of spirit that
  revealed itself in myriad ways, and although his loss is difficult
  to bear, memories of joyous times spent in his company will forever
  illuminate the lives of those he left behind; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the life of
  Manuel Valdes "Manny" LaFont Jr. and extend sincere condolences to
  all who mourn his passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Manuel
  Valdes "Manny" LaFont.