87R21449 KKR-D
  By: Goodwin, Guerra, Toth, et al. H.B. No. 1676
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1676:
  By:  Klick C.S.H.B. No. 1676
  relating to child water safety requirements for certain
  organizations; authorizing disciplinary action, including an
  administrative penalty.
         SECTION 1.  This Act may be cited as Cati's Act.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 341, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 341.0646 to read as follows:
  ORGANIZATIONS. (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Body of water" means an artificial or natural
  body of water, including a swimming pool, lake, or river, typically
  used for recreational swimming, bathing, or play.  The term does not
  include a wading pool.
               (2)  "Child" means an individual under 18 years of age.
               (3)  "Wading pool" means a pool, including a pool that
  contains a public interactive water feature and fountain as defined
  by department rule, with a maximum water depth of not more than 18
         (b)  This section does not apply to a youth camp licensed
  under Chapter 141.
         (c)  An organization, including a day camp, youth camp,
  school, preschool, kindergarten, nursery school, child-care
  facility as defined by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code, or any
  other facility providing child-care services licensed by the Health
  and Human Services Commission that takes a child in its care or
  under its supervision to a body of water or otherwise allows a child
  access to a body of water shall:
               (1)  require the child's parent or legal guardian to
  affirm in writing whether the child is able to swim or is at risk of
  injury or death when swimming or otherwise accessing a body of
  water; and
               (2)  if the organization does not own or operate the
  body of water, provide the owner or operator of the body of water a
  written or electronic disclosure that clearly identifies each child
  who is unable to swim or is at risk of injury or death when swimming
  or accessing a body of water.
         (d)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), during the time
  each child who is unable to swim or is at risk of injury or death
  when swimming or accessing a body of water is present within a
  fenced-in area around a body of water or within 100 feet of a body of
  water without a fenced-in area, the organization shall:
               (1)  provide to the child:
                     (A)  for a natural body of water, a properly
  fitted and fastened Type II United States Coast Guard approved
  personal flotation device; or
                     (B)  for an artificial body of water, a properly
  fitted and fastened Type II or Type III United States Coast Guard
  approved personal flotation device; and
               (2)  ensure the child is wearing the appropriate
  personal flotation device and the device is properly fitted and
  fastened for the child.
         (e)  The organization is not required to provide a child with
  a flotation device under Subsection (d) if:
               (1)  the child is actively participating in swim
  instruction; and
               (2)  the organization ensures that each child
  participating in the instruction is closely supervised during the
         (f)  An organization licensed or otherwise regulated by this
  state that violates this section or rules adopted under this
  section is subject to disciplinary action, including the imposition
  of an administrative penalty, by any state regulatory agency with
  the power to take disciplinary action against that organization as
  if the organization violated the organization's licensing or other
  regulatory laws or rules.
         (g)  The executive commissioner may adopt rules necessary to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.