87R1818 SCL-D
  By: Thierry H.B. No. 1989
  relating to the state reserve of personal protective equipment for
  health care workers and essential personnel.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 81, Health and Safety Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter K to read as follows:
         Sec. 81.451.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Advisory committee" means the Personal
  Protective Equipment Reserve Advisory Committee established under
  Section 81.454. This subdivision expires September 1, 2023.
               (2)  "Essential personnel" means:
                     (A)  government employees or personnel at a
  primary or secondary school, a child-care facility defined by
  Section 42.002, Human Resources Code, or a corrections facility
  defined by Section 89.101, who are expected to continue working
  through a public health disaster or other public health emergency;
                     (B)  personnel the executive commissioner
  considers vital to public health and safety or economic and
  national security.
               (3)  "Health care worker" means any individual who
  provides health care services to patients or provides support
  services to those health care providers, including physicians,
  pharmacists, dentists, clinicians, nurses, aides, technicians,
  janitorial and housekeeping staff, food service workers, and
  nonmanagerial administrative staff.
               (4)  "Personal protective equipment" means specialized
  clothing or equipment, including masks, gloves, and gowns, worn for
  protection against infectious materials.
               (5)  "Reserve" means the personal protective equipment
  reserve established and maintained under this subchapter.
  department, in coordination with other relevant state agencies,
  shall establish and maintain a reserve of personal protective
  equipment for use by health care workers and essential personnel
  during a public health disaster or other public health emergency.
  The reserve must maintain at least a 90-day supply of the equipment.
         Sec. 81.453.  MANAGEMENT OF RESERVE. (a) The executive
  commissioner by rule shall establish guidelines for the
  procurement, storage, and distribution of the reserve's personal
  protective equipment.
         (b)  At a minimum, the executive commissioner, when adopting
  rules under this section, must consider:
               (1)  the types of personal protective equipment that
  may be required during a public health disaster or other public
  health emergency;
               (2)  the length of time each type of personal
  protective equipment in the reserve remains usable and the
  procedures for restocking a portion of each type of equipment to
  ensure the reserve includes only unexpired equipment;
               (3)  the amount of each type of personal protective
  equipment required to supply all health care workers and essential
  personnel in this state with the equipment for 90 days during a
  public health disaster or other public health emergency;
               (4)  successes and failures during previous public
  health disasters and other public health emergencies in this state,
  including successes and failures regarding procurement, storage,
  or distribution of personal protective equipment;
               (5)  guidance on defining essential personnel based on
  different potential hazards;
               (6)  geographical distribution of personal protective
               (7)  guidance on establishing policies and standards
  regarding the reserve's surge capacity to ensure health care
  workers and essential personnel have access to an adequate supply
  of personal protective equipment during a public health disaster or
  other public health emergency;
               (8)  the policies and funding required for this state
  to establish a reserve; and
               (9)  the distribution prioritization if the supply of
  personal protective equipment is insufficient to meet the needs of
  health care workers and essential personnel requesting equipment
  from the reserve, including considering whether the requestor is:
                     (A)  located in an area with a high density of
  low-income residents;
                     (B)  located in or disproportionately serves a
  medically underserved area as designated by the United States
  Department of Health and Human Services; and
                     (C)  located in a county with a high infection
  rate or high hospitalization rate related to a public health
  disaster or public health emergency.
         (b-1)  In adopting rules under this section, the executive
  commissioner shall consider the recommendations of the advisory
  committee. This subsection expires September 1, 2023.
         (c)  The guidelines for personal protective equipment
  standards adopted under this section may not be less protective or
  stringent than federal, state, or local guidelines on personal
  protective equipment.
         Sec. 81.454.  ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a) The department shall
  establish the Personal Protective Equipment Reserve Advisory
  Committee composed of the following members appointed by the
  executive commissioner:
               (1)  one representative of an association representing
  different types of hospitals and health systems;
               (2)  one representative of an association representing
  nursing facilities;
               (3)  one representative of an association representing
  primary care clinics;
               (4)  one representative of a statewide association
  representing physicians;
               (5)  two representatives of labor organizations that
  represent health care workers;
               (6)  two representatives of labor organizations that
  represent essential personnel;
               (7)  one representative from the personal protective
  equipment manufacturing industry;
               (8)  one consumer representative;
               (9)  one representative from an association
  representing counties;
               (10)  one representative from the department;
               (11)  one representative from the Texas Division of
  Emergency Management; and
               (12)  one representative from the commission.
         (b)  The advisory committee shall make recommendations to
  the executive commissioner as necessary to develop the rules
  required under Section 81.453.
         (c)  This section expires and the advisory committee is
  abolished September 1, 2023.
         SECTION 2.  (a) The Department of State Health Services
  shall establish the personal protective equipment reserve as
  required by Section 81.452, Health and Safety Code, as added by this
  Act, not later than September 1, 2022.
         (b)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall adopt rules necessary to implement
  Section 81.453, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, not
  later than September 1, 2022.
         (c)  As soon as practicable after the effective date of this
  Act, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services
  Commission shall appoint members to the Personal Protective
  Equipment Reserve Advisory Committee established under Section
  81.454, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.