By: Larson H.B. No. 3137
  relating to a medical cannabis research program.
         SECTION 1.  Section 481.062(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The following persons may possess a controlled
  substance under this chapter without registering with the Federal
  Drug Enforcement Administration:
               (1)  an agent or employee of a manufacturer,
  distributor, analyzer, or dispenser of the controlled substance who
  is registered with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration and
  acting in the usual course of business or employment;
               (2)  a common or contract carrier, a warehouseman, or
  an employee of a carrier or warehouseman whose possession of the
  controlled substance is in the usual course of business or
               (3)  an ultimate user or a person in possession of the
  controlled substance under a lawful order of a practitioner or in
  lawful possession of the controlled substance if it is listed in
  Schedule V;
               (4)  an officer or employee of this state, another
  state, a political subdivision of this state or another state, or
  the United States who is lawfully engaged in the enforcement of a
  law relating to a controlled substance or drug or to a customs law
  and authorized to possess the controlled substance in the discharge
  of the person's official duties;
               (5)  if the substance is tetrahydrocannabinol or one of
  its derivatives:
                     (A)  a Department of State Health Services
  official, a medical school researcher, or a research program
  participant possessing the substance as authorized under
  Subchapter G or G-1, including all persons permitted or otherwise
  authorized to possess cannabis under Subchapter G-1; or
                     (B)  a practitioner or an ultimate user possessing
  the substance as a participant in a federally approved therapeutic
  research program that the commissioner has reviewed and found, in
  writing, to contain a medically responsible research protocol; or
               (6)  a dispensing organization licensed under Chapter
  487 that possesses low-THC cannabis.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter G-1 to read as follows:
         Sec. 481.251.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "commission"
  means the Health and Human Services Commission.
         Sec. 481.252.  MEDICAL CANNABIS RESEARCH PROGRAM. (a) Not
  later than January 31, 2022, the executive commissioner by rule
  shall establish a medical cannabis research program to be conducted
  by health-related institutions of higher education in this state.
         (b)  In adopting rules under this section, the executive
  commissioner may provide:
               (1)  procedures for a health-related institution of
  higher education in this state to apply to the commission for a
  permit to conduct medical cannabis research under the program
  established by this subchapter; and
               (2)  criteria for granting a permit to a health-related
  institution of higher education to conduct medical cannabis
         Sec. 481.253.  INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD. (a) Before
  applying for a permit under this subchapter, a health-related
  institution of higher education shall establish an institutional
  review board to review or approve the initiation of and conduct
  periodic review of research programs to ensure the legal protection
  of the rights and welfare of human research subjects.
         (b)  The institution may designate an existing board,
  committee, or other group as the institutional review board
  required under this section.
         Sec. 481.254.  COMPASSIONATE-USE RESEARCH. (a) A
  health-related institution of higher education may apply for a
  permit to research:
               (1)  the efficacy of medical cannabis product
  formulations and product forms;
               (2)  medical conditions that might benefit from
  treatment with medical cannabis and are approved by the
  health-related institution's institutional review board, including
  those not listed in Section 169.003, Occupations Code; and
               (3)  any other research matter approved by the
  institution's institutional review board.
         (b)  In applying for a permit, the health-related
  institution of higher education shall disclose any private sector
  organization contractors under Section 481.255 and shall disclose
  additional contractors as additional contractors are formed.
         Sec. 481.255.  CONTRACTORS. (a) A health-related
  institution of higher education granted a permit under this
  subchapter shall be authorized to contract with one or more private
  sector organizations to fulfill the terms of the permit, including
  contracting for the production and distribution of medical
         (b)  A private sector organization is eligible to contract
  with a health-related institution of higher education under this
  subchapter if the organization:
               (1)  meets all requirements for a dispensing
  organization under Chapter 487, except that the participant is not
  required to pay a licensing or application fee;
               (2)  demonstrates capability to provide funding to
  support medical cannabis research activities at a health-related
  institution of higher education;
               (3)  demonstrates capability to establish and operate a
  production and distribution system sufficient to support research
  program needs; and
               (4)  is not a dispensing organization licensed under
  Chapter 487, owned or controlled by any direct or indirect owner of
  a licensed dispensing organization, or otherwise affiliated with a
  licensed dispensing organization.
         (c)  The commission shall approve contractors between
  health-related institutions of higher education and private sector
  organizations authorized under this subchapter.
         Sec. 481.256.  PATIENT TREATMENT. (a) Patient treatment
  provided as part of an approved research program under this
  subchapter may be administered only by a medical practitioner
  meeting standards approved by the institution's institutional
  review board.
         (b)  A patient participating in a research program under this
  subchapter must be a permanent resident of this state.
         Sec. 481.257.  INFORMED CONSENT. (a) Before receiving
  treatment under an approved research program, each patient must
  sign a written informed consent form.
         (b)  If a patient is a minor or lacks the mental capacity to
  provide informed consent, a parent, guardian, or conservator may
  provide informed consent on the patient's behalf.
         (c)  The executive commissioner shall adopt a form to be used
  for the informed consent required by this section.
  private sector organization contracting with a health-related
  institution of higher education under this subchapter shall be
  eligible for licensure as a dispensing organization under Chapter
  487, or any other law that authorizes cultivating, processing, and
  dispensing cannabis, on or after the second anniversary of the date
  the organization entered into a contract with a health-related
  institution of higher education related to a research program
  authorized under this subchapter, provided that the organization's
  operations comply with applicable state law.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.