87R7777 RDS-F
  By: King of Parker H.B. No. 3833
  relating to the additional ad valorem tax and interest imposed as a
  result of a change in the use of certain land.
         SECTION 1.  Section 23.86(a), Tax Code, is amended to read as
         (a)  If land that has been appraised under this subchapter is
  no longer subject to a deed restriction or is diverted to a use
  other than recreational, park, or scenic uses, an additional tax is
  imposed on the land equal to the difference between the taxes
  imposed on the land for each of the three [five] years preceding the
  year in which the change of use occurs or the deed restriction
  expires that the land was appraised as provided by this subchapter
  and the tax that would have been imposed had the land not been
  restricted to recreational, park, or scenic uses in each of those
  years, plus interest at an annual rate of five [seven] percent
  calculated from the dates on which the differences would have
  become due.
         SECTION 2.  Section 23.96(a), Tax Code, is amended to read as
         (a)  If airport property that has been appraised under this
  subchapter is no longer subject to a deed restriction, an
  additional tax is imposed on the property equal to the difference
  between the taxes imposed on the property for each of the three
  [five] years preceding the year in which the deed restriction
  expires that the property was appraised as provided by this
  subchapter and the tax that would have been imposed had the property
  not been restricted to use as public access airport property in each
  of those years, plus interest at an annual rate of five [seven]
  percent calculated from the dates on which the differences would
  have become due.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 23.9807(a) and (b), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If the use of land that has been appraised as provided by
  this subchapter changes to a use that qualifies the land for
  appraisal under Subchapter E, an additional tax is imposed on the
  land equal to the sum of:
               (1)  the difference between:
                     (A)  the taxes imposed on the land for each of the
  three [five] years preceding the year in which the change of use
  occurs that the land was appraised as provided by this subchapter;
                     (B)  the taxes that would have been imposed had
  the land been appraised under Subchapter E in each of those years;
               (2)  interest at an annual rate of five [seven] percent
  calculated from the dates on which the differences would have
  become due.
         (b)  If the use of land that has been appraised as provided by
  this subchapter changes to a use that does not qualify the land for
  appraisal under Subchapter E or under this subchapter, an
  additional tax is imposed on the land equal to the sum of:
               (1)  the difference between:
                     (A)  the taxes imposed on the land for each of the
  three [five] years preceding the year in which the change of use
  occurs that the land was appraised as provided by this subchapter;
                     (B)  the taxes that would have been imposed had
  the land been taxed on the basis of market value in each of those
  years; and
               (2)  interest at an annual rate of five [seven] percent
  calculated from the dates on which the differences would have
  become due.
         SECTION 4.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  a change of use of land appraised under Subchapter F, G, or H,
  Chapter 23, Tax Code, that occurs on or after the effective date of
  this Act. A change in the use of land appraised under Subchapter F,
  G, or H, Chapter 23, Tax Code, that occurs before the effective date
  of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the change
  of use occurred, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.