WHEREAS, The observance of Texas Retired Teachers Week from |
April 5 through 9, 2021, provides a welcome opportunity to |
recognize the members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association for |
the vital contributions they have made to the state; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Retired Teachers Association represents |
retired public school and higher education employees; and |
WHEREAS, The members of this notable group continually strive |
to improve their local communities throughout the state, and they |
have donated over 3.6 million hours of their time as volunteers, |
equivalent to a value of more than $99 million; to promote literacy |
and lifelong learning, they have also provided over 1.25 million |
books to children through the Children's Book Project, including |
101,537 last year alone; and |
WHEREAS, Conscious of the effect their health has on the |
world around them, members of the association seek to preserve the |
TRS-Care benefits program by reducing doctor visits, exercising |
regularly, and eating healthy foods; and |
WHEREAS, Retiree annuity payments from the Teacher |
Retirement System of Texas have exceeded $11.6 billion and have |
directly created 194,544 jobs in the Lone Star State; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Retired Teachers Association and its |
nearly 100,000 members are working diligently to protect current |
and future public education retirees; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize April 5 through 9, 2021, as Texas |
Retired Teachers Week; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the association as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |