WHEREAS, Carlyle Morris, a student at the Liberal Arts and |
Science Academy in Austin, has achieved great distinction by |
finishing among the top 100 contestants in the 2021 CyberStart |
America National Cyber Scholarship Competition; and |
WHEREAS, The CyberStart America Initiative is an innovative |
cybersecurity training program in which high school students |
compete for scholarships and prizes; developed by the SANS |
Institute, the initiative encourages the next generation to pursue |
careers in the field; in the CyberStart online challenge, students |
take on the role of a cyber protection agent and work to solve |
realistic problems and puzzles and to explore such topics as |
cryptography and digital forensics; and |
WHEREAS, A junior at LASA, Mr. Morris was one of just seven |
students from Texas who ranked in the top two percent of the more |
than 5,000 CyberStart participants nationwide; and |
WHEREAS, This talented young Texan has demonstrated |
exceptional skill and ingenuity in an emerging technology field, |
and his abilities are sure to serve him well in the years ahead; |
now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Carlyle Morris on finishing in the |
top 100 contestants in the 2021 CyberStart America National Cyber |
Scholarship Competition and extend to him sincere best wishes for |
the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mr. Morris as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |