87R27688 KSM-D
  By: Kacal H.R. No. 1403
         WHEREAS, All who shared in the life of Charlotte Han Sharp of
  College Station were deeply saddened by her passing on December 15,
  2020, at the age of 67; and
         WHEREAS, The former Charlotte Han was born in Temple on
  August 20, 1953, to Robert and Millicent Han, and she grew up in
  Austin with two brothers, Robert and Hampden; she majored in
  textiles and clothing at The University of Texas at Austin and
  graduated in 1977 with a home economics degree; and
         WHEREAS, In 1978, she exchanged wedding vows with John Sharp,
  and the couple shared a rewarding marriage of more than four
  decades; they became the parents of two children, Spencer and
  Victoria, and later welcomed two granddaughters, Simone and Freya,
  into their family; throughout her husband's service as state
  representative, state senator, state comptroller, railroad
  commissioner, and Texas A&M University System chancellor,
  Ms. Sharp was a close partner and supporter; in the 1990s, the
  couple worked with United Jewish Appeal to relocate hundreds of
  Jewish families from Russia to Israel; and
         WHEREAS, Guided by her faith, Ms. Sharp was a cofounder of
  St. Gabriel's Catholic School in Austin and an active member of
  St. Mary's Catholic Center in College Station, where she worked
  with youth; an admired philanthropist, she focused on helping women
  and children through her many community and humanitarian efforts,
  and she raised funds for such organizations as Texas Children's
  Hospital and the Dell Children's Medical Center; as the honorary
  chair of the 2015 Magnolia Tea, she assisted in raising a record
  amount of scholarship money for Texas A&M medical students; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Sharp was also involved with the Junior League
  of Victoria, the Junior League of Austin, the Woman's Club of
  Bryan-College Station, and the National Charity League; she served
  on the board of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas
  and volunteered with Caritas of Austin and Mobile Loaves & Fishes;
  further, she belonged to the Senate Ladies Club of Texas and the
  Legislative Ladies Club; and
         WHEREAS, Charlotte Sharp possessed a generosity of spirit
  that expressed itself in myriad ways, and she enriched the lives of
  countless people with her many good works; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Charlotte Han Sharp
  and extend sincere condolences to the members of her family: to her
  husband, the Honorable John Sharp; to her children, Spencer and
  Victoria; to her daughter-in-law, Brigitte; to her granddaughters,
  Simone and Freya; to her brother, Robert Dale Han Jr.; and to her
  other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Charlotte