87R27666 TBO-D
  By: Sanford H.R. No. 1657
         WHEREAS, Family and friends will long cherish their memories
  of James Kemp of McKinney, who passed away on December 29, 2020, at
  the age of 70; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Richard and Muriel Kemp, Jim Kemp was born
  on September 24, 1950, in Bentonville, Arkansas, and grew up with
  five siblings, Ruth, Joann, Helen, Richard, and Debbie; he
  graduated from South Tahoe High School in California and went on to
  attend Mississippi State University; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Kemp served in the U.S. Air Force as a member of
  the military police at Hahn Air Base in Germany and later as a
  navigator and radar navigator on B-52 bombers; in the course of a
  career in computer programming, he worked as a technical trainer at
  ARGO Data; furthermore, he was an adjunct professor at TCJC and
  Collin College; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Kemp benefited his community as a volunteer with
  the Collin County Sheriff's Office, and he was an amateur radio
  operator; a man of deep faith, he was a deacon at Waddill Street
  Baptist Church; and
         WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Kemp enjoyed the love and
  support of his wife, Carol, and he took great pride in their
  children, Katie, Josh, and Christina; with the passing years, he
  had the pleasure of seeing his family grow to include four
  grandchildren, Ellie, Max, Mikey, and Brayden; and
         WHEREAS, Admired for his quiet strength and keen sense of
  humor, Jim Kemp lived a caring and purposeful life, and he leaves
  behind a record of service that his loved ones can remember with
  pride; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of James Kemp and
  extend sincere condolences to all who mourn his passing; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Jim Kemp.