WHEREAS, Family and friends will long cherish their memories |
of James Kemp of McKinney, who passed away on December 29, 2020, at |
the age of 70; and |
WHEREAS, The son of Richard and Muriel Kemp, Jim Kemp was born |
on September 24, 1950, in Bentonville, Arkansas, and grew up with |
five siblings, Ruth, Joann, Helen, Richard, and Debbie; he |
graduated from South Tahoe High School in California and went on to |
attend Mississippi State University; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Kemp served in the U.S. Air Force as a member of |
the military police at Hahn Air Base in Germany and later as a |
navigator and radar navigator on B-52 bombers; in the course of a |
career in computer programming, he worked as a technical trainer at |
ARGO Data; furthermore, he was an adjunct professor at TCJC and |
Collin College; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Kemp benefited his community as a volunteer with |
the Collin County Sheriff's Office, and he was an amateur radio |
operator; a man of deep faith, he was a deacon at Waddill Street |
Baptist Church; and |
WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Kemp enjoyed the love and |
support of his wife, Carol, and he took great pride in their |
children, Katie, Josh, and Christina; with the passing years, he |
had the pleasure of seeing his family grow to include four |
grandchildren, Ellie, Max, Mikey, and Brayden; and |
WHEREAS, Admired for his quiet strength and keen sense of |
humor, Jim Kemp lived a caring and purposeful life, and he leaves |
behind a record of service that his loved ones can remember with |
pride; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of James Kemp and |
extend sincere condolences to all who mourn his passing; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Jim Kemp. |