WHEREAS, Samuel Ojeda is graduating from Louis D. Brandeis |
High School in San Antonio in 2021, and he has been accepted to The |
University of Texas at San Antonio; and |
WHEREAS, The proud son of Mexican immigrants, Mr. Ojeda has |
excelled academically during his high school career, ranking 17th |
in his graduating class, while earning a diploma with a |
concentration in science, technology, engineering, and math; and |
WHEREAS, In the fall, Mr. Ojeda plans to join the Class of |
2025 at UTSA, where he will pursue a degree in chemical engineering; |
he hopes to join the eight percent of Latinos in the STEM field and |
expand the diversity of the engineering workforce; and |
WHEREAS, Exciting challenges and opportunities await this |
outstanding young Texan, and it is a pleasure to join his family and |
friends in recognizing him as he embarks on a future bright with |
promise; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Samuel Ojeda on his college |
acceptance and graduation from Louis D. Brandeis High School and |
extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mr. Ojeda as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |
Anchia |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 2088 was adopted by the House on May |
31, 2021, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |