relating to probate and guardianship matters and proceedings and |
other matters involving probate courts. |
SECTION 1. Section 30.014(a), Civil Practice and Remedies |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) In a civil action, including a probate or guardianship |
proceeding, filed in a district court, county court, [or] statutory |
county court, or statutory probate court, each party or the party's |
attorney shall include in its initial pleading: |
(1) the last three numbers of the party's driver's |
license number, if the party has been issued a driver's license; and |
(2) the last three numbers of the party's social |
security number, if the party has been issued a social security |
number. |
SECTION 2. Section 33.101, Estates Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
PROPER. If probate proceedings involving the same estate are |
commenced in more than one county and the court making a |
determination of venue as provided by Section 33.053 determines |
that venue is proper in another county, the court clerk shall make |
and retain a copy of the entire file in the case and transmit the |
original file in electronic or paper form to the court in the county |
in which venue is proper. The court to which the file is |
transmitted shall conduct the proceeding in the same manner as if |
the proceeding had originally been commenced in that county. |
SECTION 3. Section 33.102(a), Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) If it appears to the court at any time before the final |
order in a probate proceeding is rendered that the court does not |
have priority of venue over the proceeding, the court shall, on the |
application of an interested person, transfer the proceeding to the |
proper county by transmitting to the proper court in that county in |
electronic or paper form: |
(1) the original file in the case; and |
(2) certified copies of all entries that have been |
made in the judge's probate docket in the proceeding. |
SECTION 4. Section 33.103, Estates Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: |
(c) The transmittal under Subsection (b) of the original |
file and the certified copy of the index may be in electronic or |
paper form, except that an original will filed in the probate |
proceeding, if any, must be delivered to the court to which the |
proceeding is transferred. |
SECTION 5. Section 51.003(b), Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) A citation or notice issued by the county clerk must be |
styled "The State of Texas" and be signed by the clerk under the |
court's [clerk's] seal. |
SECTION 6. Section 202.054, Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The court may require that service of citation in a proceeding |
to declare heirship be made by personal service on some or all of |
those named as distributees in the application filed under Section |
202.005. |
(b) If a distributee to be cited under Subsection (a) is |
absent from or is not a resident of this state, any disinterested |
person competent to make an oath that the citation was served may |
serve the citation. |
SECTION 7. Section 351.351, Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 351.351. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter does not |
apply to: |
(1) the appointment of an independent executor or |
administrator under Section 401.002 or 401.003(a); or |
(2) the appointment of a successor independent |
administrator [executor] under Section 404.005. |
SECTION 8. Section 404.0036(b), Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) If an independent executor is removed by the court under |
Section 404.003 or 404.0035, the court may, on application, appoint |
a successor independent administrator [executor] as provided by |
Section 404.005. |
SECTION 9. The heading to Section 404.005, Estates Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 10. Sections 404.005(a), (b), (c), (h), and (i), |
Estates Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) If the will of a person who dies testate names an |
independent executor who, having qualified, fails for any reason to |
continue to serve, or is removed for cause by the court, and the |
will does not name a successor independent executor or if each |
successor executor named in the will fails for any reason to qualify |
as executor or indicates by affidavit filed with the application |
for an order continuing independent administration the successor |
executor's inability or unwillingness to serve as successor |
independent executor, all of the distributees of the decedent as of |
the filing of the application for an order continuing independent |
administration may apply to the probate court for the appointment |
of a qualified person, firm, or corporation to serve as successor |
independent administrator [executor]. If the probate court finds |
that continued administration of the estate is necessary, the court |
shall enter an order continuing independent administration and |
appointing the person, firm, or corporation designated in the |
application as successor independent administrator [executor], |
unless the probate court finds that it would not be in the best |
interest of the estate to do so. The successor independent |
administrator [executor] shall serve with all of the powers and |
privileges granted to the successor's predecessor independent |
executor. |
(b) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, if a |
distributee described in this section is an incapacitated person, |
the guardian of the person of the distributee may sign the |
application on behalf of the distributee. If the probate court |
finds that either the continuing of independent administration or |
the appointment of the person, firm, or corporation designated in |
the application as successor independent administrator [executor] |
would not be in the best interest of the incapacitated person, then, |
notwithstanding Subsection (a), the court may not enter an order |
continuing independent administration of the estate. If the |
distributee is an incapacitated person and has no guardian of the |
person, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to make |
application on behalf of the incapacitated person if the probate |
court considers such an appointment necessary to protect the |
interest of that distributee. If a distributee described in this |
section is a minor and has no guardian of the person, a natural |
guardian of the minor may sign the application for the order |
continuing independent administration on the minor's behalf unless |
a conflict of interest exists between the minor and the natural |
guardian. |
(c) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, if a |
trust is created in the decedent's will or if the decedent's will |
devises property to a trustee as described by Section 254.001, the |
person or class of persons entitled to receive property outright |
from the trust on the decedent's death and those first eligible to |
receive the income from the trust, determined as if the trust were |
to be in existence on the date of the filing of the application for |
an order continuing independent administration, shall, for the |
purposes of this section, be considered to be the distributee or |
distributees on behalf of the trust, and any other trust or trusts |
coming into existence on the termination of the trust, and are |
authorized to apply for an order continuing independent |
administration on behalf of the trust without the consent or |
agreement of the trustee or any other beneficiary of the trust, or |
the trustee or any beneficiary of any other trust which may come |
into existence on the termination of the trust. If a person |
considered to be a distributee under this subsection is an |
incapacitated person, the trustee or cotrustee may apply for the |
order continuing independent administration or sign the |
application on the incapacitated person's behalf if the trustee or |
cotrustee is not the person proposed to serve as the independent |
administrator [executor]. |
(h) If a successor independent administrator [executor] is |
appointed under this section, then, unless the probate court shall |
waive bond on application for waiver, the successor independent |
administrator [executor] shall be required to enter into bond |
payable to and to be approved by the judge and the judge's |
successors in a sum that is found by the judge to be adequate under |
all circumstances, or a bond with one surety in an amount that is |
found by the judge to be adequate under all circumstances, if the |
surety is an authorized corporate surety. |
(i) Absent proof of fraud or collusion on the part of a |
judge, the judge may not be held civilly liable for the commission |
of misdeeds or the omission of any required act of any person, firm, |
or corporation designated as a successor independent administrator |
[executor] under this section. Section 351.354 does not apply to an |
appointment of a successor independent administrator [executor] |
under this section. |
SECTION 11. Section 452.006, Estates Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: |
(c) The appointee shall file with the court proof of service |
of the notice required under Subsection (a) in the manner provided |
by Section 51.103(b)(3). |
SECTION 12. Section 503.002, Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
REQUIRED]. (a) An authenticated copy of a will or other |
testamentary instrument described by Section 503.001(a), along |
with a copy of the judgment, order, or decree by which the |
instrument was admitted to probate that has the attestation and |
certificate required by Section 501.002(c), that is written in |
whole or in part in a language other than English may be filed for |
recording in the deed records in any county in this state in which |
the land conveyed or disposed of in the instrument is located if: |
(1) a correct English translation is recorded with the |
authenticated copies of the will or other testamentary instrument |
and judgment, order, or decree by which the instrument was admitted |
to probate; and |
(2) the accuracy of the translation is sworn to before |
an officer authorized to administer oaths [Notwithstanding Section |
501.002(c), the original signatures required by that section may |
not be required for a recordation in the deed records in accordance |
with Section 503.001 or for a purpose described by Section 503.051 |
or 503.052]. |
(b) The recording of an authenticated copy of a will or |
other testamentary instrument and a copy of the judgment, order, or |
decree in the manner provided by Subsection (a) operates as |
constructive notice from the date of filing to all persons of the: |
(1) existence of the instrument; and |
(2) title or titles conferred by the instrument. |
SECTION 13. Section 1023.006, Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 1023.006. TRANSFER OF RECORD. When an order of |
transfer is made under Section 1023.005, the clerk shall record any |
unrecorded papers of the guardianship required to be recorded. On |
payment of the clerk's fee, the clerk shall transmit in electronic |
or paper form to the county clerk of the county to which the |
guardianship was ordered transferred: |
(1) the case file of the guardianship proceedings; and |
(2) a certified copy of the index of the guardianship |
records. |
SECTION 14. Section 1023.007, Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 1023.007. TRANSFER EFFECTIVE. The order transferring |
a guardianship does not take effect until: |
(1) the case file and a certified copy of the index |
required by Section 1023.006 are filed in electronic or paper form |
in the office of the county clerk of the county to which the |
guardianship was ordered transferred; and |
(2) a certificate under the clerk's official seal and |
reporting the filing of the case file and a certified copy of the |
index is filed in electronic or paper form in the court ordering the |
transfer by the county clerk of the county to which the guardianship |
was ordered transferred. |
SECTION 15. Section 1051.003(b), Estates Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) A citation or notice issued by the county clerk must be |
styled "The State of Texas" and be signed by the clerk under the |
court's [clerk's] seal. |
SECTION 16. The heading to Chapter 1054, Estates Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 17. The heading to Subchapter E, Chapter 1054, |
Estates Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 18. Section 1054.201, Estates Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as |
follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), an [An] attorney |
representing any person's interests [for an applicant for |
guardianship and a court-appointed attorney] in a guardianship |
proceeding, including an attorney ad litem, must be certified by |
the State Bar of Texas, or a person or other entity designated by |
the state bar, as having successfully completed a course of study in |
guardianship law and procedure sponsored by the state bar or the |
state bar's designee. |
(c) An attorney may commence representation of a person's |
interests and file an appearance in a guardianship proceeding |
before completing the course required for certification under |
Subsection (a), but must complete the course not later than the 14th |
day after the date of filing the appearance and before filing any |
substantive motion in the guardianship proceeding. |
SECTION 19. Section 1101.001(b), Estates Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) The application must be sworn to by the applicant and |
state: |
(1) the proposed ward's name, sex, date of birth, and |
address; |
(2) the name, former name, if any, relationship, and |
address of the person the applicant seeks to have appointed as |
guardian; |
(3) whether guardianship of the person or estate, or |
both, is sought; |
(3-a) whether alternatives to guardianship and |
available supports and services to avoid guardianship were |
considered; |
(3-b) whether any alternatives to guardianship and |
supports and services available to the proposed ward considered are |
feasible and would avoid the need for a guardianship; |
(4) the nature and degree of the alleged incapacity, |
the specific areas of protection and assistance requested, and the |
limitation or termination of rights requested to be included in the |
court's order of appointment, including a termination of: |
(A) the right of a proposed ward who is 18 years |
of age or older to vote in a public election; |
(B) the proposed ward's eligibility to hold or |
obtain a license to operate a motor vehicle under Chapter 521, |
Transportation Code; and |
(C) the right of a proposed ward to make personal |
decisions regarding residence; |
(5) the facts requiring the appointment of a guardian; |
(6) the interest of the applicant in the appointment |
of a guardian; |
(7) the nature and description of any kind of |
guardianship existing for the proposed ward in any other state; |
(8) the name and address of any person or institution |
having the care and custody of the proposed ward; |
(9) the approximate value and a detailed description |
of the proposed ward's property, including: |
(A) liquid assets, including any compensation, |
pension, insurance, or allowance to which the proposed ward may be |
entitled; and |
(B) non-liquid assets, including real property; |
(10) the name and address of any person whom the |
applicant knows to hold a power of attorney signed by the proposed |
ward and a description of the type of power of attorney; |
(11) for a proposed ward who is a minor, the following |
information if known by the applicant: |
(A) the name of each of the proposed ward's |
parents and either the parent's address or that the parent is |
deceased; |
(B) the name and age of each of the proposed |
ward's siblings, if any, and either the sibling's address or that |
the sibling is deceased; and |
(C) if each of the proposed ward's parents and |
adult siblings are deceased, the names and addresses of the |
proposed ward's other living relatives who are related to the |
proposed ward within the third degree by consanguinity and who are |
adults; |
(12) for a proposed ward who is a minor, whether the |
minor was the subject of a legal or conservatorship proceeding in |
the preceding two years and, if so: |
(A) the court involved; |
(B) the nature of the proceeding; and |
(C) any final disposition of the proceeding; |
(13) for a proposed ward who is an adult, the following |
information if known by the applicant: |
(A) the name of the proposed ward's spouse, if |
any, and either the spouse's address or that the spouse is deceased; |
(B) the name of each of the proposed ward's |
parents and either the parent's address or that the parent is |
deceased; |
(C) the name and age of each of the proposed |
ward's siblings, if any, and either the sibling's address or that |
the sibling is deceased; |
(D) the name and age of each of the proposed |
ward's children, if any, and either the child's address or that the |
child is deceased; and |
(E) if there is no living spouse, parent, adult |
sibling, or adult child of the proposed ward, the names and |
addresses of the proposed ward's other living relatives who are |
related to the proposed ward within the third degree by |
consanguinity and who are adults; |
(14) facts showing that the court has venue of the |
proceeding; and |
(15) if applicable, that the person whom the applicant |
seeks to have appointed as a guardian is a private professional |
guardian who is certified under Subchapter C, Chapter 155, |
Government Code, and has complied with the requirements of |
Subchapter G, Chapter 1104. |
SECTION 20. Section 1101.153(a), Estates Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) A court order appointing a guardian must: |
(1) specify: |
(A) [(1)] the name of the person appointed; |
(B) [(2)] the name of the ward; |
(C) [(3)] whether the guardian is of the person |
or estate of the ward, or both; |
(D) [(4)] the amount of any bond required; |
(E) [(5)] if it is a guardianship of the estate |
of the ward and the court considers an appraisal to be necessary, |
one, two, or three disinterested persons to appraise the estate and |
to return the appraisement to the court; and |
(F) [(6)] that the clerk will issue letters of |
guardianship to the person appointed when the person has qualified |
according to law; and |
(2) if the court waives the guardian's training |
requirement, contain a finding that the waiver is in accordance |
with rules adopted by the supreme court under Section 155.203, |
Government Code. |
SECTION 21. Subchapter A, Chapter 1151, Estates Code, is |
amended by adding Section 1151.005 to read as follows: |
WITNESS. The guardian of the person or of the estate of a ward may |
not be excluded from attending a legal proceeding in which the ward |
is: |
(1) a party; or |
(2) participating as a witness. |
SECTION 22. Section 1251.005, Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 1251.005. NOTICE OF APPLICATION. (a) On the filing of |
an application for temporary guardianship, the court clerk shall |
issue: |
(1) citation [notice] to be served on: |
(A) [(1)] the proposed ward; and |
[(2) the proposed ward's appointed attorney; and] |
(B) [(3)] the proposed temporary guardian named |
in the application, if that person is not the applicant. |
(2) notice to be served on the proposed ward's |
appointed attorney. |
(b) [The notice] A citation or notice served as provided by |
Subsection (a) must describe: |
(1) the rights of the parties; and |
(2) the date, time, place, purpose, and possible |
consequences of a hearing on the application. |
(c) A citation served as provided by Subsection (a) must |
contain the statement regarding the right under Section 1051.252 to |
be notified of any or all motions, applications, or pleadings |
relating to the application for the guardianship or any subsequent |
guardianship proceeding involving the ward after the guardianship |
is created, if any. |
(d) A copy of the application must be attached to the |
notice. If you cannot make this change because of the time, we |
understand. |
SECTION 23. Section 1253.001, Estates Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
FOREIGN JURISDICTION. On application of the guardian or on the |
court's own motion, a [A guardian of the person or estate may apply |
to the] court that has jurisdiction over the guardianship may [to] |
transfer the guardianship to a court in a foreign jurisdiction to |
which the ward has permanently moved. |
SECTION 24. Section 25.0006, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (a-5) to read as |
follows: |
(a) Notwithstanding any other law except Subsection (a-4), |
Subsections (a-1), (a-2), [and] (a-3), and (a-5) control over a |
specific provision for a particular court or county that attempts |
to create a requirement for a bond or insurance that conflicts with |
those subsections. |
(a-5) A bond executed under Subsection (a-1) by the judge |
elected or appointed to a statutory county court or an insurance |
policy obtained under Subsection (a-3) shall provide the same |
coverage to a visiting judge assigned to the court or to an |
associate judge appointed by the court as the bond or insurance |
policy provides to the judge elected or appointed to the court. |
SECTION 25. Section 25.00231, Government Code, is amended |
by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows: |
(f) Notwithstanding Subsection (e), a bond executed under |
Subsection (b) by the judge elected or appointed to a statutory |
probate court or an insurance policy obtained under Subsection (c) |
shall provide the same coverage to a visiting judge assigned to the |
court or to an associate judge appointed by the court as the bond or |
insurance policy provides to the judge elected or appointed to the |
court. |
SECTION 26. Section 26.001, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: |
(d) A bond executed under Subsection (a) by the judge |
elected or appointed to a county court or an insurance policy |
obtained under Subsection (c) shall provide the same coverage to a |
visiting judge assigned to the court as the bond or insurance policy |
provides to the judge elected or appointed to the court. |
SECTION 27. Section 25.0027, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 25.0027. JURIES; PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE. The drawing |
of jury panels, selection of jurors, and practice in the statutory |
probate courts must conform to that prescribed by law for county |
courts, except that practice, procedure, rules of evidence, |
issuance of process and writs, juries, including the number of |
jurors, and all other matters pertaining to the conduct of trials |
and hearings in the statutory probate courts involving those |
matters of concurrent jurisdiction with district courts are |
governed by the laws and rules pertaining to district courts, |
except that the parties may agree to try a particular case with |
fewer than 12 jurors. |
SECTION 28. Section 81.114, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (e) to read as |
follows: |
(a) The state bar shall provide a course of instruction for |
attorneys who represent any person's interests [parties] in |
guardianship cases or who serve as court-appointed guardians. |
(e) The course of instruction described by this section must |
be low-cost and available to persons throughout this state, |
including on the Internet provided through the state bar. |
SECTION 29. (a) Section 202.054, Estates Code, as amended |
by this Act, applies only to a proceeding to declare heirship |
commenced on or after the effective date of this Act. A proceeding |
to declare heirship commenced before that date is governed by the |
law in effect on the date the proceeding was commenced, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
(b) Section 452.006(c), Estates Code, as added by this Act, |
applies only to a temporary administrator appointed on or after the |
effective date of this Act. A temporary administrator appointed |
before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in |
effect on the date the administrator was appointed, and the former |
law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
(c) Section 503.002, Estates Code, as amended by this Act, |
applies only to a copy of a testamentary instrument or other |
document filed for recording on or after the effective date of this |
Act. A copy of a testamentary instrument or other document filed |
before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in |
effect on the date the instrument or document was filed, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
(d) Section 1101.001, Estates Code, as amended by this Act, |
applies only to an application for the appointment of a guardian |
filed on or after the effective date of this Act. An application |
for the appointment of a guardian filed before the effective date of |
this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the |
application was filed, and the former law is continued in effect for |
that purpose. |
(e) Sections 1054.201 and 1101.153, Estates Code, as |
amended by this Act, apply only to a guardianship proceeding |
commenced on or after the effective date of this Act. A |
guardianship proceeding commenced before the effective date of this |
Act is governed by the law applicable to the proceeding immediately |
before the effective date of this Act, and the former law is |
continued in effect for that purpose. |
(f) Section 1253.001, Estates Code, as amended by this Act, |
applies to a guardianship created before, on, or after the |
effective date of this Act. |
(g) The changes in law made by this Act to Sections 25.0006, |
25.00231, and 26.001, Government Code, apply only to an insurance |
policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after |
January 1, 2022. An insurance policy delivered, issued for |
delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2022, is governed by the law |
as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and |
that law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 30. This Act takes effect September 1, 2021. |