87R12137 KEL-F
  By: Creighton S.B. No. 1525
  relating to the administration of the governor's university
  research initiative.
         SECTION 1.  Section 62.161(2), Education Code, as added by
  Chapter 448 (H.B. 7), Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2015, is amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "Distinguished researcher" means:
                     (A)  an individual [a] researcher who [is]:
                           (i)  is [(A)]  a Nobel laureate or the
  recipient of an equivalent honor; [or]
                           (ii)  is [(B)]  a member of a national
  honorific society, such as the National Academy of Sciences, the
  National Academy of Engineering, or the Institute of Medicine, or
  an equivalent honorific organization; or
                           (iii)  has attained a highly prestigious
  national academic recognition, as defined by office rule; or
                     (B)  a group of researchers who have attained
  recognition as described by Paragraph (A)(iii).
         SECTION 2.  Section 62.162(c), Education Code, as added by
  Chapter 448 (H.B. 7), Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2015, is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  The office in consultation with the commissioner of
  higher education may adopt any rules the office considers necessary
  to administer this subchapter. The coordinating board shall
  recommend to the office the types of national academic recognitions
  that are considered to be highly prestigious for purposes of
  determining which individuals or groups qualify as a "distinguished
  researcher" under Section 62.161.
         SECTION 3.  Section 62.168(b), Education Code, as added by
  Chapter 448 (H.B. 7), Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2015, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The fund consists of:
               (1)  amounts appropriated or otherwise allocated or
  transferred by law to the fund; [and]
               (2)  gifts, grants, and other donations received for
  the fund; and
               (3)  money deposited to the fund under Section 62.169
  or under Section 490.101(b-1), Government Code, as added by
  Chapters 323 (S.B. 632) and 915 (H.B. 26), Acts of the 84th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2015.
         SECTION 4.  Section 62.166, Education Code, as added by
  Chapters 323 (S.B. 632) and 915 (H.B. 26), Acts of the 84th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is transferred to Subchapter H,
  Chapter 62, Education Code, as added by Chapter 448 (H.B. 7), Acts
  of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, redesignated as
  Section 62.169, Education Code, and amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 62.169  [62.166]. WINDING UP OF CONTRACTS AND AWARDS IN
  governor's university research initiative is the successor to the
  Texas emerging technology fund.  Awards from the Texas emerging
  technology fund shall be wound up in accordance with this section
  and Section 490.104, Government Code, as added by Chapters 323
  (S.B. 632) and 915 (H.B. 26), Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2015, and contracts governing awards from that fund shall
  be wound up in accordance with this section.
         (b)  If a contract governing an award from the Texas emerging
  technology fund provides for the distribution of royalties,
  revenue, or other financial benefits to the state, including
  royalties, revenue, or other financial benefits realized from the
  commercialization of intellectual or real property developed from
  an award from the fund, those royalties, revenues, or other
  financial benefits shall continue to be distributed in accordance
  with the terms of the contract unless the award recipient and the
  governor agree otherwise. Unless otherwise required by law,
  royalties, revenue, or other financial benefits accruing to the
  state under a contract described by this subsection, including any
  money returned or repaid to the state by an award recipient, shall
  be credited to the governor's university research initiative fund.
         (c)  If money awarded from the Texas emerging technology fund
  is encumbered by a contract executed before September 1, 2015, but
  has not been distributed before that date, the money shall be
  distributed from the governor's university research initiative
  fund in accordance with the terms of the contract, unless the award
  recipient and the governor agree otherwise.
         (d)  Except for an obligation regarding the distribution of
  royalties, revenue, or other financial benefits to the state as
  provided by Subsection (b), if money awarded from the Texas
  emerging technology fund under a contract executed before September
  1, 2015, has been fully distributed and the entity that received the
  award has fully performed all specific actions under the terms of
  the contract governing the award, the entity is considered to have
  fully satisfied the entity's obligations under the contract.  The
  entity shall file with the office a final report showing the
  purposes for which the award money has been spent and, if award
  money remains unspent, the purposes for which the recipient will
  spend the remaining money.
         SECTION 5.  Section 62.167, Education Code, as added by
  Chapters 323 (S.B. 632) and 915 (H.B. 26), Acts of the 84th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is transferred to Subchapter H,
  Chapter 62, Education Code, as added by Chapter 448 (H.B. 7), Acts
  of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, and redesignated as
  Section 62.170, Education Code, to read as follows:
         Sec. 62.170  [62.167]. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION
  as provided by Subsection (b), information collected under former
  provisions of Chapter 490, Government Code, concerning the
  identity, background, finance, marketing plans, trade secrets, or
  other commercially or academically sensitive information of an
  individual or entity that was considered for or received an award
  from the Texas emerging technology fund is confidential unless the
  individual or entity consents to disclosure of the information.
         (b)  The following information collected in connection with
  the Texas emerging technology fund is public information and may be
  disclosed under Chapter 552, Government Code:
               (1)  the name and address of an individual or entity
  that received an award from that fund;
               (2)  the amount of funding received by an award
               (3)  a brief description of the project funded under
  former provisions of Chapter 490, Government Code;
               (4)  if applicable, a brief description of the equity
  position that the governor, on behalf of the state, has taken in an
  entity that received an award from that fund; and
               (5)  any other information with the consent of:
                     (A)  the governor;
                     (B)  the lieutenant governor;
                     (C)  the speaker of the house of representatives;
                     (D)  the individual or entity that received an
  award from that fund, if the information relates to that individual
  or entity.
         SECTION 6.  Section 62.168, Education Code, as added by
  Chapters 323 (S.B. 632) and 915 (H.B. 26), Acts of the 84th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is transferred to Subchapter H,
  Chapter 62, Education Code, as added by Chapter 448 (H.B. 7), Acts
  of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, redesignated as
  Section 62.171, Education Code, and amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 62.171  [62.168]. REPORTING REQUIREMENT. (a)  Before
  the beginning of each regular session of the legislature the
  governor shall submit to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of
  the house of representatives, and the standing committees of each
  house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over economic
  development and higher education matters and post on the office of
  the governor's Internet website a report on matching grants made to
  eligible institutions from the fund that states:
               (1)  the total amount of matching funds granted by the
               (2)  the total amount of matching funds granted to each
  recipient institution;
               (3)  a brief description of each distinguished
  researcher recruited by each recipient institution, including any
  amount of external research funding that followed the distinguished
  researcher to the institution;
               (4)  a brief description of the expenditures made from
  the matching grant funds for each distinguished researcher; and
               (5)  when available, a brief description of each
  distinguished researcher's contribution to the state's economic
  competitiveness, including:
                     (A)  any patents issued to the distinguished
  researcher after accepting employment by the recipient
  institution; and
                     (B)  any external research funding, public or
  private, obtained by the distinguished researcher after accepting
  employment by the recipient institution.
         (b) [(a-1)]  The report may not include information that is
  made confidential by law.
         (c) [(b)]  The governor may require an eligible institution
  that receives a matching grant under this subchapter to submit, on a
  form the governor provides, information required to complete the
         SECTION 7.  The following provisions of Subchapter H,
  Chapter 62, Education Code, as added by Chapters 323 (S.B. 632) and
  915 (H.B. 26), Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015,
  are repealed:
               (1)  Section 62.161;
               (2)  Section 62.162;
               (3)  Section 62.163;
               (4)  Section 62.164;
               (5)  Section 62.165; and
               (6)  the heading to Subchapter H, Chapter 62.
         SECTION 8.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a grant application submitted to the Texas Economic Development
  and Tourism Office in the office of the governor for the state
  fiscal year beginning September 1, 2021. A grant application
  submitted for a preceding state fiscal year is governed by the law
  in effect on the date the application was submitted, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.