WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize the members of the United States armed forces who so
  honorably served our nation during the Vietnam War and to pay
  tribute to them on the occasion of Vietnam Veterans Day on March
  29, 2021; and
         WHEREAS, The Vietnam War was one of the longest military
  conflicts in United States history; more than three million
  Americans served in Southeast Asia during the war, with more than
  58,000 making the ultimate sacrifice, including more than 3,400
  Texans; and
         WHEREAS, In recognition of the service and sacrifice of the
  thousands of Texans who served in the Vietnam War, the 79th
  Legislature of the State of Texas passed House Concurrent
  Resolution 36, which called for the construction of a monument on
  the Capitol grounds to pay tribute to those who took part in the
  conflict; the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument was
  dedicated on March 29, 2014; and
         WHEREAS, The men and women who served the nation during the
  Vietnam War embodied the highest standards of courage,
  sacrifice, and devotion to duty, and their heroic actions set a
  lasting example that will live forever in the annals of American
  history; and
         WHEREAS, It is truly fitting that these brave veterans be
  recognized for their patriotism and their service on behalf of
  the nation as Texans across the state observe Vietnam Veterans
  Day; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 87th
  Legislature, hereby commend the veterans of the United States
  armed forces who served during the Vietnam War on their
  extraordinary service to their nation; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  honor of their great dedication and their sacrifice.
  Hinojosa, Campbell
Alvarado Huffman Paxton
Bettencourt Hughes Perry
Birdwell Johnson Powell
Blanco Kolkhorst Schwertner
Buckingham Lucio Seliger
Creighton Menéndez Springer
Eckhardt Miles Taylor
Gutierrez Nelson West
Hall Nichols Whitmire
Hancock Zaffirini
  Patrick, President of the Senate
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 29, 2021.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate
         Member, Texas Senate