WHEREAS, The retirement of Eddie McBride as president and |
CEO of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce on January 31, 2022, |
offers a fitting opportunity to reflect on his outstanding record |
of achievement; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. McBride has ably led the Lubbock chamber |
since 1999; as president and CEO, he has been essential to the |
success of many community initiatives, such as the "Giant Side of |
Texas" campaign, the Imagine Lubbock Together plan, and the |
Lubbock Economic Development Alliance; moreover, he has played a |
vital role in a citywide branding campaign and helped spearhead |
several ballot measures, and the chamber earned several |
impressive distinctions under his leadership; before joining the |
Lubbock chamber, he served as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. |
Air Force and as executive director of the Lubbock Reese |
Redevelopment Authority; and |
WHEREAS, Over the years, Mr. McBride has been recognized |
with the Developer of the Year award from the National |
Association of Installation Developers and the Distinguished |
Service and Marvin Hurley Lifetime Achievement Awards from the |
Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives, and he has served on the |
boards of various professional and community organizations, |
including the Covenant Hospital and Workforce Solutions of the |
South Plains; and |
WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. McBride has enjoyed the |
love and support of his wife, Debbie, and their children, Chelsea |
and Patrick, and he has had the pleasure of seeing his family grow |
to include four grandchildren, Olivia, Jake, James, and Thomas; and |
WHEREAS, A committed champion of his community, Eddie |
McBride may reflect with pride on all that he has accomplished in |
its behalf and on the knowledge that his contributions will |
benefit area Texans for years to come; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 87th |
Legislature, hereby honor Eddie McBride on the occasion of his |
retirement as president and CEO of the Lubbock Chamber of |
Commerce and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued |
success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be |
prepared for Mr. McBride as an expression of high regard from the |
Texas Senate. |
Perry |
________________________________ |
President of the Senate |
I hereby certify that the |
above Resolution was adopted by |
the Senate on March 31, 2021. |
________________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
________________________________ |
Member, Texas Senate |