Honorable Terry Canales, Chair, House Committee on Transportation
Jerry McGinty, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB3956 by Kuempel (relating to authorizing an optional county fee on vehicle registration in certain counties to be used for transportation projects.), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend Transportation Code §502.402 to authorize an additional county to impose an optional county fee on a vehicle registration to fund transportation projects. The bill would stipulate that the fee must be approved by a majority of voters of the county at a referendum election, which the commissioners court may order and hold for that purpose.
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles reports that the bill would not result in a fiscal impact to the agency or the State.
Local Government Impact
It is assumed implementation of the bill would result in a revenue gain in Guadalupe county if the county were to meet the requirements of Transportation Code §502.402 to impose the optional fee. Under current law, the revenue collected from the optional county fee must be sent to a regional mobility authority located in the county to fund long-term transportation projects in the county.