Honorable Charles Perry, Chair, Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Jerry McGinty, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB152 by Perry (Relating to the regulation of groundwater conservation districts.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Water Code to allow a person with groundwater ownership and rights to petition the relevant Groundwater Conservation District (GCD) for certain rule changes. The bill would also make a GCD's recovery of attorney fees and other costs of a suit in which it prevails contingent on the court's decision to allow recovery or not.
According to the Office of Court Administration, no significant fiscal impact to the state court system is anticipated.
Local Government Impact
According to the Southeast Texas GCD, the bill's provisions would have little to no fiscal impact on the district, with one exception. The provision that would make recovery of attorney fees and other costs contingent on the court's decision has the potential for significant fiscal impact that cannot be determined.