Honorable Donna Campbell, Chair, Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Border Security
Jerry McGinty, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB1093 by Creighton (Relating to the administration of a veterans treatment court program.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Government Code to permit a veterans treatment court program to transfer a defendant's participation in the program to a county adjacent to the county where the defendant works or resides.
Based on the analysis of the Office of Court Administration and the Texas Veterans Commission, it is assumed that duties and responsibilities associated with implementing the bill could be accomplished utilizing existing resources. In addition, no significant fiscal impact to the state court system is anticipated with the implementation of the bill.
The bill would take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds majority vote in both houses; otherwise, the bill would take effect September 1, 2021.
Local Government Impact
No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.
Source Agencies: b > td >
212 Office of Court Admin, 403 Veterans Commission