Health Care Reform, Select Committee

            October 3, 2022 - 9:00 AM

            Effects of Delayed Care


                                 Boston, Jessica (Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice)

                                 Daniel, Katrina (TRS)

                                 Davis, Khrystal K (Self; Texas Rare Alliance)

                                 Duran, Blaise (Employees Retirement System of Texas)

                                 Fasipe, Titilope (Self)

                                 Howe, Carol (American diabetes association)

                                 Jones-Smith, Tiffany (State of Texas Kidney Foundation)

                                 Lakey, David (UT System)

                                 McCrary, Jack (Self)

                                 Mehta, Hannah (Self; Protect TX Fragile Kids)

                                 Mills, Janith (Self; TAPA)

                                 Mitchell, M.D., Kenneth (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Patt, Debra (Self; Texas Oncology)

                                 Potter, Jennifer (UT Health Science Center San Antonio)

                                 Puente, Alec (American Heart Association)

                                 Smith, Valerie (Self; TPS,TMA,TAFP,TXACOG,TXACP,ACOG-District XI)

                                 Weston, Cindy (Self; Texas Nurse Practitioners Association)

                                 Wilcox, Terry (Patients Rising)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Dowling, Matthew (Texas Medical Association, Texas Public Health Coalition)

                                 Kelley, Shannon (HHSC)

                                 Van Ramshorst, MD, Dr. Ryan (HHSC)

            Medicaid/CHIP Elgible but Unenrolled


                                 Dunkelberg, Anne (Children's Health Care Coalition)

                                 Hernandez, George (University Health and the Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Mendoza, Alec (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)

                                 Preston, David (Texas Association of Community Health Centers)

                                 Salter, Wayne (Health and Human Services Commission)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Lester, Molly (Health and Human Services Commission)
