2023S0433-1 05/23/23
  By: Campbell S.R. No. 30
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize the members of the James Madison High School Cowboy
  Smokers barbecue team, which won the national title at the
  2022-2023 National High School BBQ Association competition in
  June of 2022; and
         WHEREAS, The team members are students at James Madison
  High School in San Antonio who are enrolled in the North East
  Independent School District's Agriscience Magnet Program; the
  program offers students the opportunity to choose from a number
  of areas of focus in their study of agriscience, including
  agribusiness, environmental and natural resources, and applied
  agricultural engineering; and
         WHEREAS, The Cowboy Smokers represented the Agriscience
  Magnet Program in the National High School BBQ Association
  competition, where they competed in six categories against 41
  teams from around the country; the team received top honors for
  its impressive barbecue skills while earning the respect of
  barbecue enthusiasts from across the nation; and
         WHEREAS, Under the guidance of their agriscience
  instructors, team members developed the discipline, expertise,
  and fiery creativity that pushed them to victory and earned them
  first place at the national championship, where they raised the
  stakes and smoked the competition; and
         WHEREAS, For the team's exceptional performance, members
  of the Cowboy Smokers were awarded prizes that included
  commemorative gifts, trophies, medals, and a full scholarship to
  Sullivan University in Louisville, Kentucky; the Cowboy Smokers
  will take part in the following championship in June of 2023,
  where they will defend their national title against more than 60
  participating teams in the 2023-2024 National High School BBQ
  Association competition; and
         WHEREAS, The members of the Agriscience Magnet Program and
  the students and staff of James Madison High School are
  justifiably proud of the team for their hard work and their
  impressive skills, and the members of the Cowboy Smokers are
  indeed deserving of special recognition for their dedication and
  teamwork; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby commend the members of the James Madison High
  School Cowboy Smokers barbecue team on winning first place in the
  2022-2023 National High School BBQ Association competition and
  extend to them best wishes for success in their future endeavors;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the team as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.