WHEREAS, Students from Mathis Intermediate School were among |
the top winners at the Future Problem Solving Program International |
Conference held in Amherst, Massachusetts, on June 11, 2023; and |
WHEREAS, FPSPI is a renowned program dedicated to fostering |
critical and creative thinking and problem-solving skills in |
students worldwide; the team from Mathis Intermediate secured third |
place in the junior division in the community problem solving |
category for their Glorious Growth school beautification project; |
and |
WHEREAS, Supported by coaches Chad Koether and Jennifer |
Crumly, the team benefited from the valuable contributions of each |
of its members, including Jocelynn Cox, Evelyn Galvan, |
Brendan Garcia, Aubrie Garza, Gavin Gonzales, Carlee Gonzalez, |
Jace Harper, Aaron Hernandez, Avery Hernandez, Daniel Medrano, |
Sophia Ramirez, Avri Rosenbaum, Micah Saenz, and Elyanna Stewart; |
after consulting with Mathis Intermediate principal Cindy |
Westbrook and assistant principal David Garcia, the team organized |
a project to beautify the entrance of their school; they then hosted |
fundraisers and helped to address campus drainage issues and to |
install raised garden beds; and |
WHEREAS, These bright young Texans have demonstrated |
exceptional leadership, teamwork, and dedication through their |
participation in Future Problem Solving Program International, and |
they are a source of immense pride to their families, their school, |
and their community; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature, 1st |
Called Session, hereby congratulate the students of Mathis |
Intermediate School on their outstanding showing at the 2023 Future |
Problem Solving Program International Conference and extend to them |
sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the students as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas Senate. |