WHEREAS, Hamas was founded with the stated goal of
  destroying the State of Israel and has been designated by the
  United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization; and
         WHEREAS, The Hamas terrorist organization launched a brutal,
  highly organized, and unprecedented attack upon Israel and its
  citizens in the early morning hours of October 7, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, In its attack, Hamas has killed hundreds of
  innocent civilians and taken hundreds of Israeli children,
  women, elderly, and infirm civilians hostage; and
         WHEREAS, In its attack, Hamas has fired thousands of
  rockets against Israeli population centers in an attempt to kill
  untold numbers of innocent civilians; and
         WHEREAS, The level of logistical sophistication
  demonstrated in this Hamas terrorism operation indicates its
  receipt of support and funding from foreign state sponsors of
  terror, namely Iran; and
         WHEREAS, The timing of this Hamas terrorism operation to
  coincide with the observance of the Jewish Sabbath and
  celebration of the Sukkoth holiday demonstrates the intent to
  maximize civilian casualties; and
         WHEREAS, Hamas continues to brazenly locate elements of
  its terrorist infrastructure in civilian population centers
  using civilians as human shields; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby
         1.  Reaffirm its support and unwavering commitment to the
  welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel;
         2.  Recognize Israel's right to act decisively and
  unilaterally in self-defense to protect its citizens;
         3.  Express its support for Israel's right to pursue without
  interference or condemnation the elimination of Hamas until Hamas
  is permanently neutralized and public safety is assured;
         4.  Convey its most heartfelt condolences to all Israeli
  victims as well as their families and communities;
         5.  Call upon Texas law enforcement to remain vigilant in
  protecting Israeli Americans, Jewish Americans, and all
  supporters of Israel from acts of crime and unlawful
  discrimination that tend to manifest at such times;
         6.  Encourage all other American states to likewise
  condemn Hamas as well as any official body that refuses to
  recognize Israel's right to act decisively in self-defense to
  protect its citizens; and
         7.  Call upon the United States to provide all assistance
  as may be required to support Israel in its defense against Hamas
  and all other terrorist organizations.
Alvarado Hancock Nichols
Bettencourt Hinojosa Parker
Birdwell Huffman Paxton
Blanco Hughes Perry
Campbell Johnson Schwertner
Creighton Kolkhorst Sparks
Eckhardt LaMantia Springer
Flores Menéndez West
Gutierrez Middleton Whitmire
Hall Miles Zaffirini
  Patrick, President of the Senate
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on October 9, 2023, by
    a rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate