2023S0493-1 10/12/23
  By: Whitmire S.R. No. 19
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on the
  grand occasion of its 100th anniversary, which will be celebrated
  on October 22, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, Antioch Missionary Baptist Church was
  established in 1923 by Rev. Eltee Williams and three founding
  members of the congregation; in 1930, Pastor M. C. Williams
  became the spiritual leader of the church, and his teachings and
  enthusiasm attracted additional members to the small, barnlike
  structure to hear his words of ministry; and
         WHEREAS, The growing ecclesia relocated to a new facility
  in 1941 and began constructing a two-story educational building
  with classrooms, a kitchen and dining area, and a Sunday school
  assembly hall; after the death of Pastor M. C. Williams in 1958,
  his son, Floyd Nathaniel Williams, was selected by the
  congregation to serve as pastor, and one year later, the church
  moved to its newly erected place of worship; and
         WHEREAS, Under the outstanding leadership of
  Rev. F. N. Williams, Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
  witnessed exponential growth with the development of new
  departments, programs, and auxiliary positions as well as
  numerous outreach ministries to serve the community across all
  areas of need; and
         WHEREAS, When the church's roof collapsed in 1971, Pastor
  Williams encouraged his congregation to take heart and rebuild,
  and in 1975, they established their newest church facility where
  the congregation continues to gather in worship and fellowship;
         WHEREAS, Through the faith and perseverance of church
  members and the dedication and leadership of the church's
  clergy and its current pastor Rev. F. N. Williams, the church
  has had an extraordinary impact on the lives of countless
  individuals and families throughout the past century, and it
  is truly fitting that the church receive special recognition
  on reaching this remarkable milestone in its history; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commend the leaders and
  members of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church on their
  contributions to the Acres Homes community and extend to all best
  wishes for a memorable 100th anniversary celebration and for
  continued success in their ministry; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  honor of this special occasion.