By: Frazier H.B. No. 51
  relating to the creation of the Honey Creek Improvement District
  No. 1; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to
  impose assessments and fees.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 4, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 3796 to read as follows:
         Sec. 3796.0101.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
               (2)  "City" means the City of McKinney.
               (3)  "Director" means a board member.
               (4)  "District" means the Honey Creek Improvement
  District No. 1.
         Sec. 3796.0102.  NATURE OF DISTRICT. The Honey Creek
  Improvement District No. 1 is a special district created under
  Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
         Sec. 3796.0103.  PURPOSE: DECLARATION OF INTENT. (a) The
  creation of the district is essential to accomplish the purposes of
  Sections 52 and 52-a, Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI,
  Texas Constitution, and other public purposes stated in this
         (b)  By creating the district and in authorizing the city and
  other political subdivisions to contract with the district, the
  legislature has established a program to accomplish the public
  purposes set out in Section 52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution.
         (c)  The creation of the district is necessary to promote,
  develop, encourage, and maintain employment, commerce,
  transportation, housing, tourism, recreation, the arts,
  entertainment, economic development, safety, and the public
  welfare in the district.
         (d)  This chapter and the creation of the district may not be
  interpreted to relieve the city from providing the level of
  services provided as of the effective date of the Act enacting this
  chapter to the area in the district. The district is created to
  supplement and not to supplant city services provided in the
  (a) All land and other property included in the district will
  benefit from the improvements and services to be provided by the
  district under powers conferred by Sections 52 and 52-a, Article
  III, and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and other
  powers granted under this chapter.
         (b)  The district is created to serve a public use and
         (c)  The creation of the district is in the public interest
  and is essential to further the public purposes of:
               (1)  developing and diversifying the economy of the
               (2)  eliminating unemployment and underemployment; and
               (3)  developing or expanding transportation and
         (d)  The district will:
               (1)  promote the health, safety, and general welfare of
  residents, employers, potential employees, employees, visitors,
  and consumers in the district, and of the public;
               (2)  provide needed funding for the district to
  preserve, maintain, and enhance the economic health and vitality of
  the district territory as a community and business center;
               (3)  promote the health, safety, welfare, and enjoyment
  of the public by providing pedestrian ways and by landscaping and
  developing certain areas in the district, which are necessary for
  the restoration, preservation, and enhancement of scenic beauty;
               (4)  provide for water, wastewater, drainage, road, and
  recreational facilities for the district.
         (e)  Pedestrian ways along or across a street, whether at
  grade or above or below the surface, and street lighting, street
  landscaping, parking, and street art objects are parts of and
  necessary components of a street and are considered to be a street
  or road improvement.
         (f)  The district will not act as the agent or
  instrumentality of any private interest even though the district
  will benefit many private interests as well as the public.
         Sec. 3796.0105.  INITIAL DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a) The
  district is initially composed of the territory described by
  Section 2 of the Act enacting this chapter.
         (b)  The boundaries and field notes contained in Section 2 of
  the Act enacting this chapter form a closure. A mistake in the field
  notes or in copying the field notes in the legislative process does
  not affect the district's:
               (1)  organization, existence, or validity;
               (2)  right to issue any type of bonds for the purposes
  for which the district is created or to pay the principal of and
  interest on the bonds;
               (3)  right to impose or collect an assessment; or
               (4)  legality or operation.
  All or any part of the area of the district is eligible to be
  included in:
               (1)  a tax increment reinvestment zone created under
  Chapter 311, Tax Code; or
               (2)  a tax abatement reinvestment zone created under
  Chapter 312, Tax Code.
  DISTRICTS LAW. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter,
  Chapter 375, Local Government Code, applies to the district.
         Sec. 3796.0108.  PRECONDITION. (a) The district may not
  exercise any powers granted to the district by this chapter or other
  law unless a development agreement between the city and the primary
  landowner in the district that establishes the standards that apply
  to development in the district, in addition to those contained in
  zoning, subdivision, and other applicable ordinances of the city,
  has been executed.
         (b)  If a development agreement described by Subsection (a)
  has not been executed before September 1, 2024, the board shall
  dissolve the district in the manner provided by Subchapter I as soon
  as possible after September 1, 2024.
         Sec. 3796.0109.  CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. This chapter
  shall be liberally construed in conformity with the findings and
  purposes stated in this chapter.
         Sec. 3796.0201.  GOVERNING BODY; TERMS. (a) The district is
  governed by a board of five elected directors who serve staggered
  terms of four years.
         (b)  Directors are elected in the manner provided by
  Subchapter D, Chapter 49, Water Code.
         Sec. 3796.0202.  COMPENSATION; EXPENSES. (a) The district
  may compensate each director in an amount not to exceed $150 for
  each board meeting. The total amount of compensation for each
  director in one year may not exceed $7,200.
         (b)  A director is entitled to reimbursement for necessary
  and reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the duties and
  responsibilities of the board.
         Sec. 3796.0203.  INITIAL DIRECTORS. (a) The initial board
  consists of the following directors:
Pos. No. Name of Director
1 Rafael Parker
2 Mateo Jaramillo
3 Hector Alba
4 Laura Santos
5 Ricardo Soto
         (b)  Of the initial directors, the terms of directors
  appointed for positions one through three expire June 1, 2025, and
  the terms of directors appointed for positions four and five expire
  June 1, 2027.
         Sec. 3796.0301.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The district
  has the powers and duties necessary to accomplish the purposes for
  which the district is created.
         Sec. 3796.0302.  IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND SERVICES. (a)
  The district, using any money available to the district for the
  purpose, may provide, design, construct, acquire, improve,
  relocate, operate, maintain, or finance an improvement project or
  service authorized under a development agreement described by
  Section 3796.0108, under this chapter, or under Chapter 375, Local
  Government Code.
         (b)  The district may contract with a governmental or private
  entity to carry out an action under Subsection (a).
         (c)  The implementation of a district project or service is a
  governmental function or service for the purposes of Chapter 791,
  Government Code.
         Sec. 3796.0303.  NONPROFIT CORPORATION. (a) The board by
  resolution may authorize the creation of a nonprofit corporation to
  assist and act for the district in implementing a project or
  providing a service authorized by this chapter.
         (b)  The nonprofit corporation:
               (1)  has each power of and is considered to be a local
  government corporation created under Subchapter D, Chapter 431,
  Transportation Code; and
               (2)  may implement any project and provide any service
  authorized by this chapter.
         (c)  The board shall appoint the board of directors of the
  nonprofit corporation. The board of directors of the nonprofit
  corporation shall serve in the same manner as the board of directors
  of a local government corporation created under Subchapter D,
  Chapter 431, Transportation Code, except that a board member is not
  required to reside in the district.
  The district may join and pay dues to a charitable or nonprofit
  organization that performs a service or provides an activity
  consistent with the furtherance of a district purpose.
         Sec. 3796.0305.  PARKING FACILITIES. (a) The district may
  acquire, lease as lessor or lessee, construct, develop, own,
  operate, and maintain parking facilities or a system of parking
  facilities, including lots, garages, parking terminals, or other
  structures or accommodations for parking motor vehicles off the
  streets and related appurtenances.
         (b)  The district's parking facilities serve the public
  purposes of the district and are owned, used, and held for a public
  purpose even if leased or operated by a private entity for a term of
         (c)  The district's parking facilities are parts of and
  necessary components of a street and are considered to be a street
  or road improvement.
         (d)  The development and operation of the district's parking
  facilities may be considered an economic development program.
         Sec. 3796.0306.  ADDING OR EXCLUDING LAND. (a) Subject to
  Subsection (b), the district may add or exclude land in the manner
  provided by Subchapter J, Chapter 49, Water Code, or by Subchapter
  H, Chapter 54, Water Code.
         (b)  The district may add territory as described by
  Subsection (a) only if the governing body of the city by ordinance
  or resolution consents to the addition.
  board by resolution shall establish the number of directors'
  signatures and the procedure required for a disbursement or
  transfer of district money.
         Sec. 3796.0308.  DIVISION OF DISTRICT. (a) The district may
  be divided into two or more new districts only if the district:
               (1)  has no outstanding bonded debt; and
               (2)  is not imposing ad valorem taxes.
         (b)  This chapter applies to any new district created by the
  division of the district, and a new district has all the powers and
  duties of the district.
         (c)  Any new district created by the division of the district
  may not, at the time the new district is created, contain any land
  outside the area described by Section 2 of the Act enacting this
         (d)  The board, on its own motion or on receipt of a petition
  signed by the owner or owners of a majority of the assessed value of
  the real property in the district, may adopt an order dividing the
         (e)  An order dividing the district must:
               (1)  name each new district;
               (2)  include the metes and bounds description of the
  territory of each new district;
               (3)  appoint initial directors for each new district;
               (4)  provide for the division of assets and liabilities
  between or among the new districts.
         (f)  On or before the 30th day after the date of adoption of
  an order dividing the district, the district shall file the order
  with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and record the
  order in the real property records of each county in which the
  district is located.
         (g)  Municipal consent to the creation of the district and to
  the inclusion of land in the district granted under Section
  3796.0503 acts as municipal consent to the creation of any new
  district created by the division of the district and to the
  inclusion of land in the new district.
  Section 375.161, Local Government Code, does not apply to the
         Sec. 3796.0310.  NO AD VALOREM TAX. The district may not
  impose an ad valorem tax.
         Sec. 3796.0311.  NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER. The district may
  not exercise the power of eminent domain.
  AND IMPROVEMENTS WITH ASSESSMENTS. (a) The board may not finance a
  service or improvement project with assessments under this chapter
  unless a written petition requesting that service or improvement
  has been filed with the board.
         (b)  A petition filed under Subsection (a) must be signed by
  the owners of a majority of the assessed value of real property in
  the district subject to assessment according to the most recent
  certified tax appraisal roll for the county.
         Sec. 3796.0402.  ASSESSMENTS; LIENS FOR ASSESSMENTS. (a)
  The board by resolution may impose and collect an assessment for any
  purpose authorized by this chapter in all or any part of the
         (b)  An assessment, a reassessment, or an assessment
  resulting from an addition to or correction of the assessment roll
  by the district, penalties and interest on an assessment or
  reassessment, an expense of collection, and reasonable attorney's
  fees incurred by the district:
               (1)  are a first and prior lien against the property
               (2)  are superior to any other lien or claim other than
  a lien or claim for county, school district, or municipal ad valorem
  taxes; and
               (3)  are the personal liability of and a charge against
  the owners of the property even if the owners are not named in the
  assessment proceedings.
         (c)  The lien is effective from the date of the board's
  resolution imposing the assessment until the date the assessment is
  paid. The board may enforce the lien in the same manner that a
  taxing unit, as that term is defined by Section 1.04, Tax Code, may
  enforce an ad valorem tax lien against real property.
         (d)  The board may make a correction to or deletion from the
  assessment roll that does not increase the amount of assessment of
  any parcel of land without providing notice and holding a hearing in
  the manner required for additional assessments.
  BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS. (a) The district may borrow money on
  terms determined by the board.
         (b)  The district may issue, by public or private sale,
  bonds, notes, or other obligations payable wholly or partly from
  assessments, revenue, contract payments, grants, or other district
  money, or any combination of those sources of money, to pay for any
  authorized district purpose.
         (c)  The district may issue, by public or private sale,
  bonds, notes, or other obligations payable wholly or partly from
  assessments in the manner provided by Subchapter A, Chapter 372,
  Local Government Code, if the improvement financed by the
  obligation issued under this section will be conveyed to or
  operated and maintained by a municipality or other retail utility
  provider pursuant to an agreement with the district entered into
  before the issuance of the obligation.
  PAYMENTS. The district may issue, without an election, bonds
  secured by:
               (1)  revenue other than ad valorem taxes, including
  contract revenues; or
               (2)  contract payments, provided that the requirements
  of Section 49.108, Water Code, have been met.
         Sec. 3796.0503.  CONSENT OF CITY REQUIRED. The board may not
  issue bonds until the city has consented by ordinance or resolution
  to the creation of the district and to the inclusion of land in the
         Sec. 3796.0901.  DISSOLUTION. (a) The board shall dissolve
  the district on written petition filed with the board by the owners
               (1)  66 percent or more of the assessed value subject to
  assessment by the district of the property in the district based on
  the most recent certified county property tax rolls; or
               (2)  66 percent or more of the surface area of the
  district, excluding roads, streets, highways, utility
  rights-of-way, other public areas, and other property exempt from
  assessment by the district according to the most recent certified
  county property tax rolls.
         (b)  The district may not be dissolved if the district:
               (1)  has any outstanding bonded or other indebtedness
  until that bonded or other indebtedness has been repaid or defeased
  in accordance with the order or resolution authorizing the issuance
  of the bonded or other indebtedness;
               (2)  has a contractual obligation to pay money until
  that obligation has been fully paid in accordance with the
  contract; or
               (3)  owns, operates, or maintains public works,
  facilities, or improvements unless the district has contracted with
  another party for the ownership and operation or maintenance of the
  public works, facilities, or improvements.
         (c)  Section 375.262, Local Government Code, does not apply
  to the district.
         SECTION 2.  The Honey Creek Improvement District No. 1
  initially includes all territory contained in the following area:
  BEING a 1218.714 acre tract of land situated in the in the L.D.
  Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 285, the E. Hamilton Survey, Abstract
  No. 372, the W.H. Horn Survey, Abstract No. 1070, the W.M. Rice
  Survey, Abstract No. 770, and the Meredith Hart Survey, Abstract
  No. 371, City of McKinney, Collin County, Texas, and being the
  remainder of a 189.1 acre tract and 1064.2 acre tract of land
  described in a deed to Franklin Family Partnership recorded in
  Volume 5540, Page 826, Land Records, Collin County, Texas, and
  being part of a 3.00 acre tract of land described in a deed to Lela
  M. Fryar recorded in Volume 703, Page 617, Land Records, Collin
  County, Texas, and being all of a 10.00 acre tract of land described
  in a deed to Richard Loren Franklin recorded in Clerk File
  No. 95-0015568 Land Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more
  particularly described as follows:
  COMMENCING at a railroad spike found in asphalt at the intersection
  of the centerline of County Road 166 and County Road 168, said point
  being the apparent intersection of four surveys: the southeast
  corner of the Thomas E. Pelham Survey, Abstract Number 724, the
  southwest corner of the Jno. Cahill Survey, Abstract number 143,
  the northeast corner of said D. J. Franklin Survey, and the
  northwest corner of said L. D. Davidson Survey;
  THENCE North 89841' 47" East along the centerline of said County
  Road 168 a distance 1278.96 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner at
  the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northeast corner of a
  tract of land described in a deed to Richard K. Hester et ux. Sarah
  P. Hester recorded in Volume 4171, Page 3124, Land Records, Collin
  County, Texas;
  THENCE North 89841' 47" East continuing along the centerline of
  said County Road 168 a distance of 3769.64 feet to a 1/2" iron rod
  found at the southeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed
  to Elizabeth Langston recorded in Volume 1372, Page 595, Land
  Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 00806' 09" West with the east line of said Elizabeth
  Langston a distance of 1018.25 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with red cap
  marked KHA set at the northeast corner of a tract of land described
  in a deed to R.J. Knowles recorded in Volume 1372, Page 589, Land
  Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 89801' 12" East passing at 314.35 feet a PK nail with
  washer found in asphalt at the most southerly southwest corner of a
  tract of land described in a deed to Charles M. and Jean A. Hicks
  recorded in Volume 5273, Page 6598, Land Records, Collin County,
  Texas, and continuing for a total distance of 1592.06 feet to an
  X-Cut set for corner on top of a concrete bridge in the west line of
  a tract of land described in a deed to Theresa N. Roeder recorded in
  Clerk File No. 95-0077977, Land Records, Collin County, Texas, said
  point being in the centerline of Honey Creek;
  THENCE along the centerline of said Honey Creek and with the west
  line of said Theresa N. Roeder the following calls:
  South 23824' 12" West a distance of 128.37 feet to a point for
  South 08830' 42" East a distance of 83.53 feet to a point for
  South 30817' 56" East a distance of 75.19 feet to a point for
  South 52840' 13" East a distance of 96.34 feet to a point for
  South 61830' 47" East a distance of 352.39 feet to a point for
  South 53806' 14" East a distance of 95.82 feet to a point for
  South 10846' 14" East a distance of 114.32 feet to a point for
  South 12854' 15" East a distance of 67.33 feet to a point for
  South 31817' 25" East a distance of 99.36 feet to a point for
  South 45827' 58" East a distance of 51.57 feet to a point for
  South 64803' 22" East a distance of 108.23 feet to a point for
  South 59827' 11" East a distance of 107.89 feet to a point for
  South 20852' 23" East a distance of 108.15 feet to a point for
  South 13847' 15" West a distance of 62.76 feet to a point for
  South 35801' 12" West a distance of 271.26 feet to a point for
  South 06827' 44" East a distance of 137.08 feet to a point for
  South 21849' 33" West a distance of 62.38 feet to a point for
  South 06852' 20" West a distance of 90.73 feet to a point for
  South 15837' 43" East a distance of 52.21 feet to a point for
  South 64855' 40" East a distance of 29.37 feet to a point for
  North 85847' 24" East a distance of 225.38 feet to a point for
  South 73852' 41" East a distance of 284.02 feet to a point for
  South 70808' 41" East a distance of 69.22 feet to a point for
  South 46807' 44" East a distance of 58.55 feet to a point for
  South 30827' 53" East a distance of 74.84 feet to a point for
  South 45809' 41" East a distance of 73.01 feet to a point for
  South 86820' 18" East a distance of 45.67 feet to a point for
  North 70807' 08" East a distance of 125.46 feet to a point for
  corner in the west line of a tract of land described in a deed called
  "Tract One" to J.A. and Imogene Gooch Revocable Living Trust,
  recorded in Volume 5636, Page 4136, Land Records, Collin County,
  THENCE South 03848' 49" East departing the centerline of said Honey
  Creek and with the west line of said Tract One J.A. and Imogene
  Gooch Revocable Living Trust along a barbwire fence passing at
  51.57 feet a 1/2 inch iron rod found and continuing for a total
  distance of 199.72 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with red cap marked KHA
  set at the southwest corner of said Tract One J.A. and Imogene Gooch
  Revocable Living Trust;
  THENCE with the south line of said Tract One J.A. and Imogene Gooch
  Revocable Living Trust the following calls:
  South 79835' 20" East a distance of 110.76 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  South 44857' 54" East a distance of 90.13 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 67812' 40" East a distance of 174.48 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  South 81824' 25" East a distance of 71.46 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  South 66847' 34" East a distance of 178.26 feet to a point for
  corner in the centerline of said Honey Creek;
  THENCE along the centerline of said Honey Creek the following
  South 59829' 36" West a distance of 48.92 feet to a point for
  South 07803' 42" West a distance of 54.33 feet to the northwest
  corner of a tract of land described in a deed called "Tract Two" to
  J.A. and Imogene Gooch Revocable Living Trust recorded in Volume
  5636, Page 4136, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE departing the centerline of said Honey Creek and with the
  north, line of said Tract Two J.A. and Imogene Gooch Revocable
  Living Trust the following calls:
  South 25806' 09" West a distance of 85.01 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  South 86806' 11" West a distance of 105.59 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 62804' 42" West a distance of 70.34 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 79809' 48" West a distance of 78.47 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  South 76809' 56" West a distance of 228.54 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set at the northwest corner of said Tract
  Two J.A. and Imogene Gooch Revocable Living Trust;
  THENCE South 03823' 52" East a along a barbwire fence a distance of
  152.85 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found at the southwest corner of said
  Tract Two J.A. and Imogene Gooch Revocable Living Trust;
  THENCE with the south line of said Tract Two J.A. and Imogene Gooch
  Revocable Living Trust and along the general course of a barbwire
  fence the following calls:
  South 87828' 40" East a distance of 72.08 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  South 88858' 34" East passing at 497.31 feet a 1/2 iron rod found
  and continuing for a total distance of 541.00 feet to a point for
  corner in the centerline of said Honey Creek, said point being in
  the west line of a tract of land described in a deed to J.A. and
  Imogene Gooch Revocable Living Trust recorded Clerk File Number
  93-0106681, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE along the centerline of said Honey Creek and along the west
  line of said J.A. and Imogene Gooch Revocable Living Trust the
  following calls:
  South 30808' 34" East a distance of 29.56 feet to a point for
  South 57819' 01" East a distance of 47.61 feet to a point for
  South 82837' 56" East a distance of 90.58 feet to a point for
  South 42852' 24" East a distance of 162.01 feet to a point at the
  northwest corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Tom E.
  Engle and Karen A. Engle recorded in Volume 5418, Page 4142, Land
  Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 30834' 59" East with the west line of said Tom E. Engle
  and Karen A. Engle and continuing along the centerline of said Honey
  Creek a distance of 152.05 feet to a point at the northwest corner
  of a tract of land described in a deed to Tom E. Engle and Karen A.
  Engle recorded in Volume 5380, Page 4044, Land Records, Collin
  County, Texas;
  THENCE along the centerline of said Honey Creek and along the west
  line of said Tom E. Engle and Karen A. Engle the following calls:
  South 30808' 44" East a distance of 33.20 feet to a point for
  South 36832' 02" East a distance of 121.42 feet to a point for
  South 66837' 07" East a distance of 60.66 feet to a point for
  South 43837' 28" East a distance of 56.43 feet to a point for
  South 00808' 40" East a distance of 35.47 feet to a point for
  South 30829' 42" West a distance of 24.38 feet to a point for
  South 47851' 01" West a distance of 49.96 feet to a point for
  THENCE South 89853' 34" East departing the centerline of said Honey
  Creek and with the south line of said Tom E. Engle and Karen A. Engle
  passing at 58.03 feet a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap found and
  continuing along a barbwire fence for a total distance of 983.93
  feet to a metal fence post found for corner, from which a one inch
  iron rod found in asphalt in the centerline of County Road 202 bears
  South 89853' 34" East a distance of 21.86 feet;
  THENCE South 00825' 41" West along the general course of a barbwire
  fence a distance of 1552.26 feet to a point for corner in the
  centerline of said Honey Creek;
  THENCE along the centerline of said Honey Creek the following
  South 69849' 58" East a distance of 82.17 feet to a point for
  South 14823' 29" East a distance of 70.58 feet to a point for
  South 02811' 17" West a distance of 169.40 feet to a point for
  South 40843' 43" West a distance of 72.63 feet to a point for
  South 67807' 59" West a distance of 69.48 feet to a point for
  South 85804' 46" West a distance of 109.78 feet to a point for
  South 32843' 24" West a distance of 60.16 feet to a point for
  South 09808' 50" East a distance of 124.19 feet to a point for
  South 56832' 04" East a distance of 73.66 feet to a point for
  South 63818' 11" East a distance of 37.12 feet to a point for
  South 69859' 42" East a distance of 111.44 feet to a point for
  South 46814' 26" East a distance of 90.73 feet to a point for
  South 11815' 17" East a distance of 191.67 feet to a point for
  South 17855' 11" East a distance of 85.72 feet to a point for
  South 69818' 16" East a distance of 235.92 feet to a point for
  South 29814' 27" East a distance of 57.98 feet to a point for
  South 51831' 28" East a distance of 440.72 feet to a point for
  South 43832' 59" East a distance of 140.07 feet to a point for
  South 62801' 13" East a distance of 104.31 feet to a point for
  North 69811' 35" East a distance of 73.64 feet to a point for
  North 50817' 09" East a distance of 128.74 feet to a point for
  North 74801' 37" East a distance of 82.53 feet to a point for
  South 48840' 54" East a distance of 124.07 feet to a point for
  South 26842' 21" West a distance of 77.82 feet to a point for
  South 05856' 42" East a distance of 73.50 feet to a point for
  South 45847' 12" East a distance of 501.35 feet to a point for
  South 55849' 11" East a distance of 191.12 feet to a point for
  South 14828' 12" West a distance of 75.33 feet to a point for
  South 52802' 47" West a distance of 124.63 feet to a point for
  South 17836' 16" West a distance of 89.41 feet to a point for
  South 08817' 38" East a distance of 60.50 feet to a point for
  South 46825' 51" East a distance of 223.59 feet to a point for
  North 86802' 30" East a distance of 68.62 feet to a point for
  North 68804' 39" East a distance of 251.87 feet to a point for
  South 38828' 19" East a distance of 46.61 feet to a point for
  South 13857' 02" East a distance of 143.42 feet to a point for
  South 74853' 01" East a distance of 55.67 feet to a point for
  South 89834' 39" East a distance of 76.12 feet to a point for
  North 74824' 09" East a distance of 112.70 feet to a point for
  North 48836' 26" East a distance of 133.78 feet to a point for
  South 40805' 49" East a distance of 40.71 feet to a point for
  South 01835' 11" East a distance of 106.35 feet to a point for
  South 47859' 10" East a distance of 79.63 feet to a point for
  North 83801' 26" East a distance of 57.88 feet to a point for
  North 71834' 34" East a distance of 308.45 feet to a point for
  North 49830' 50" East a distance of 80.60 feet to a point for corner
  in the west line of a tract of land described in a deed to E.R.
  Hartley et ux. Elga Hartley recorded in Volume 592, Page 35, Land
  Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 00834' 13" West with the west line of said E.R. Hartley
  and along a barbwire fence a distance of 538.17 feet to a six inch
  diameter Bois d'Arc fence post found for corner;
  THENCE North 87827' 55" West departing the west line of said E.R.
  Hartley a distance of 272.40 feet to a six inch diameter Bois d'Arc
  fence post found at the northwest corner of a tract of land
  described in a deed to Eddie P. Howell et ux. Gailyn A. Howell
  recorded in Volume 1128, Page 160, Land Records, Collin County,
  THENCE South 00840' 35" West with the west line of said Eddie P.
  Howell and along the general course of a barbwire fence a distance
  of 2013.95 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner in asphalt in the
  centerline of County Road 201;
  THENCE North 87851' 07" West along the centerline of said County
  Road 201 passing at 1612.90 feet a 100D nail found 1.27 feet to the
  left at a right angle to this course, said point being the southeast
  corner of said 3.00 acre Lela M. Fryar tract, and passing at 1862.71
  feet a 100D nail found 2.06 feet to the left at a right angle to this
  course, said point being the southwest corner of said 3.00 acre Lela
  M. Fryar tract, and continuing for a total distance of 2286.16 feet
  to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  THENCE North 00815' 13" East along the general course of a barbwire
  fence a distance of 1969.91 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for
  corner, from which a wood fence post found bears North 24856' 54"
  West a distance of 3.4 feet;
  THENCE North 89806' 26" West along the general course of a barbwire
  fence passing at 466.94 feet a wood fence post found 0.9 feet to the
  right and at right angles to this course, and continuing for a total
  distance of 507.01 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner in the
  east line of a tract of land described in a deed to RAJICA 131, L.P.
  recorded in Volume 5894, Page 3815, Land Records, Collin County,
  THENCE North 00827' 12" East with the east line of said RAJICA 131,
  L.P. a distance of 1470.19 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner
  in asphalt at the intersection of the centerline of County Road 201
  and County Road 1006;
  THENCE South 89825' 38" West along the centerline of said County
  Road 1006 a distance of 4793.69 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found in
  gravel pavement at the northeast corner of a tract of land described
  in a deed to Perry J. Graham et ux. Donna M. Graham recorded in
  Volume 1233, Page 811, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 89830' 39" West continuing along the centerline of
  said County Road 1006 and with the north line of said Perry J.
  Graham a distance of 431.57 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for
  THENCE in a southerly direction continuing along the centerline of
  said County Road 1006 the following calls:
  South 10838' 17" West a distance of 428.46 feet to a 1/2" iron rod
  found for corner in asphalt;
  South 13853' 52" West a distance of 203.34 feet to a bent 1/2" iron
  rod found for corner in asphalt;
  South 24817' 55" West a distance of 316.45 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  set for corner in asphalt;
  South 03815' 22" West a distance of 290.50 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  set for corner in asphalt;
  South 01802' 46" East passing at 1043.25 feet a 3/8" iron rod found
  in asphalt at the southwest corner of a tract of land described in a
  deed to Rene Bates et ux. Beverly Bates recorded in Volume 3419,
  Page 878, Land Records, Collin County, Texas, and continuing for a
  total distance of 1113.87 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found in asphalt
  at the northeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Don
  W. Collins et ux. Carol A. Collins recorded in Volume 4355, Page
  2347, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 89831' 09" West departing the centerline of said
  County Road 1006 and with the north line of said Don W. Collins and
  along the general course of a barbwire fence a distance of 795.63
  feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the base of an 18 inch diameter
  hackberry tree at the northwest corner of said Don W. Collins;
  THENCE South 89841' 41" West continuing along the general course of
  a barbwire fence a distance of 1875.27 feet to a PK nail found in a
  fence post for corner;
  THENCE North 00843' 53" West a distance of 1307.74 feet to a 1/2"
  iron rod with cap marked "RPLS 3963" found in the south line of a
  tract of land described in a deed to Baylor Health Care System as
  "Tract Two," recorded in Volume 5848, Page 4498, Land Records,
  Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE with the south and east lines of said Tract Two Baylor Health
  Care System the following calls:
  North 89824' 24" East a distance of 1227.09 feet to a 1/2" iron rod
  with cap marked "RPLS 3963" found for corner;
  North 00833' 36" West a distance of 985.72 feet to a 1/2" iron rod
  with cap marked "RPLS 3963" found for corner in the south line of a
  tract of land described in a deed to Paul H. Powell III et ux. Lois
  M. Powell recorded in Clerk's File number 94-0015097, Land Records,
  Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 89814' 20" East with the south line of said Paul H.
  Powell III passing at 40.07 feet a 1/2" iron rod found at the
  southeast corner of said Paul H. Powell III and continuing for a
  total distance of 512.56 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the
  southeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Harris
  Living Trust recorded in Volume 5272, Page 4335, Land Records,
  Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE with the east line of said Harris Living Trust and along the
  general course of a barbwire fence the following calls:
  North 00812' 24" West a distance of 583.36 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00804' 15" West a distance of 407.78 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00832' 47" West a distance of 436.72 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00812' 16" West a distance of 186.87 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00823' 27" West passing at 365.71 a one inch iron pipe found
  and continuing for a total distance of 386.47 feet to a point for
  corner in the centerline of a branch of Honey Creek;
  THENCE South 00825' 41" West along the general course of a barbwire
  fence a distance of 1552.26 feet to a point for corner in the
  centerline of said Honey Creek;
  THENCE along the centerline of said Honey Creek the following
  South 69849' 58" East a distance of 82.17 feet to a point for
  South 14823' 29" East a distance of 70.58 feet to a point for
  South 02811' 17" West a distance of 169.40 feet to a point for
  South 40843' 43" West a distance of 72.63 feet to a point for
  South 67807' 59" West a distance of 69.48 feet to a point for
  South 85804' 46" West a distance of 109.78 feet to a point for
  South 32843' 24" West a distance of 60.16 feet to a point for
  South 09808' 50" East a distance of 124.19 feet to a point for
  South 56832' 04" East a distance of 73.66 feet to a point for
  South 63818' 11" East a distance of 37.12 feet to a point for
  South 69859' 42" East a distance of 111.44 feet to a point for
  South 46814' 26" East a distance of 90.73 feet to a point for
  South 11815' 17" East a distance of 191.67 feet to a point for
  South 17855' 11" East a distance of 85.72 feet to a point for
  South 69818' 16" East a distance of 235.92 feet to a point for
  South 29814' 27" East a distance of 57.98 feet to a point for
  South 51831' 28" East a distance of 440.72 feet to a point for
  South 43832' 59" East a distance of 140.07 feet to a point for
  South 62801' 13" East a distance of 104.31 feet to a point for
  North 69811' 35" East a distance of 73.64 feet to a point for
  North 50817' 09" East a distance of 128.74 feet to a point for
  North 74801' 37" East a distance of 82.53 feet to a point for
  South 48840' 54" East a distance of 124.07 feet to a point for
  South 26842' 21" West a distance of 77.82 feet to a point for
  South 05856' 42" East a distance of 73.50 feet to a point for
  South 45847' 12" East a distance of 501.35 feet to a point for
  South 55849' 11" East a distance of 191.12 feet to a point for
  South 14828' 12" West a distance of 75.33 feet to a point for
  South 52802' 47" West a distance of 124.63 feet to a point for
  South 17836' 16" West a distance of 89.41 feet to a point for
  South 08817' 38" East a distance of 60.50 feet to a point for
  South 46825' 51" East a distance of 223.59 feet to a point for
  North 86802' 30" East a distance of 68.62 feet to a point for
  North 68804' 39" East a distance of 251.87 feet to a point for
  South 38828' 19" East a distance of 46.61 feet to a point for
  South 13857' 02" East a distance of 143.42 feet to a point for
  South 74853' 01" East a distance of 55.67 feet to a point for
  South 89834' 39" East a distance of 76.12 feet to a point for
  North 74824' 09" East a distance of 112.70 feet to a point for
  North 48836' 26" East a distance of 133.78 feet to a point for
  South 40805' 49" East a distance of 40.71 feet to a point for
  South 01835' 11" East a distance of 106.35 feet to a point for
  South 47859' 10" East a distance of 79.63 feet to a point for
  North 83801' 26" East a distance of 57.88 feet to a point for
  North 71834' 34" East a distance of 308.45 feet to a point for
  North 49830' 50" East a distance of 80.60 feet to a point for corner
  in the west line of a tract of land described in a deed to E.R.
  Hartley et ux. Elga Hartley recorded in Volume 592, Page 35, Land
  Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 00834' 13" West with the west line of said E.R. Hartley
  and along a barbwire fence a distance of 538.17 feet to a six inch
  diameter Bois d'Arc fence post found for corner;
  THENCE North 87827' 55" West departing the west line of said E.R.
  Hartley a distance of 272.40 feet to a six inch diameter Bois d'Arc
  fence post found at the northwest corner of a tract of land
  described in a deed to Eddie P. Howell et ux. Gailyn A. Howell
  recorded in Volume 1128, Page 160, Land Records, Collin County,
  THENCE South 00840' 35" West with the west line of said Eddie P.
  Howell and along the general course of a barbwire fence a distance
  of 2013.95 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner in asphalt in the
  centerline of County Road 201;
  THENCE North 87851' 07" West along the centerline of said County
  Road 201 passing at 1612.90 feet a 100D nail found 1.27 feet to the
  left at a right angle to this course, said point being the southeast
  corner of said 3.00 acre Lela M. Fryar tract, and passing at 1862.71
  feet a 100D nail found 2.06 feet to the left at a right angle to this
  course, said point being the southwest corner of said 3.00 acre Lela
  M. Fryar tract, and continuing for a total distance of 2286.16 feet
  to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  THENCE North 00815' 13" East along the general course of a barbwire
  fence a distance of 1969.91 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for
  corner, from which a wood fence post found bears North 24856' 54"
  West a distance of 3.4 feet;
  THENCE North 89806' 26" West along the general course of a barbwire
  fence passing at 466.94 feet a wood fence post found 0.9 feet to the
  right and at right angles to this course, and continuing for a total
  distance of 507.01 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner in the
  east line of a tract of land described in a deed to RAJICA 131, L.P.
  recorded in Volume 5894, Page 3815, Land Records, Collin County,
  THENCE North 00827' 12" East with the east line of said RAJICA 131,
  L.P. a distance of 1470.19 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner
  in asphalt at the intersection of the centerline of County Road 201
  and County Road 1006;
  THENCE South 89825' 38" West along the centerline of said County
  Road 1006 a distance of 4793.69 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found in
  gravel pavement at the northeast corner of a tract of land described
  in a deed to Perry J. Graham et ux. Donna M. Graham recorded in
  Volume 1233, Page 811, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 89830' 39" West continuing along the centerline of
  said County Road 1006 and with the north line of said Perry J.
  Graham a distance of 431.57 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for
  THENCE in a southerly direction continuing along the centerline of
  said County Road 1006 the following calls:
  South 10838' 17" West a distance of 428.46 feet to a 1/2" iron rod
  found for corner in asphalt;
  South 13853' 52" West a distance of 203.34 feet to a bent 1/2" iron
  rod found for corner in asphalt;
  South 24817' 55" West a distance of 316.45 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  set for corner in asphalt;
  South 03815' 22" West a distance of 290.50 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  set for corner in asphalt;
  South 01802' 46" East passing at 1043.25 feet a 3/8" iron rod found
  in asphalt at the southwest corner of a tract of land described in a
  deed to Rene Bates et ux. Beverly Bates recorded in Volume 3419,
  Page 878, Land Records, Collin County, Texas, and continuing for a
  total distance of 1113.87 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found in asphalt
  at the northeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Don
  W. Collins et ux. Carol A. Collins recorded in Volume 4355, Page
  2347, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 89831' 09" West departing the centerline of said
  County Road 1006 and with the north line of said Don W. Collins and
  along the general course of a barbwire fence a distance of 795.63
  feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the base of an 18 inch diameter
  hackberry tree at the northwest corner of said Don W. Collins;
  THENCE South 89841' 41" West continuing along the general course of
  a barbwire fence a distance of 1875.27 feet to a PK nail found in a
  fence post for corner;
  THENCE North 00843' 53" West a distance of 1307.74 feet to a 1/2"
  iron rod with cap marked "RPLS 3963" found in the south line of a
  tract of land described in a deed to Baylor Health Care System as
  "Tract Two," recorded in Volume 5848, Page 4498, Land Records,
  Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE with the south and east lines of said Tract Two Baylor Health
  Care System the following calls:
  North 89824' 24" East a distance of 1227.09 feet to a 1/2" iron rod
  with cap marked "RPLS 3963" found for corner;
  North 00833' 36" West a distance of 985.72 feet to a 1/2" iron rod
  with cap marked "RPLS 3963" found for corner in the south line of a
  tract of land described in a deed to Paul H. Powell III et ux. Lois
  M. Powell recorded in Clerk's File number 94-0015097, Land Records,
  Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 89814' 20" East with the south line of said Paul H.
  Powell III passing at 40.07 feet a 1/2" iron rod found at the
  southeast corner of said Paul H. Powell III and continuing for a
  total distance of 512.56 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the
  southeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Harris
  Living Trust recorded in Volume 5272, Page 4335, Land Records,
  Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE with the east line of said Harris Living Trust and along the
  general course of a barbwire fence the following calls:
  North 00812' 24" West a distance of 583.36 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00804' 15" West a distance of 407.78 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00832' 47" West a distance of 436.72 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00812' 16" West a distance of 186.87 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  with red cap marked KHA set for corner;
  North 00823' 27" West passing at 365.71 a one inch iron pipe found
  and continuing for a total distance of 386.47 feet to a point for
  corner in the centerline of a branch of Honey Creek;
  BEING a 73.436 acre tract located in the Meredith Hart Survey,
  Abstract No. 371, Collin County, Texas, being part of that called
  189.1 acre tract described in Exhibit A to Special Warranty Deed
  recorded in Volume 5540, Page 826, Deed Records Collin County,
  Texas (D.R.C.C.T.), said 73.780 acre tract being more particularly
  described by metes and bounds as follows:
  BEGINNING at a found 1/2 inch iron rod for the most Westerly
  Southwest corner of said 189.1 acre tract, being called Southwest
  corner of a 81.43 acre tract described in Volume 294, Page 623.
  D.R.C.C.T., and being the Northwest corner of that called 23.09
  acre tract described in Deed to MAC TMK, Inc. as recorded in the
  County Clerk's File No. 93-0088052, Official Public Records Collin
  County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), being on the East line that tract
  described in Deed to RAIJCA 131, L.P. as recorded in Volume 5894,
  Page 3815, D.R.C.C.T., said iron rod being on the Westerly side of
  Collin County Road 201 (undefined prescriptive right of way);
  THENCE N 00824' 41" E, with the West line of said 189.1 acre tract
  and the East line of said RAIJCA 131 tract, a distance of 1459.36
  feet to a point for corner;
  THENCE EAST, a distance of 1009.10 feet to point for corner in Honey
  THENCE Southeasterly, 50.00 feet southerly of and parallel with the
  center of Honey Creek as follows:
         N 89817' 25" E a distance of 65.31 feet, to a 5/8 inch CIRS; N
  45854' 31" E a distance of 104.17 feet; to a 5/8 inch CIRS;
         N 68840' 59" E a distance of 91.84 feet, to a 5/8 inch CIRS;
         S 52857' 13" E a distance of 63.08 feet to a 5/8 inch CIRS;
         S 14809' 17" W a distance of 100.37 feet, to a 5/8 inch CIRS;
         S 37837' 12" E a distance of 162.18 feet, to a 5/8 inch CIRS;
         S 46825' 07" E a distance of 294.74 feet, to a 5/8 inch CIRS;
         S 14831' 28" W a distance of 2613.97 feet, to a 5/8 inch CIRS
  in the center line of a proposed 120.00 foot Right-of-Way;
  THENCE S 14831' 38" W along the center line of said proposed
  Right-of-Way, a distance of 2671.17 feet to a 5/8 inch CIRS, said
  CIRS, said corner also being the beginning to a tangent curve to the
  left, having a central angle of 13835' 36", with a chord length of
  248.53 feet, and radius of 1050 feet, whose chord bears S 07843' 50"
  THENCE continuing along the center line of said proposed
  Right-of-Way and following said curve to the left a distance of
  249.11 feet to a point for corner;
  THENCE S 00856' 02" W leaving said curve to the left and vonintuing
  along the center line of said proposed Right-of-Way, a distance of
  317.34 feet to found 120d nail in the center of County Road 201;
  THENCE N 89836' 02" W, with said centerline, a distance of 391.763
  feet to a point for corner;
  THENCE N 00"13' 29" E, leaving said centerline, at a distance of
  15.5 feet pass a found l/2-inch iron rod at a fence post, continuing
  for a total distance of 1984.82 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod at
  a fence post;
  THENCE N 89808' 40" W, generally with a fence, at a distance of
  466.13 feet passing a fence corner post on the ea.stem line of
  County Road 201, continuing for a total distance 06.15 feet to the
  POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 73.436 acres (3,198,870 square
  feet) of land, more or less.
  Being a tract of land situated in the Meredith Hart Survey, Abstract
  Number 371, Collin County, Texas, and being all of the called 254.64
  acre tract of land to Honey Creek Joint Venture II, as recorded in
  Collin County File Number 94-0092023, of the Deed Records of Collin
  County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows:
  Beginning at a 1 inch iron pipe found in a North-South paved road
  (County Road Number 202) at the northwest corner of said Meredith
  Hart Survey and the northwest corner of said Honey Creek tract, said
  point also being the southwest corner of a tract of land to Malinda
  A. Warden called tract 2 as recorded in Collin County File
  No. 2005-0055890 of said Deed Records and lying on the east line of
  a tract of land to Robert Allen Davis and Laurie L. Davis as
  recorded in Volume 3543, Page 396 of said Deed Records;
  Thence South 88 degrees 52 minutes 49 seconds East along the north
  line of said Honey Creek tract a distance of 155.17 feet to a 5/8
  inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of said Warden tract
  lying on the south right-of-way line of Farm Road No. 543, (a
  variable width right-of-way), said point also lying at the
  beginning of a curve to the left;
  Thence with said curve to the left and along said south line of Farm
  Road No. 543 having a radius of 359.62 feet, a central angle of 27
  degrees 16 minutes, 51 seconds, and arc length of 171.23 feet, a
  chord bearing of south 75 degrees 14 minutes 21 seconds East a
  distance of 169.62 feet to a broken concrete highway monument found
  for corner;
  Thence South 88 degrees 52 minutes 49 seconds East continuing along
  said south line of Farm Road No. 543 a distance of 1135.30 feet to a
  broken concrete highway monument found for corner at the beginning
  of a curve to the right;
  Thence with said curve to the right continuing along said south line
  of Farm Road No. 543 having a radius of 2825.16 feet, a central
  angle of 02 degrees 43 minutes 37 seconds, and arc length of 134.47
  feet, and chord bearing of South 87 degrees 20 minutes 32 seconds
  East a distance of 134.46 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  most northerly northeast corner of said Honey Creek tract and the
  northwest corner of a tract of land to Elelyn Cole Family, LTD as
  recorded in Collin County File Number 2000-0040586 of said Deed
  Thence South 01 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds West departing said
  south line of Farm Road No. 543 and along the common line of said
  Honey Creek tract and said Cole tract a distance of 1147.33 feet to
  a 1 inch iron pipe found for the southwest corner of said Cole tract
  and an inner ell corner of said Honey Creek tract;
  Thence South 87 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds East along the south
  line of said Cole tract and the south line of a tract of land to
  Mescal Hill Wilson as recorded in Instrument Number
  20091215001497350 of the Official Public Records of Collin County,
  Texas, passing the common southeast and southwest corner of said
  Cole and Wilson tracts and continuing a total distance of 1177.20
  feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the most easterly northeast
  corner of said Honey Creek tract and the northwest corner of a tract
  of land to Gregory Mills as recorded in Collin County File Number
  2001-0044545 bf said Deed Records;
  Thence South O1 degree 00 minutes 3 6 seconds West along the east
  line of said Honey Creek tract a distance of 1783 .23 feet to a
  square bolt found for corner at an angle point on said east line,
  said point also being the southwest corner of a tract of land to
  Mackuehn Partners, LLC. as recorded in Instrument Number
  20140131000096000 of said Official Records and the northwest corner
  of a tract of land to Robert Nicholas Oliver as recorded in
  Instrument Number 20070510000633 570 of said Official Records;
  Thence South 00 degrees 57 minutes 33 seconds West continuing along
  the east line of said Honey Creek and along the west line of said
  Oliver tract a distance of 1062. 76 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with
  cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 5430" set for a southeast corner of said Honey
  Creek tract and the south west corner of said Oliver tract, said
  point also lying in the aforementioned County Road Number 202 and on
  the North line of a tract of land to Helen L. Cambell Supplemental
  Needs Trust as recorded in Instrument Number 20130423000545440 of
  said Official Records;
  Thence South 89 degrees 14 minutes 22 seconds West along the common
  line of said Honey Creek tract and said Trust tract along said
  County Road Number 202 a distance of 457.49 feet to a PK nail found
  for the northwest comer of a tract of land to Daniel Travis Squires
  and Dalana Lin squires as recorded in Instrument Number
  20140401000304730 of said Official Records;
  Thence South 01 degree 12 minutes 08 seconds West departing said
  County Road Number 202 and along the common line of said Honey Creek
  tract and said Squires tract a distance of 469.12 feet to a 5/8 inch
  iron rod found for corner;
  Thence North 87 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds West continuing along
  said common line a distance of 245.21 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
  found for corner;
  Thence South 01 degree 33 minutes 59 seconds West continuing along
  said common line and along the west line of said Trust tract a
  distance of 829.22 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner;
  Thence North 85 degrees 17 minutes 53 seconds West along the
  southerly line of said Honey Creek tract a distance of 184.73 feet
  to a point in the center of Honey Creek;
  Thence with the southerly line of said Honey Creek tract and the
  center of Honey Creek the following course and distance;
  North 60 degrees 24 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 109.27
  North 46 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 72.41
  North 54 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 59.44
  North 42 degrees 36 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 84.43
  North 49 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 200.09
  North 43 degrees 14 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 168.42
  North 18 degrees 52 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 52.83
  North 25 degrees 56 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 66.43
  North 12 degrees 20 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 67.01
  North 51 degrees 09 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 90.73
  South 80 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds West a distance of 105.97
  South 44 degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 157.50
  North 71 degrees 32 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 102.21
  North 43 degrees 44 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 177.80
  North 60 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 206.11
  North 48 degrees 50 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 157.77
  North 30 degrees 38 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 105.92
  North 53 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 86.80
  North 83 degrees 45 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 167.62
  North 15 degrees 09 minutes 06 seconds West a distance of 212.76
  North 13 degrees 24 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 90.73
  North 40 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 41.74
  Thence North 47 degrees 29 minutes 14 seconds East departing said
  corner of Honey Creek a distance of 44.08 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
  found for corner on the west line of said Honey Creek tract;
  Thence North 00 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds West along thew west
  line of said Honey Creek tract a distance of 582.40 feet to a 5/8
  inch iron rod found for corner;
  Thence North 12 degrees 05 minutes 41 seconds West continuing along
  said west line a distance of 84.06 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found
  for corner;
  Thence North 25 degrees 09 minutes 52 seconds West continuing along
  said west line a distance of 181.31 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found
  for corner;
  Thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 02 seconds East continuing along
  said west line and generally near the center of said County Road
  Number 202 a distance of 1340.78 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found
  for corner;
  Thence North 01 degrees 14 minutes 46 seconds East continuing along
  said west line and said County Road Number 202 a distance of 538.52
  feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "R.P.:.S. 5430" set for
  Thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 58 seconds West continuing along
  said west line and said County Road Number 202 a distance of 671.18
  feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 5430" set for
  Thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 16 seconds East continuing along
  said west line and said County Road Number 202 a distance of 576.89
  feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 11,090,197 square Feet,
  or 254.596 acres of land.
  BEING, a tract of land situated in the T. Cunis Survey, Abstract
  Number 211, Collin County, Texas, and being all of a tract of land
  conveyed to Thomas A. Helsley, as recorded in Volume 5848, Page
  4493, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more
  particularly described as follows:
         BEGINNING at a point near the center of an asphalt road called
  Geren Trail, said point being the northeast corner of said Helsley
  tract and the northwest corner of a tract of land to McKinney Ranch,
  LTD. as recorded in Instrument Number 20140108000018880 of the
  Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 1/2
  inch iron rod with cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 3963" found at an angle
  point on the north line of said McKinney Ranch tract bears North 89
  degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 115.63 feet;
  THENCE South 00 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East along the common
  line of said Helsley tract and said McKinney Ranch tract a distance
  of 980.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "R.P.L.S.
  3963" found for the southeast corner of said Helsley tract and the
  southwest corner of said McKinney Ranch tract, said point also
  lying on the north line of a tract of land to McKinney Independent
  School District (M.I.S.D.) as recorded in 2012040200038050 of the
  Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 89 degrees 27 minutes 36 seconds West along the common
  line of said Helsley tract and said M.I.S.D. tract, a distance of
  1169.89 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 3963"
  found for the southwest corner of said Helsley tract lying on the
  east right-of-way line of F.M. Highway No. 1461 (variable width
  THENCE North 00 degrees 06 minutes 23 seconds East along the east
  line of said F.M. 1461, a distance of 107.58 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
  rod with red cap found for corner at an angle point in same; THENCE
  South 89 degrees 53 minutes 37 seconds East continuing along said
  East line of F.M. 1461, a distance of 19.67 feet to an inner ell
  corner of said Helsley tract lying on the east line of County Road
  166 (variable width right-of-way);
  THENCE North 00 degrees 46 minutes 08 seconds West along the east
  line of said County Road 166, a distance of 663.23 feet to the most
  westerly northwest corner of said Helsley tract, same being the
  southwest corner of a tract of land to Jack Geren as recorded in
  Volume 830, Page 770 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 89 degrees 19 minutes 27 seconds East along the common
  line of said Geren tract and said Helsley tract, a distance of
  356.14 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for an inner ell corner of
  THENCE North 00 degrees 31 minutes 34 seconds West continuing along
  said Common line, a distance of 208.33 feet to a "PK" nail found
  near the center of said asphalt road called Geren Trail, said point
  being the most northerly northwest corner of said Helsley tract,
  and the northeast corner of said Geren tract;
  THENCE North 89 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East along the north
  line of said Helsley tract and said Geren Trail, a distance of
  795.15 feet to the POINT OF POINT OF BEGINNING containing 1,054,944
  square Feet, or 24.218 acres of land with containing 1,054,944
  square Feet, or 24.218 acres of land with approximately 14,473
  square feet or 0.332 of an acre lying in said asphalt road called
  Geren Trail, (area between property line and fence line).
  BEING, a tract of land situated in the T. Cunis Survey, Abstract
  Number 211, Collin County, Texas, and being all of Tract one and
  Tract two conveyed to Baylor Health Care System, as recorded in
  Volume 5848, Page 4498, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas,
  and being more particularly described as follows:
  BEGINNING at a point near the center of an asphalt road called Geren
  Trail, said point being the northwest corner of said Tract one;
  THENCE North 89 degrees 26 minutes 29 seconds East, along the near
  center of said asphalt road, and the north line of said Tract one, a
  distance of 115.63 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped
  "R.P.L.S. 3963" found for corner at an angle point;
  THENCE North 88 degrees 52 minutes 48 seconds East, leaving said
  asphalt road, and continuing along the north line of said Tract one,
  a distance of 640.35 feet to a 12 inch wood fence post found for
  corner from which a 60D nail found fore reference bears North 14
  degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds East, 0.69 feet, said point also being
  the northwest corner of the aforementioned Tract two;
  THENCE North 89 degrees 28 minutes 42 seconds East, along the north
  line of said Tract two, a distance of 1234.62 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
  rod with cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 3963" found for the northeast corner
  of said Tract two, and the northwest corner of a tract of land
  conveyed to McKinney Ranch, LTD., as recorded in instrument number
  20060208000170600, of the Official Public Records of Collin County,
  THENCE South 00 degrees, 33 minutes, 31 second East, along west line
  of said McKinney Ranch tract, and the east line of said Tract two, a
  distance of 985.49 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the
  southeast corner of said tract two and a inner ell corner of said
  McKinney Ranch tract;
  THENCE South 89 degrees, 26 minutes, 33 seconds West, along the
  common line of said Tract two and McKinney Ranch tract, passing a
  1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 3963" found for the
  southwest corner of said Tract two, the southeast corner of said
  Tract one, a northwest corner of said McKinney Ranch tract, and the
  northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to McKinney
  Independent School District as recorded in instrument number
  20120402000380350, of the Official Public Records of Collin County,
  Texas at a distance of 1230.34 feet, and continuing along the common
  line of said Tract two and said McKinney Independent School
  District, for a total distance of 1990.57 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
  rod with cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 396311 found for the southwest
  corner of said Tract one and the southeast corner of a tract of land
  conveyed to Thomas A. Helsley recorded in Volume 5848, Page 4493,
  Deed Records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 00 degree 33 minutes 30 seconds West, along the common
  line of said Tract one and said Helsley tract, a distance of 979.98
  feet, to the point of beginning and containing 1,960,013 square
  feet or 44.996 acres of land.
  BEING, a tract of land situated in the T. Cunis Survey, Abstract
  Number 211, City of McKinney, Collin County, Texas, and being the
  remainder of a 184.822 acre tract of land described in deed to Eddie
  B. and Mary K. Maxwell, as recorded in Volume 3834, Page 84, of the
  Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly
  described as follows:
  BEGINNING at a 60D nail found for comer near the center of County
  Road 164, said oint being the southwest comer of a tract of land
  conveyed to R & L Knipe Resource - Tract, recorded in Volume 4697,
  Page 1782, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
  THENCE South 89 degrees 56 minutes 56 seconds West, along the near
  center of said County Road 164 and the south line of said tract, a
  distance of 1768.09 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron rod found for comer in
  said County Road, said point also being the southeast comer of
  Bloomdale estates, an addition to the City of McKinney, as recorded
  in Cabinet J, Page 981 of the Map records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 00 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West, along the east
  line of said Bloomdale Estates, passing a 1/2 inch iron rod found
  for the southeast corner of Lot 10 at 60 feet, and continuing for a
  total distance of 1749.40 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  northeast corner of said Bloomdale Estates, said point also being
  the southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to McKinney I.S.D.,
  as recorded in Instrument number 20120402000380350, of the Official
  Public Records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 00 degree 51 minutes 28 seconds West, along the east
  line of said McKinney I.S.D. tract, passing a 1/2 inch iron rod with
  cap stamped "R.P.L.S. 3963" found for the northeast corner of said
  McKinney I.S.D. tract, and the southeast corner of a tract of land
  conveyed to McKinney I.S.D., as recorded in Instrument number
  20120402000380350, and continuing for a total distance of 1275.59
  feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with cap stamped "KHA", said point
  lying of the south line of a tract of land conveyed to McKinney
  Ranch, Ltd., as recorded in Instrument number 20060208000170600, of
  the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE North 89 Degrees 41 Minutes, 19 seconds East, along the south
  line of said McKinney Ranch tract, a distance of 1875.61 feet to a
  1/2 inch iron rod found for corner at the base of a double trunked 10
  inch Hackberry tree, said point also being the northwest corner of a
  tract of land conveyed to Rene Bates, as recorded in instrument
  number 20070917001294740, of the Official Public Records of Collin
  County, Texas;
  THENCE with the west line of said Bates tract the following courses
  and distances:
         South 17 degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of
  287.57 feet to steel fence post for corner;
         South 39 degrees 23 minutes 37 seconds East, a distance of
  124.08 feet to steel fence post for corner;
         South 00 degree 42 minutes 59 seconds West, a distance of
  68.64 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "KHA" found for
  comer, said point lying on the north line of a tract of land
  conveyed to Dennis A. Bryant & Martha J. Bryant, as recorded in
  instrument number 93-0014444, of the Deed Records of Collin County,
  THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 44 seconds West, along the north
  line of said Bryant tract, a distance of 187 .67 feet to a 1 /2 inch
  iron rod found for comer near the north base of a steel fence post,
  said point also being the northwest comer of said Bryant tract;
  THENCE South 00 degree 59 minutes 36 seconds East, along the west
  line of said Bryant tract, and passing the northwest corner of a
  tract of land conveyed to Michael Larry Culbreath et ux, As recorded
  in Volume 4283, Page 2451 of the Deed Records of Collin County,
  Texas, and continuing with the west line of said Vulbreath tract a
  total distance of 1056.50 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  corner in the north line of a tract of land conveyed Rene Bates, as
  recorded in instrument number 20111004001062750, of the Official
  Public Records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE with the north and west line of said Bates tract the
  following courses and distances;
         South 89 Degrees 19 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of
  80.01 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner at the northwest
  base of a steel fence post;
         South 00 degree 53 minutes 58 seconds East, a distance of
  530.10 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner, said point
  being the northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Richard
  Knipe et ux of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas;
  THENCE South 00 Degree 57 minutes 27 second East, along the west
  line of said Richard Knipe et ux tract, and passing a 1/2 inch iron
  rod found for the northwest corner of the aforementioned R & L Knipe
  Resources tract at a distance of 523.10 feet, and continuing along
  the west line of said R & L Knipe Resources tract, a total distance
  of 1004.17 feet, to the point of beginning and containing 5,519,836
  square feet or 126.718 acres of land.
  BEING a 45.060 acre tract of land situated in the William Rice
  Survey, Abstract Number 769, Collin County, Texas and being all of a
  called 45.013 acre tract of land to Barcelona 93, LTD AS recorded in
  Instrument Number 20160705000847670 of the Official Public Records
  of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as
  BEGINNING at a 1" flat iron found in the center of County Road 1006
  for the northwest corner of said 45.013 acre tract and the northeast
  corner of a called 10.107 acre tract of land to Randall K. Hickman
  and Patricia C. Hickman, Husband and Wife as recorded in Instrument
  Number 20150306000247630 of the Official Public Records of Collin
  County, Texas;
  THENCE South 89 degrees 46 minutes 44 seconds East along the center
  of said County Road 1006, same being the north line of said 45.013
  acre tract, a distance of 139.84 feet to a mag nail set for corner;
  THENCE North 89 degrees 00 minutes 16 seconds East continuing along
  the center of said County Road 1006, same being the north line of
  said 45.013 acre tract, a distance of 376.07 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
  rod found for corner;
  THENCE North 89 degrees 13 minutes 11 seconds East continuing along
  the center of said County Road 1006, same being the north line of
  said 45.013 acre tract, a distance of 1070.43 feet to a 1/2 inch
  iron rod found for the northeast corner of said 45.013 acre tract;
  THENCE South 00 degrees 40 minutes 37 seconds East along the east
  line of said 45.013 acre tract and generally along a barbed wire
  fence, a distance of 686.16 feet to a fence corner post found for
  THENCE North 88 degrees 17 minutes 51 seconds East continuing along
  the east line of said 45.013 acre tract and generally along a barbed
  wire fence, a distance of 15.05 feet to a fence corner post found
  for corner;
  THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 36 seconds East continuing along
  the east line of said 45.013 acre tract and generally along a barbed
  wire fence, a distance of 755.74 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap
  stamped "RPLS 5190" found for the southeast corner of said 45.013
  acre tract, same being the northeast corner of a called 7.00 acre
  tract of land to Rene Bates as recorded in Instrument Number
  20110106000027310 of the Official Public Records of Collin County,
  THENCE North 88 degrees 07 minutes 54 seconds West along the common
  line of said 45.013 acre tract and said 7.00 acre tract, a distance
  of 1080.82 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found in a north/south barbed
  wire fence on the east line of a called 18.97 acre tract of land to
  Rene Bates as recorded in Instrument Number 20151231001629740 of
  the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas for the most
  southerly southwest corner of said 45.013 acre tract and the
  northwest corner of said 7.00 acre tract;
  THENCE North 00 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds West along the common
  line of said 45.013 acre tract and said 18.97 acre tract and
  generally along a barbed wire fence, a distance of 529.96 feet to a
  1 inch iron pipe found on the east side of a fence corner post for an
  inner ell corner of said 45.013 acre tract and the northeast corner
  of said 18.97 acre tract;
  THENCE North 88 degrees 36 minutes 28 seconds West continuing along
  the common line of said 45.013 acre tract and said 18.97 acre tract
  and generally along a barbed wire fence, a distance of 515.75 feet
  to a 1 inch iron pipe found on the west side of a fence corner post
  for the most westerly southwest corner of said 45.013 acre tract and
  the southeast corner of the aforementioned 10.107 acre tract;
  THENCE North 00 degrees 53 minutes 46 seconds West, along the common
  line of said 45.013 acre tract and said 10.107 acre tract and
  generally along a barbed wire fence, a distance of 843.23 feet to
  the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 1,962,793 square feet, or 45.060
  acres of land.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
  submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  within the required time.
         (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have been
  fulfilled and accomplished.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.