88S40011 KJE-F
  By: King of Hemphill H.J.R. No. 1
  proposing a constitutional amendment creating the state school
  safety fund to provide ongoing financial support for projects that
  ensure the safety of public schools in this state and providing for
  the transfer of certain general revenues to that fund, the economic
  stabilization fund, and the state highway fund.
         SECTION 1.  Section 49-g, Article III, Texas Constitution,
  is amended by amending Subsections (c), (c-1), and (c-2) and adding
  Subsections (c-3) and (c-4) to read as follows:
         (c)  Not later than the 90th day of each fiscal year, the
  comptroller of public accounts shall transfer from the general
  revenue fund to the economic stabilization fund, the state school
  safety fund, and the state highway fund the sum of the amounts
  described by Subsections (d) and (e) of this section, to be
  allocated as provided by Subsections (c-1) and (c-2) of this
  section. However, if necessary and notwithstanding the allocations
  prescribed by Subsections (c-1) and (c-2) of this section, the
  comptroller shall reduce proportionately the amounts described by
  Subsections (d) and (e) of this section to be transferred and
  allocated to the economic stabilization fund to prevent the amount
  in that fund from exceeding the limit in effect for that biennium
  under Subsection (g) of this section. Revenue transferred to the
  state highway fund under this subsection may be used only for
  constructing, maintaining, and acquiring rights-of-way for public
  roadways other than toll roads.
         (c-1)  Of the sum of the amounts described by Subsections (d)
  and (e) of this section and required to be transferred from the
  general revenue fund under Subsection (c) of this section, the
  comptroller shall, except as provided by Subsection (c-2) of this
  section, allocate:
               (1)  [one-half] to the economic stabilization fund the
  difference, if the difference is greater than zero, between
  one-half of the sum of those amounts and $1.1 billion;
               (2)  to the state school safety fund the lesser of:
                     (A)  $1.1 billion; or
                     (B)  one-half of the sum of those amounts; and
               (3)  the remainder to the state highway fund[, except
  as provided by Subsection (c-2) of this section].
         (c-2)  The legislature by general law shall provide for a
  procedure by which the allocation of the sum of the amounts
  described by Subsections (d) and (e) of this section may be adjusted
  to provide for a transfer to the economic stabilization fund of an
  amount greater than the allocation provided for under Subsection
  (c-1) of this section with the remainder of that sum, if any,
  allocated for transfer to the state school safety fund and the state
  highway fund as provided by general law. The allocation made as
  provided by that general law is binding on the comptroller for the
  purposes of the transfers required by Subsection (c) of this
         (c-3)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c-1) of this section, for
  the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2024, the comptroller
  of public accounts shall reduce the amount allocated for transfer
  to the economic stabilization fund and increase the amount
  allocated for transfer to the state school safety fund under
  Subsection (c-1) of this section for that state fiscal year by the
  lesser of:
               (1)  $1.1 billion; or
               (2)  the amount allocated for transfer to the economic
  stabilization fund under Subsection (c-1) of this section for that
  state fiscal year.
         (c-4)  Subsection (c-3) of this section and this subsection
  expire September 1, 2026.
         SECTION 2.  Article VII, Texas Constitution, is amended by
  adding Section 7 to read as follows:
         Sec. 7.  (a)  The state school safety fund is created as a
  special fund in the state treasury outside the general revenue
  fund. Money in the state school safety fund shall be administered,
  without further appropriation, by the comptroller of public
  accounts. In accordance with general law, the state school safety
  fund may be used only to provide ongoing financial support for
  projects that ensure the safety of public schools in this state as
  provided by legislation. Separate accounts may be established in
  the state school safety fund as necessary or convenient to
  administer the fund or the supported projects.
         (b)  The legislature by general law may authorize the use of
  money from the state school safety fund only by an independent
  school district or open-enrollment charter school for projects
  described under Subsection (a) of this section.
         (c)  The state school safety fund consists of:
               (1)  money appropriated to the fund;
               (2)  money transferred or deposited to the credit of
  the fund under this constitution or by general law;
               (3)  revenue from any source, including the proceeds of
  a fee or tax imposed under general law, that the legislature by
  statute dedicates for deposit to the credit of the fund;
               (4)  investment earnings and interest earned on amounts
  credited to the fund;
               (5)  money appropriated by the legislature for the
  purposes of funding public schools that is determined by the
  commissioner of education to exceed the amount required for the
  support and maintenance of public schools, including amounts to
  which the public schools of this state are entitled under general
  law; and
               (6)  money transferred to the fund from another fund or
  account to which money from the fund was transferred, as authorized
  by general law.
         (d)  The legislature by general law shall provide for the
  manner in which money in the state school safety fund may be used,
  subject to the limitations provided by this section. The
  legislature by general law may provide for costs of investment and
  administration of the state school safety fund to be paid from the
         (e)  For the purposes of Section 22, Article VIII, of this
  constitution, an appropriation of money from the economic
  stabilization fund for the purpose of depositing that money to the
  credit of the state school safety fund is considered to be an
  appropriation of state tax revenues dedicated by this constitution.
         (f)  This section is intended to establish a basic framework
  of the state school safety fund, and the legislature by general law
  may provide for the implementation and effectuate the design and
  objects of this section and may delegate duties, responsibilities,
  functions, and authority granted under this section to another
  entity for those purposes.
         SECTION 3.  The following temporary provision is added to
  the Texas Constitution:
         TEMPORARY PROVISION.  (a) This temporary provision applies
  to the constitutional amendment proposed by the 88th Legislature,
  4th Called Session, 2023, creating the state school safety fund to
  provide ongoing financial support for projects that ensure the
  safety of public schools in this state and providing for the
  transfer of certain general revenues to that fund, the economic
  stabilization fund, and the state highway fund.
         (b)  Section 49-g, Article III, of this constitution, as
  amended by the amendment, takes effect September 1, 2024.
         (c)  This temporary provision expires September 1, 2025.
         SECTION 4.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held May 4, 2024. The
  ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  proposition: "The constitutional amendment creating the state
  school safety fund to provide ongoing financial support for
  projects that ensure the safety of public schools in this state and
  providing for the transfer of certain general revenues to that
  fund, the economic stabilization fund, and the state highway fund."