Senate Research Center

H.B. 5399


By: Allison (Men�ndez)


Local Government










Currently, parts of Jones Avenue in downtown San Antonio are undeveloped, yet have the potential to provide housing, retail, and leisure spaces to the community. With approval from the City of San Antonio, the Jones Avenue Municipal Management District would encompass approximately six acres, much of which was previously occupied by CPS Energy along the River Walk, north of the San Antonio Museum of Art.


Development plans for this district provide for a mixed-use project focused on creating an active public place along and connecting to the River Walk, with over a third of the development consisting of open space to include public art features and event space. It also includes a hotel, mid-rise and high-rise apartments, office space, and parking, most of which will include first floor amenities and retail facing the public areas.������ �����������

This district would have typical management district powers, such as the ability to levy assessments and taxes for services and improvements. It will not have the power of eminent domain.


H.B. 5399 would create the Jones Avenue Municipal Management District, providing critical public infrastructure improvements, such as water, sewer, drainage, road, and recreational facilities, to support development of the property, and would provide services and amenities to the commercial property in the area.


H.B. 5399 amends current law relating to the creation of the Jones Avenue Municipal Management District, provides authority to issue bonds, and provides authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Subtitle C, Title 4, Special District Local Laws Code, by adding Chapter 4007, as follows:




Sets forth standard language for the creation of the Jones Avenue Municipal Management District (district). Sets forth standards, procedures, requirements, and criteria for:


Creation and approval of the district, initial district territory, and the construction of this chapter (Sections 4007.0101-4007.0108);


Composition and powers of the initial directors of the district, size, composition, appointment, eligibility, quorum, compensation, and reimbursement of expenses for the board of directors (Sections 4007.0201-4007.0205);


Powers and duties of the district (Sections 4007.0301-4007.0309);


General financial provisions, authority to impose and collect assessments, authority to impose an operation and maintenance tax, and authority to borrow money and issue bonds and other obligations (Sections 4007.0401-4007.0506); and


Procedures for the dissolution of the district (Section 4007.0901).


SECTION 2. Sets forth the initial boundaries of the district.


SECTION 3. Provides that all requirements of the constitution and the laws of this state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled and accomplished.


SECTION 4. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2023.