Senate Research Center

S.B. 2005

88R9841 SHH-F

By: LaMantia


Local Government




As Filed






What does this bill do?


How does this bill do it?


Background and Purpose:


Fiscal Impact:


As proposed, S.B. 2005 amends current law relating to the form of an appraisal review board order determining a protest.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Section 5.07, Tax Code, by adding Subsection (k), as follows:


(k) Requires the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas (comptroller) to prescribe the form that an appraisal review board (ARB) is required to use to make a determination required to be made by written order under Title 1 (Property Tax Code).� Requires that the form require an ARB to include for the property subject to the order the property owner's name, the property's identification number, the property's legal description and physical address, and any other information the comptroller determines necessary. Requires the comptroller to post the form on the comptroller's Internet website.


SECTION 2. Amends Section 25.25, Tax Code, by adding Subsection (q), to require an ARB to issue a written order under Section 25.25 (Correction of Appraisal Roll) using the form prescribed by the comptroller under Section 5.07(k).


SECTION 3. Amends Section 41.07(a), Tax Code, to require the ARB to determine each challenge and make its decision by written order using the form prescribed by the comptroller under Section 5.07(k).


SECTION 4. Amends Section 41.47(a), Tax Code, to require the ARB hearing a protest to determine the protest and make its decision by written order using the form prescribed by the comptroller under Section 5.07(k).


SECTION 5. Requires the comptroller to prescribe and post on the comptroller's Internet website the form required by Section 5.07(k), Tax Code, as added by this Act, not later than the effective date of this Act.


SECTION 6. Makes application of this Act prospective.


SECTION 7. Effective date: January 1, 2024.