Senate Research Center

S.C.R. 42


By: Hinojosa






As Filed






Designating December 8 as Special Hearts Day for a 10-year period beginning in 2023.


Special Hearts Day recognizes and celebrates the important mission of Special Hearts in the Arts, a nonprofit organization that seeks to build more inclusive communities by providing opportunities for persons with special needs to engage in the arts.


Located in Corpus Christi, Special Hearts in the Arts offers weekly classes and activities in theater arts, dance, music, art, and film to members of the community with special needs. The organization embraces a focus on special abilities rather than disabilities, and its programs allow persons with special needs to explore their own individual talents and showcase their creative work.


Developing and sharing their diverse abilities empowers participants of Special Hearts in the Arts to express their creativity and to connect with others, and experiencing the unique gifts each person has to offer enables others to appreciate the remarkable contributions these extraordinary individuals make in their communities.


Special Hearts Day pays tribute to the exemplary efforts of Special Hearts in the Arts and encourages communities throughout the state to promote engagement in the arts for persons with special needs. The invaluable work of furthering the organization's mission contributes greatly to building and strengthening Texas communities, and it is indeed fitting that Texans join in supporting and celebrating this mission of inclusivity, connection, and enrichment for all.




That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby designate December 8 as Special Hearts Day.


That, in accordance with the provisions of Section 391.004(d) (relating to providing that a designation a day, week, or month for recognition expires on the 10th anniversary of the date the legislature finally passes the resolution making the designation), Government Code, this designation remain in effect until the 10th anniversary of the date this resolution is finally passed by the legislature.