88R6664 EAS-F
  By: Capriglione H.B. No. 1673
  relating to training requirements for staff members of certain
  assisted living facilities that provide care to persons with
  Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 247, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 247.0291 to read as follows:
               (1)  "Administrative staff member" means an individual
  who is in a senior personnel position at an assisted living
  facility, including a facility administrator or manager who
  directly supervises direct service staff members.
               (2)  "Direct service staff member" means a staff member
  whose work involves extensive contact with residents, including a
  certified nursing assistant, nurse aide, personal care assistant,
  home health or personal care aide, licensed practical nurse,
  licensed vocational nurse, registered nurse, social worker,
  activity director, licensed dietitian, physician assistant, nurse
  practitioner, physical therapist, speech language pathologist, and
  occupational therapist.
               (3)  "Staff member" means:
                     (A)  a full- or part-time employee of an assisted
  living facility; or
                     (B)  an independent consultant, contractor, or
  subcontractor of an assisted living facility, including an employee
  of the consultant, contractor, or subcontractor.
         (b)  This section applies only to an assisted living facility
               (1)  provides personal care services to residents with
  Alzheimer's disease or related disorders; and
               (2)  does not hold a license classified under Section
  247.029 to provide those services.
         (c)  An assisted living facility shall require each facility
  staff member to complete training approved by the commission on
  Alzheimer's disease and related disorders in accordance with this
         (d)  An assisted living facility shall require each direct
  service staff member to successfully complete four hours of
  training and pass an examination on:
               (1)  Alzheimer's disease and related disorders;
               (2)  the provision of person-centered care;
               (3)  assessment and care planning;
               (4)  daily life activities of residents with
  Alzheimer's disease or related disorders; and
               (5)  common behaviors and communications associated
  with residents with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
         (e)  A direct service staff member may not provide any direct
  care to a resident with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders
  until the staff member successfully completes the training and
  passes the examination required under Subsection (d).
         (f)  An assisted living facility shall require each
  administrative staff member employed by the facility to
  successfully complete four hours of training and pass an
  examination on:
               (1)  the topics listed under Subsection (d);
               (2)  administrative support services related to
  medical information management and the provision of medically
  appropriate education and support services, including holistic
  person-centered care, to residents with Alzheimer's disease or
  related disorders and their families;
               (3)  staffing requirements to facilitate collaboration
  and cooperation among facility staff members and to ensure each
  staff member obtains appropriate informational materials and
  training to properly care for and interact with residents with
  Alzheimer's disease or related disorders based on the staff
  member's position;
               (4)  the establishment of a supportive and therapeutic
  environment for residents with Alzheimer's disease or related
  disorders to enhance the sense of community among the residents and
  within the facility; and
               (5)  the transition of care and coordination of
  services for residents with Alzheimer's disease or related
         (g)  An assisted living facility shall require each staff
  member who is not required to complete the training or pass the
  examination under Subsection (d) or (f), including housekeeping
  staff, front desk staff, maintenance staff, and other staff members
  with incidental but recurring contact with residents with
  Alzheimer's disease or related disorders, to successfully complete
  training and pass an examination on the topics listed under
  Subsections (d)(1), (2), and (5).
         (h)  An assisted living facility shall provide a certificate
  of completion to each staff member who successfully completes the
  training and passes the examination required under Subsection (d),
  (f), or (g).
         (i)  Each direct service staff member and administrative
  staff member who successfully completes the training and passes the
  examination required under Subsection (d) or (f) must annually
  complete two hours of continuing education on best practices
  related to the treatment of and provision of care to residents with
  Alzheimer's disease or related disorders.
         (j)  Except as provided by Subsection (k), an assisted living
  facility staff member who successfully completes the training and
  passes the examination required under Subsection (d), (f), or (g)
  and who transfers to another facility is not required to complete
  those requirements for the other facility.
         (k)  An assisted living facility may require a staff member
  who has had a lapse of employment with facilities to which this
  section applies for a period of two years or more to successfully
  complete the training and pass the examination required under
  Subsection (d), (f), or (g) even if the staff member previously
  completed those requirements.
         (l)  Each assisted living facility staff member who
  successfully completes the training, including continuing
  education requirements, and passes an examination required under
  this section must maintain documentation regarding the training and
         (m)  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules necessary
  to implement this section.
         SECTION 2.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall adopt any rules necessary to implement
  the changes in law made by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  Notwithstanding Section 247.0291, Health and
  Safety Code, as added by this Act, an assisted living facility staff
  member to which that section applies is not required to complete the
  training or pass the examination required under that section until
  September 1, 2024.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.