88R10360 SCL-D
  By: Gerdes H.B. No. 3398
  relating to county zoning authority for counties adjacent to
  populous counties; creating a criminal offense.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 231, Local Government Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter N to read as follows:
         Sec. 231.301.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies only to a county that is adjacent to a county with a
  population of one million or more.
         Sec. 231.302.  ADOPTION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies only to a county for which the commissioners court by order
  adopts this subchapter on the court's own motion or following an
  election as provided by Section 231.304(d).
         Sec. 231.303.  PETITION FOR ADOPTION. (a)  A person may
  submit a petition to the county clerk of a county to request that
  the county hold an election on the question of adopting this
         (b)  The petition must:
               (1)  be signed by a number of registered voters in the
  county that is equal to at least 10 percent of the number of votes
  received by all candidates for governor in the most recent
  gubernatorial general election in the area eligible to vote in the
  election under Section 231.304;
               (2)  include each signer's current voter registration
  number, printed name, and residence address, including zip code;
               (3)  include a signature date entered by each signer
  next to the signer's signature; and
               (4)  include a statement on each page of the petition
  preceding the space for signatures in substantially the following
  "This petition is to request that an election be held in (name of
  county) to authorize the county to adopt zoning and building
  regulations applicable in the unincorporated areas of the county
  not subject to municipal zoning ordinances."
         (c)  A petition signature is not valid if:
               (1)  the signer fails to enter the date the signer signs
  the petition; or
               (2)  the date is earlier than the 90th day before the
  date the petition is submitted to the county clerk.
         (d)  Not later than the 30th day after the date the county
  clerk receives a petition under this section, the clerk shall
  provide a written determination on whether the petition is valid to
  the commissioners court of the county.
         (e)  If the county clerk determines the petition is invalid,
  the clerk shall provide written notice to the person submitting the
  petition, which must include each reason the clerk determines the
  petition is invalid.
         Sec. 231.304.  ADOPTION ELECTION. (a)  After receipt of the
  county clerk's determination of a valid petition under Section
  231.303, the commissioners court of the county shall order an
  election on the question of adopting this subchapter to be held on
  the first uniform election date that allows sufficient time to
  comply with any requirements of law.
         (b)  Only registered voters residing in a part of the
  unincorporated area of the county that is not subject to a municipal
  zoning ordinance are eligible to vote in the election.
         (c)  The ballot for the election must be printed to provide
  for voting for or against the following proposition:
  "Granting authority to the county to adopt zoning and building
  regulations for the unincorporated areas of the county not subject
  to municipal zoning ordinances."
         (d)  If a majority of the votes cast in the election favor the
  proposition, the commissioners court shall adopt by order this
  subchapter at the next scheduled meeting of the court.
         Sec. 231.305.  AUTHORITY TO REGULATE. (a)  The
  commissioners court of a county by order may adopt regulations
  authorized by this subchapter that may be applied in the
  unincorporated areas of the county that are not subject to
  municipal zoning regulations adopted under Chapter 211.
         (b)  For an area designated by a county as having historical,
  cultural, or architectural significance, the commissioners court
  may regulate the construction, reconstruction, alteration, or
  razing of buildings or other structures in the area.
         Sec. 231.306.  PROHIBITED COUNTY REGULATION. This
  subchapter does not authorize the commissioners court of a county
               (1)  require the removal or destruction of property
  that exists at the time the commissioners court adopts this
               (2)  regulate a billboard or outdoor advertising that
  conflicts with a municipal ordinance or state agency rule;
               (3)  regulate for siting or zoning purposes, new
  manufactured or industrialized housing that is constructed to
  preemptive state or federal building standards in a manner that is
  different from site-built housing; or
               (4)  regulate the construction, use, design, or
  placement of a public utility building or facility, including a
  central office building used by a person engaged in providing
  telephone services to the public.
  In this section, "agricultural or ranching operation" includes:
               (1)  cultivation of soil;
               (2)  production of crops for human food, animal feed,
  planting seed, or fiber;
               (3)  floriculture;
               (4)  viticulture;
               (5)  horticulture;
               (6)  possession of livestock or poultry; and
               (7)  use of cover crops or idle land for the purpose of
  participation in a governmental program or normal crop or livestock
  rotation procedure.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the commissioners
  court of a county may not restrict the right of a property owner to
  construct an improvement for an agricultural or ranching operation,
  or to otherwise use the property for an agricultural or ranching
         (c)  A commissioners court may impose a reasonably necessary
  restriction or prohibition on a commercial agricultural or ranching
  operation, including a commercial feed lot, to protect the public
  health, safety, peace, morals, and general welfare from the dangers
  of explosion, flooding, vermin, insects, physical injury,
  contagious disease, contamination of water supplies, radiation,
  storage of toxic materials, or other hazards.
         Sec. 231.308.  ZONING REGULATIONS. (a)  The commissioners
  court of a county by order may adopt zoning regulations.
         (b)  A commissioners court may regulate:
               (1)  the height, number of stories, and size of
  buildings and other structures;
               (2)  the percentage of a lot that may be occupied or
               (3)  the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces;
               (4)  population density;
               (5)  the location, design, construction, extension,
  and size of streets and roads;
               (6)  the location and use of buildings, other
  structures, and land for business, industrial, residential, or
  other purposes;
               (7)  the location, design, construction, extension,
  size, and regulation of water, wastewater, and drainage facilities,
  including requirements for connecting to a centralized water or
  wastewater system;
               (8)  the location, design, and construction of parks,
  playgrounds, and recreational areas; and
               (9)  the abatement of harm resulting from inadequate
  water or wastewater facilities.
         (c)  In adopting zoning regulations, a commissioners court
  must ensure that the regulations:
               (1)  comply with the county's comprehensive plan;
               (2)  are coordinated with the comprehensive plans of
  each municipality located in the county;
               (3)  are uniform for each class or kind of building in a
  district established under this subchapter, but may vary from
  district to district; and
               (4)  are adopted with reasonable consideration for:
                     (A)  preserving the character of each district and
  its particular suitability for particular uses; and
                     (B)  conserving the value of buildings and
  encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout a district.
         Sec. 231.309.  DISTRICTS. The commissioners court of a
  county may divide the unincorporated area of the county into
  districts of a number, shape, and size the court considers best for
  implementing this subchapter.
         Sec. 231.310.  COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. (a)  The commissioners
  court of a county by order shall adopt a comprehensive plan for the
  growth and development of the county.
         (b)  A comprehensive plan must be designed to:
               (1)  lessen congestion in the county's streets and
               (2)  secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers;
               (3)  promote health and the general welfare;
               (4)  provide adequate light and air;
               (5)  prevent the overcrowding of land;
               (6)  avoid undue concentration of population;
               (7)  facilitate the adequate provision of
  transportation, water, sewers, parks, and other public
  requirements; and
               (8)  assist in developing land in the county into
  parks, playgrounds, and recreational areas for the public.
         Sec. 231.311.  PLANNING COMMISSION. (a)  The commissioners
  court of a county shall appoint a planning commission.
         (b)  The planning commission consists of seven members who
  must be county residents.  If a county has a park or historic
  commission, the commissioners court may designate the historic
  commission to serve as the planning commission.
         (c)  The members of the planning commission shall elect a
  presiding officer from among its members to serve a term set by the
  members.  If the presiding officer is absent from a meeting, the
  members of the planning commission may designate a member to serve
  as the acting presiding officer.
         (d)  The planning commission may employ a secretary and
  necessary staff.
         (e)  A commissioners court shall fill any vacancy on the
  planning commission.
         (f)  A member of the planning commission is not entitled to
  compensation but is entitled to reimbursement of expenses actually
  incurred while serving on the planning commission, as provided by
  commissioners court order.
         Sec. 231.312.  PLANNING COMMISSION: POWERS AND DUTIES.  (a)  
  The planning commission of a county established under this
  subchapter shall recommend:
               (1)  boundaries for dividing the county into districts
  described by Section 231.309; and
               (2)  appropriate zoning regulations for each district.
         (b)  A planning commission shall develop a preliminary
  report on its recommendations and hold a public hearing on that
  report before submitting the final report to the commissioners
  court of the county.
         (c)  Not later than the 10th day before the hearing date, a
  planning commission shall provide written notice of each public
  hearing before the planning commission on a proposed change in a
  classification in a district to:
               (1)  each owner of affected property or the person who
  renders that property for county taxes; and
               (2)  each owner of property that is located within 200
  feet of property affected by the change or the person who renders
  that property for county taxes.
         (d)  For purposes of Subsection (c), a planning commission is
  considered to have provided notice by depositing the notice, with
  postage paid and a proper address, in the United States mail.
         (e)  After the public hearing is held under Subsection (b), a
  planning commission shall develop and submit a written final report
  to the commissioners court.
  BOUNDARIES AND REGULATIONS. (a)  The commissioners court of a
  county may not adopt a zoning district boundary or zoning
  regulation until the court receives the planning commission's final
  report prepared under Section 231.312.
         (b)  A commissioners court shall establish procedures for
  adopting zoning district boundaries and zoning regulations.  The
  procedures must:
               (1)  require the boundary or regulation to be adopted
  by order;
               (2)  limit the court's consideration of a boundary or
  regulation to a boundary or regulation recommended by the planning
               (3)  provide that the boundary or regulation is not
  effective until after a public hearing on the matter at which the
  public has an opportunity to be heard; and
               (4)  require notice of the time and place of the hearing
  in a newspaper of general circulation in the county not later than
  the 15th day before the date of the hearing.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (f), a commissioners
  court may by majority vote adopt, or adopt with amendment, a zoning
  district boundary or zoning regulation proposed by the planning
         (d)  A person may protest an amendment by a commissioners
  court to a zoning district boundary or zoning regulation proposed
  by the planning commission by submitting a written protest to the
  court that is signed by the owners of at least 20 percent of:
               (1)  the area of the lots covered by the proposed
  change; or
               (2)  the property immediately adjacent to the rear of
  the lots covered by the proposed change and extending 200 feet from:
                     (A)  those lots; or
                     (B)  the street frontage of the opposite lots.
         (e)  After receipt of a protest under Subsection (d), a
  commissioners court shall hold a public hearing for which the court
  provides notice in the manner provided by Subsection (b).
         (f)  A commissioners court may adopt with amendment a zoning
  district boundary or zoning regulation proposed by the planning
  commission for which the court receives a protest under Subsection
  (d) only by an affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of all
  members of the court.
         Sec. 231.314.  SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. (a)  A person aggrieved
  by a zoning regulation adopted under this subchapter or an officer,
  department, board, or bureau of the county or a municipality in the
  county may petition the commissioners court of the county for a
  special exception to the regulation.
         (b)  A commissioners court may grant a special exception to a
  zoning regulation if the court finds that the exception:
               (1)  is not contrary to the public interest; and
               (2)  would prevent unnecessary hardship from the
  literal enforcement of the regulation.
         (c)  A commissioners court shall adopt procedures governing
  applications, notice, hearings, and other matters relating to
  special exceptions.
         Sec. 231.315.  ENFORCEMENT. (a)  The commissioners court of
  a county may adopt orders to enforce this subchapter or an order
  adopted under this subchapter.
         (b)  A person commits an offense if the person violates this
  subchapter or an order adopted under this subchapter.  An offense
  under this subsection is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not
  less than $500 and not more than $1,000.  Each day that a violation
  occurs constitutes a separate offense.  An offense must be
  prosecuted in a district court in the county in which the offense
         (c)  The appropriate county authority may bring an action
  against the owner of:
               (1)  a building or other structure erected,
  constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, or
  maintained in violation of this subchapter or an order adopted
  under this subchapter; or
               (2)  a building, other structure, or land used in
  violation of this subchapter or an order adopted under this
         (d)  In an action brought under Subsection (c), the county
  may recover:
               (1)  injunctive relief to:
                     (A)  prevent the unlawful action or use;
                     (B)  restrain, correct, or abate the violation;
                     (C)  prevent the occupancy of the building, other
  structure, or land that is the subject of the action; or
                     (D)  prevent any illegal act, conduct, business,
  or use on or about the premises of the property that is the subject
  of the action;
               (2)  court costs and attorney's fees incurred in
  bringing the action; and
               (3)  other appropriate remedies.
  commissioners court of a county by order may enter into an agreement
  with a municipality located in the county to assist in the
  implementation and enforcement of regulations adopted under this
         Sec. 231.317.  CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAW. In the event of a
  conflict between an order adopted under this subchapter and a
  statute or local regulation, the more stringent regulation
  prevails.  A more stringent regulation is the regulation that
  imposes a higher standard, including a requirement of:
               (1)  a greater width or size of a yard, court, or other
  open space;
               (2)  a lower building height or fewer number of stories
  for a building; or
               (3)  a greater percentage of a lot to be left
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.