H.R. No. 45
         WHEREAS, The Ibn Sina Foundation is making a positive
  difference in the Greater Houston area by providing low-cost
  preventative and primary health care to residents in need; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 2001, the Ibn Sina Foundation was
  formed by a group of local physicians and professionals to help meet
  the health care needs of a rapidly expanding population of
  underserved families; the foundation started with one clinic and
  one part-time employee in 2001, and it served families with limited
  access to preventative care and very few resources to pay for it;
  today, Ibn Sina has more than 90 staff members and 7 community
  clinics in Harris, Fort Bend, and Jefferson Counties, and it has had
  over one million patient visits to date; and
         WHEREAS, The Ibn Sina Foundation aims to improve the quality
  of life and enhance the life expectancy of underprivileged and
  uninsured individuals; in keeping with this mission, it offers
  inexpensive preventative and primary medical, dental, diagnostic,
  specialty, behavioral health, and children's health services, and
  it focuses on the prevention and control of diseases at an early
  stage; to give patients the most comprehensive and affordable care,
  Ibn Sina partners with other nonprofit organizations, government
  agencies, and hospitals to provide referral services for indigent
  communities; and
         WHEREAS, Recently, the Ibn Sina Foundation has expanded its
  mental health services and created an additional building to
  provide integrative mental and behavioral health care to members of
  the community; and
         WHEREAS, For more than two decades, the Ibn Sina Foundation
  has distinguished itself as a vital resource within its community,
  and it is a pleasure to join in commending the organization for its
  valuable contributions to the health and well-being of area
  citizens; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the Ibn Sina Foundation for its
  service to the Greater Houston area and extend to all those
  associated with the organization sincere best wishes for continued
  success with its important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the foundation as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
Phelan Guerra Murr
Allen Guillen Neave Criado
Allison Harless Noble
Anchía Harris of Anderson Oliverson
Anderson Harris of Williamson Ordaz
Ashby Harrison Orr
Bailes Hayes Ortega
Bell of Kaufman Hefner Patterson
Bell of Montgomery Hernandez Paul
Bernal Herrero Perez
Bhojani Hinojosa Plesa
Bonnen Holland Price
Bowers Howard Ramos
Bryant Hull Raney
Buckley Hunter Raymond
Bucy Isaac Reynolds
Bumgarner Jetton Rogers
Burns Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Burrows A. Johnson of Harris Rose
Button J. Johnson of Harris Rosenthal
Cain Jones of Dallas Schaefer
Campos Jones of Harris Schatzline
Canales Kacal Schofield
Capriglione King of Hemphill Shaheen
Clardy King of Uvalde Sherman, Sr.
Cole Kitzman Shine
Collier Klick Slaton
Cook Kuempel Slawson
Cortez Lalani Smith
Craddick Lambert Smithee
Cunningham Landgraf Spiller
Darby Leach Stucky
Davis Leo-Wilson Swanson
Dean Longoria Talarico
DeAyala Lopez of Bexar Tepper
Dorazio Lopez of Cameron Thierry
Dutton Lozano Thimesch
Flores Lujan Thompson of Brazoria
Frank Manuel Thompson of Harris
Frazier Martinez Tinderholt
Gamez Martinez Fischer Toth
Garcia Metcalf Troxclair
Gates Meyer Turner
Gerdes Meza VanDeaver
Geren Moody Vasut
Gervin-Hawkins Morales of Harris Vo
Goldman Morales of Maverick Walle
González of Dallas Morales Shaw Wilson
González of El Paso Morrison Wu
Goodwin Muñoz, Jr. Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 45 was adopted by the House on February
  22, 2023, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House