WHEREAS, Members of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists |
are gathering in Austin on February 28, 2023, to commemorate Texas |
Anesthesiologists Day at the State Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, A recognized component of the American Society of |
Anesthesiologists, the Texas organization was founded in 1936; it |
works to promote, support, and advance the medical specialty of |
anesthesiology, and it engages in legislative and executive |
advocacy; and |
WHEREAS, The group strives to keep its 3,800 members |
throughout the state informed about the latest developments in this |
crucial field; members benefit greatly from the society's |
continuing education programs and annual meetings; moreover, |
through a network of committees, TSA allows members to participate |
in and make recommendations on numerous issues that are relevant to |
the profession, including scientific, administrative, and |
educational concerns; and |
WHEREAS, Always emphasizing patient safety, the Texas |
Society of Anesthesiologists makes invaluable contributions to the |
health and well-being of Texans, and it indeed merits special |
recognition; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize February 28, 2023, as Texas |
Anesthesiologists Day at the State Capitol and extend a warm |
welcome to the visiting delegation; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |