WHEREAS, There are nearly 10,000 known diseases and |
conditions that are considered rare by medical authorities in the |
United States, and each year, thousands of Texans are among those |
whose lives are changed by these diseases; and |
WHEREAS, A rare disease is defined as one that affects fewer |
than 200,000 people, but even though a specific disease may afflict |
only a small number of sufferers, such conditions, as a group, |
affect almost 30 million Americans, or nearly one in 10 people in |
our nation; and |
WHEREAS, Many rare diseases are serious and debilitating, |
with a significant impact on the lives of those affected and their |
families, and approximately 95 percent of rare diseases have no |
FDA-approved treatment; and |
WHEREAS, The National Economic Burden of Rare Disease Study |
in the United States estimated that the overall economic burden of |
rare diseases in 2019 exceeded $966 billion; and |
WHEREAS, Individuals and families who face a rare disease |
often experience a sense of isolation, difficulty in getting an |
accurate and timely diagnosis, few treatment options, and problems |
in receiving reimbursement for treatment; moreover, those who are |
diagnosed with a lesser known disorder often find that they must |
bear the lion's share of the responsibility for raising awareness |
as well as for raising funds for research toward a possible |
treatment or cure; and |
WHEREAS, Thousands of patients, family members, friends, |
co-workers, medical professionals, researchers, government |
officials, and companies developing treatments are pleased to join |
together with patient advocacy organizations like The National |
Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), EveryLife Foundation for |
Rare Diseases, and the Texas Rare Alliance as part of a nationwide |
observance of Rare Disease Day to advocate for continued research |
and access to diagnosis and treatment; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize February 28, 2023, as Rare Disease Day |
and encourage all Texans to learn more about this matter of serious |
concern. |