WHEREAS, The Honorable Robert L. Hurley retired as Atascosa |
County judge on December 31, 2022, following an exemplary |
eight-year tenure in office; and |
WHEREAS, Elected to the first of two terms on January 1, 2015, |
Judge Hurley worked tirelessly to bring positive change to the |
county, including numerous capital improvements; the county built a |
much-needed animal control shelter, as well as a new office |
building for the Precinct 3 justice of the peace, featuring a |
revenue-generating truck weigh station; a new courthouse annex not |
only relieved crowding, but anticipates future growth; and |
WHEREAS, Judge Hurley collaborated effectively with |
stakeholders to develop an intercity mass transit system; during |
the COVID-19 pandemic, he led a robust response, and he brought the |
first San Antonio Food Bank to the county; he undertook |
modernization of bill payments and the employee compensation |
system; while remaining focused on cost control and property tax |
reduction, he supported staff members wholeheartedly; he launched a |
wellness initiative, committed to an improved health insurance |
plan, and implemented a safety program with a new safety manager; in |
addition, he hired the county's first IT manager and supervised |
overhauls of the EMS system and indigent health care; and |
WHEREAS, In his role as judge of the probate and juvenile |
courts, Judge Hurley demonstrated similar dynamism; he spearheaded |
the effort to clear up years of probate case closures and expired |
guardianship cases, created a court visitor program to supervise |
active guardianship cases, and secured a grant to establish a |
public defender program in concert with three other counties; the |
juvenile detention center now has a rehab treatment facility; and |
WHEREAS, Judge Hurley served on the board of the Alamo Area |
Council of Governments during his tenure; previously, he was a |
member of the Pleasanton City Council, and he was twice elected |
mayor; he has shared his expertise with a host of civic |
organizations over the years, among them the Atascosa County |
Economic Development Corporation and Atascosa County Mental Health |
Advisory Board; in 2003, the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce named |
him Man of the Year; and |
WHEREAS, A strong and energetic leader, Bob Hurley has |
contributed significantly to the betterment of his community, and |
his endeavors have produced results of lasting benefit to countless |
Texans; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Bob Hurley on his retirement as |
Atascosa County judge and extend to him sincere best wishes for |
continued happiness with his wife, June, and his children, |
grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Judge Hurley as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |