88R17255 EME-D
  By: Collier H.R. No. 583
         WHEREAS, The retirement of the Honorable Brent Carr as judge
  of Tarrant County Criminal Court No. 9 on December 31, 2022,
  concluded an exceptional tenure that spanned more than three
  decades; and
         WHEREAS, After graduating from the University of Tampa, Brent
  Carr joined the Marine Corps and served in Washington, D.C.,
  Oklahoma, Korea, and Japan; he later continued his education at the
  South Texas College of Law in Houston, and in 1983, he began working
  for the district attorney's office in Tarrant County; and
         WHEREAS, In 1991, this esteemed public official was elected
  as judge of Tarrant County Criminal Court No. 9; in the following
  years, he distinguished himself as a dedicated servant to the
  community; among his many responsibilities, he was the presiding
  judge over three specialty courts: the Tarrant County Mental Health
  Court, the Tarrant County Veterans Treatment Court, and the Tarrant
  County RISE program for female victims of sex trafficking; these
  initiatives give people a chance to be diverted from prosecution
  and have enhanced the lives of more than 1,000 participants; and
         WHEREAS, Judge Carr shared his expertise and insight as a
  member of the Judicial Commission on Mental Health, and he was a
  consultant for numerous specialty courts across the state of Texas;
  he was also a past chair of the Office of Court Administration's
  Specialty Court Advisory Committee and the Tarrant County Mental
  Health Association, as well as the inaugural chair of the Tarrant
  County Veterans Coalition; more recently, he was reappointed to the
  Specialty Courts Advisory Council by Governor Greg Abbott; in all
  his endeavors, he is supported by his wife and three children; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Judge Brent Carr
  demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the law and to the highest
  ideals of his profession, and it is indeed a privilege to recognize
  him for his outstanding public service; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Brent Carr on the occasion of his
  retirement as judge of Tarrant County Criminal Court No. 9 and
  extend to him sincere best wishes as he embarks on the next exciting
  chapter of his life; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Judge Carr as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.