WHEREAS, The Texas Forestry Association is sponsoring a |
seedling giveaway on March 21, 2023, in an effort to promote public |
awareness of working forests and the importance of our state's |
timber resources; and |
WHEREAS, Each year, family forest owners and timberland |
investors plant 83 million seedlings to help maintain sustainable |
forests for future generations of Texans; and |
WHEREAS, The forest sector in Texas covers more than 12 |
million acres and directly employs over 70,000 people, with a total |
economic impact of more than $41.6 billion, making timber a |
valuable agricultural commodity statewide; Texas loggers harvest |
over 18 million tons of trees and haul over 642,000 loads of wood |
from landowners to mills for conversion into affordable and |
sustainable products; and |
WHEREAS, Forests in the Lone Star State sequester 58,836 tons |
of carbon from the atmosphere every day, equivalent to the amount |
emitted by 11,603 passenger vehicles in an entire year; they |
capture 1,000 tons of carbon every 24.5 minutes, and 1 ton of carbon |
is converted into lumber and paper products every 6.27 seconds; and |
WHEREAS, Founded in 1914 by a group of dedicated |
conservationists, the Texas Forestry Association is a nonprofit |
organization committed to advancing forestry management, promoting |
conservation practices, and supporting and protecting the |
interests of the working forests of Texas; TFA offers programs such |
as the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and Tree Farm certifications |
to educate the public and encourage reforestation, with the |
understanding that best management practices are essential for |
productive forests; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Forestry Association has tirelessly |
worked to ensure that abundant forests remain a dependable resource |
for the citizens of Texas, providing clean water, supporting |
healthy living, and helping to maintain a robust economy, and under |
the able leadership of current president Angela Shannon, TFA will |
undoubtedly continue to contribute to the economic vitality and |
beauty of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize the Texas Forestry Association on the |
occasion of its seedling giveaway and commend the association's |
members for their exemplary conservation efforts and advocacy; and, |
be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the association as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |