By: Middleton S.B. No. 2561
  relating to the supplemental special education services program.
         SECTION 1.  Section 29.042, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (e) to read as
         (a)  The agency by rule shall establish and administer a
  supplemental special education services and instructional
  materials program for students who meet the eligibility
  requirements for participation in the program. Subject to
  Subsection (c), the agency shall annually provide each student
  approved as provided by this subchapter a grant of not more than
  $1,500 to purchase supplemental special education services and
  supplemental special education instructional materials.
         (e)  A student may receive a grant under this subchapter for
  each year for which the student is eligible.
         SECTION 2.  Section 29.044(a), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The agency shall establish eligibility criteria for the
  approval of an application submitted under Section 29.043. The
               (1)  must require that the student be eligible to
  participate in a school district's [enrolled in the current school
  year at a school district or open-enrollment charter school and in a
  district's or school's] special education program under Subchapter
  A; and
               (2)  may not require that the student be enrolled in a
  school district or open-enrollment charter school.
         SECTION 3.  Section 29.045, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  ACCOUNT; APPLICATION PRIORITY.  (a) Subject to available funding
  and the priorities provided by Subsection (b), the agency shall
  approve each student who meets the program eligibility criteria
  established under Section 29.044 and assign to the student an
  account maintained under Section 29.042(b). The account may only
  be used by the student's parent to purchase supplemental special
  education services or supplemental special education instructional
  materials for the student, subject to Sections 29.046, 29.0461, and
  29.0471 [29.047].
         (b)  On receipt of acceptable applications for admission
  under this subchapter in excess of available positions in the
  program due to insufficient funding, the agency shall prioritize
  applications in the following order:
               (1)  applications from students who have previously
  received a grant under the program; and
               (2)  applications from students who demonstrate that a
  needed supplemental special education service is not adequately
  provided at the student's educational institution.
         SECTION 4.  Section 29.046, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 29.046.  ACCOUNT USE RESTRICTION. (a) Money in an
  account assigned to a student under Section 29.045 may be used only
  for supplemental special education services and supplemental
  special education instructional materials approved under Section
         (b)  Supplemental special education services must be
  provided by a [an agency-approved] provider approved under Section
         (c)  Instructional [If the agency has approved vendors for a
  category of instructional material under Section 29.047,
  instructional] materials must be purchased from a [an
  agency-approved] vendor approved under Section 29.0471 for that
  category of instructional material.  [If the agency does not
  establish criteria for agency approval for a category of
  instructional materials, money in the student's account may be used
  to purchase the instructional materials from any vendor.]
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter A-1, Chapter 29, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 29.0461 and 29.0471 to read as follows:
         Sec. 29.0461.  APPROVED EXPENSES. (a) Subject to
  Subsection (b), money in an account assigned to a student under
  Section 29.045 may be used only for the following expenses incurred
  by the student at a preapproved provider of supplemental special
  education services or vendor of supplemental special education
  instructional materials:
               (1)  tuition and fees:
                     (A)  at a private school accredited by an
  organization that is recognized by the agency;
                     (B)  at an institution of higher education or
  private or independent institution of higher education, as those
  terms are defined by Section 61.003, for a course described by
  Section 28.009 for which the student may receive high school credit
  based on an agreement between the institution and the school in
  which the student is enrolled; or
                     (C)  for an online educational course or program;
               (2)  the purchase of textbooks or other instructional
  materials or uniforms required by a school, institution, course, or
  program described by Subdivision (1) in which the student is
               (3)  payments for the purchase of a curriculum;
               (4)  fees for classes or other educational services or
  extracurricular programs provided by a public school;
               (5)  fees for services provided by a private tutor or
  teaching service;
               (6)  fees for educational therapies or services
  provided by a practitioner or provider, including respite therapy
  services, other than fees covered by any federal, state, or local
  government benefit program, including Medicaid or the children's
  health insurance program, or any applicable private insurance;
               (7)  costs of computer hardware and other technological
  devices that are primarily used for educational purposes, not to
  exceed in any year 10 percent of the total amount deposited in the
  student's account that year; and
               (8)  fees for a nationally standardized
  norm-referenced achievement test, an advanced placement test or
  similar examination, or any examination related to college or
  university admission.
         (b)  Money in an account assigned to a student under Section
  29.045 may not be used to pay any person who is:
               (1)  related to the student within the third degree of
  consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573,
  Government Code; or
               (2)  a member of the student's household.
         (c)  A finding that a student or the student's parent used
  money in the account assigned to the student under Section 29.045 to
  pay for an expense not allowed under Subsection (a) does not affect
  the validity of any payment made by the student or the student's
  parent for an expense that is allowed under that subsection.
         Sec. 29.0471.  APPROVED PROVIDERS. (a) The agency by rule
  shall establish a process for parents of eligible students to
  request the preapproval of providers of supplemental special
  education services and vendors of supplemental special education
  instructional materials.
         (b)  The agency shall approve a provider of supplemental
  special education services or vendor of supplemental special
  education instructional materials for participation in the program
  not later than the 30th day after the date the agency receives the
  provider's or vendor's application if the provider or vendor:
               (1)  for an accredited private school, executes a
  notarized affidavit, with supporting documents, concerning the
  school's qualification to serve students who receive a grant under
  this subchapter, including evidence of:
                     (A)  a valid certificate of occupancy;
                     (B)  policy statements regarding:
                           (i)  admissions;
                           (ii)  curriculum;
                           (iii)  safety;
                           (iv)  student to teacher ratios; and
                           (v)  assessments;
                     (C)  the school's agreement that students who
  receive a grant under this subchapter are eligible to apply for
  scholarships offered by the school to the same extent as other
  students; and
                     (D)  accreditation by an organization recognized
  by the agency or the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission;
               (2)  for a private tutor, therapist, or teaching
                     (A)  executes a notarized affidavit, with
  supporting documents, concerning the tutor's, therapist's, or
  service's qualification to serve students who receive a grant under
  this subchapter, including that the tutor or therapist or each
  employee of the service who intends to provide services to a
                           (i)  is certified under Subchapter B,
  Chapter 21;
                           (ii)  holds a relevant license or
  accreditation issued by a state, regional, or national licensing or
  accreditation organization; or
                           (iii)  is employed in a teaching or tutoring
  capacity at an institution of higher education or a private or
  independent institution of higher education, as those terms are
  defined by Section 61.003; and
                     (B)  the tutor or therapist or each employee of
  the teaching service who intends to provide supplemental special
  education services to a student who receives a grant under this
  subchapter either:
                           (i)  completes a national criminal history
  record information review; or
                           (ii)  provides to the agency documentation
  indicating that the tutor, therapist, or employee, as applicable,
  has completed a national criminal history record information review
  within a period established by agency rule;
               (3)  for an online educational course or program
  provider, executes a notarized affidavit, with supporting
  documents, concerning the provider's qualification to serve
  students who receive a grant under this subchapter; or
               (4)  for any provider or vendor not described by
  Subdivision (1), (2), or (3), presents any necessary supporting
  documents concerning the provider's or vendor's qualification to
  serve students who receive a grant under this subchapter.
         (f)  The agency shall review the national criminal history
  record information or documentation for each private tutor,
  therapist, or teaching service employee who submits information or
  documentation under this section and verify that the individual is
  not included in the registry under Section 22.092. The tutor,
  therapist, or service must provide the agency with any information
  requested by the agency to enable the agency to complete the review.
  The agency shall report the agency's findings from the review to the
  parental review committee.
         (g)  The agency shall post on the agency's Internet website
  the list of preapproved providers of supplemental special education
  services and vendors of supplemental special education
  instructional materials.
         SECTION 6.  The following provisions of Subchapter A-1,
  Chapter 29, Education Code, are repealed:
               (1)  Section 29.044(b); and
               (2)  Sections 29.047 and 29.050.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.