WHEREAS, School districts in counties along the state's Gulf |
Coast are subject to greater expenses than their inland |
counterparts; and |
WHEREAS, Due to their geographical location, districts in |
coastal counties are confronted with exceptional costs that are |
expected to continue to rise; recent years have seen more frequent |
and intense hurricanes and rainfall, leading to significant |
expenditures for maintenance, renovations, and repairs; moreover, |
insurance premiums are climbing as companies reassess risk in |
regions that are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events; |
and |
WHEREAS, Currently, the recapture formulas of the public |
school finance system do not take into consideration the elevated |
expenses borne by school districts in counties along the Gulf |
Coast; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas |
hereby request that the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the |
House of Representatives create a joint interim committee to study |
issuance of credit against required recapture payments for Gulf |
Coast county school districts with excess facilities costs; and, be |
it further |
RESOLVED, That the committee submit a full report, including |
findings and recommendations, to the 89th Texas Legislature in |
January 2025. |