WHEREAS, Paramedic Brandon Daugherty of the Wise County
  Office of Emergency Management has been named the recipient of a
  Life Saving Medal in recognition of his role in providing medical
  assistance to two Fort Worth residents involved in a vehicle
  accident; and
         WHEREAS, On February 2, 2022, Brandon Daugherty responded
  to a traffic incident in which a car lost control on an iced-over
  bridge and plunged into the Trinity River; the passenger was
  pulled from the vehicle by a witness, and the driver remained
  trapped in the car when it sank; a Wise County swift water
  technician swam into the frigid river and extracted the man from
  the vehicle; Mr. Daugherty helped provide lifesaving assistance
  on the shore, and the man rescued from the submerged car was
  transported to a hospital and is expected to fully recover; and
         WHEREAS, Every day, the first responders of Texas are
  called to the aid of individuals in need, and through his swift
  and decisive action in this critical situation, Brandon
  Daugherty upheld the highest standards of his profession and
  helped to save the life of a fellow citizen; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby congratulate Brandon Daugherty of the Wise
  County Office of Emergency Management on his receipt of a Life
  Saving Medal and extend to him sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Daugherty as an expression of high regard from
  the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on January 24, 2023.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate