88R12281 CJM-D
  By: Menéndez, et al. S.R. No. 211
         WHEREAS, A delegation from The University of Texas at
  San Antonio is visiting Austin on February 22, 2023, for UTSA Day at
  the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 1969, UTSA first opened its doors in
  1973 with around 650 students enrolled at the graduate level; the
  university has since grown significantly, with campuses throughout
  San Antonio and a robust online-learning program; UTSA currently
  serves more than 34,000 students of diverse backgrounds, nearly
  half of whom are the first in their families to attend college; it
  has also led the way in Latino student success, earning a Seal of
  Excelencia from Excelencia in Education; and
         WHEREAS, Among the top four percent of research universities
  in the nation, UTSA holds a Tier 1 status from the Carnegie
  Classification of Institutions of Higher Education; faculty
  researchers from the university have secured more than 390 research
  awards totaling over $100 million; in addition to expanding
  discovery activities, those awards have furthered collaboration
  between faculty researchers and partners across the nation and
  provided students with exceptional learning opportunities;
  moreover, the university has partnered with UT Health San Antonio
  to advance biomedical research through the San Antonio Life
  Sciences Institute; and
         WHEREAS, UTSA also received three National Centers of
  Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity recognitions from the
  National Security Agency; boasting one of the largest
  government-university-industry cybersecurity ecosystems in the
  nation, UTSA is home to the National Security Collaboration Center,
  the Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute, and the
  School of Data Science, the first of its kind in Texas; and
         WHEREAS, An engine of social and economic prosperity, UTSA
  has graduated nearly 35,000 students in the last five years; the
  school continues to increase its enrollment, and its predicted
  growth will serve to prepare even more Texans for the workforce; and
         WHEREAS, Since its founding, The University of Texas at
  San Antonio has provided its students with a strong foundation for
  achievement, and in so doing, it has played a significant role in
  enhancing the quality of life in the Lone Star State; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby recognize February 22, 2023, as UTSA Day at the State Capitol
  and extend to all those associated with the institution sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for The University of Texas at San Antonio as an expression
  of high regard by the Texas Senate.