88R20219 AMB-D
  By: Huffman, et al. S.R. No. 403
         WHEREAS, Members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association
  are celebrating Texas Retired Teachers Week from April 10 to 14,
  2023; and
         WHEREAS, Made up of more than 96,000 members, TRTA serves as a
  resource and advocate for retired school personnel throughout Texas
  and works diligently in behalf of current and future public
  education retirees; through its support of a strong teacher
  retirement system, the association promotes the financial
  soundness of the pension and health care programs serving former
  educators; and
         WHEREAS, The association is also devoted to benefiting
  communities across the state through volunteer initiatives, and
  each year, TRTA members perform more than five million hours of
  service, equivalent to a value of $151 million; many of these
  endeavors are focused on schools, and members have further
  encouraged reading and literacy among young Texans through their
  contribution of more than 1,500,000 books to the Children's Book
  Project, including 135,963 in the last year; and
         WHEREAS, Deeply committed to supporting education and
  educators, the Texas Retired Teachers Association has made a
  positive and lasting difference in the Lone Star State, and the
  members of this noteworthy organization are indeed deserving of
  recognition for their efforts; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby recognize April 10 to 14, 2023, as Texas Retired Teachers
  Week and extend to all those associated with the organization
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Texas Retired Teachers Association as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas Senate.