88R24253 TBO-D
  By: Middleton S.R. No. 445
         WHEREAS, Each year on April 21, people throughout the Lone
  Star State commemorate San Jacinto Day in honor of the decisive
  battlefield victory that brought about the independence of the
  Republic of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, On that date in the year 1836, the Texan forces led
  by General Sam Houston faced a crucial moment in their
  revolutionary struggle against the rule of Mexican dictator Antonio
  Lopez de Santa Anna; over the course of the previous six weeks,
  Texan forces had been defeated at both the Alamo and Goliad, and
  General Houston's army had retreated steadily to the east;
  meanwhile, the Mexican troops commanded by General Santa Anna were
  determined to follow up their earlier victories by seizing the
  seaports along the Texas coast; by mid-April, the two armies were
  within a few miles of one another in the bayou country near the San
  Jacinto River; General Houston decided that the time for attack had
  arrived; and
         WHEREAS, Moving into position on the afternoon of April 21,
  the Texans formed their battle lines, and with cries of "Remember
  the Alamo!" and "Remember Goliad!," they surged toward the Mexican
  encampment; when the guns went quiet less than 20 minutes later, the
  Mexican army had been routed, with more than 600 of its troops
  killed and more than 700 taken prisoner; only nine Texans were
  killed or mortally wounded in the fighting; and
         WHEREAS, The following day, General Santa Anna was captured
  and, after meeting with General Houston, agreed to order all
  Mexican troops to leave Texas; later, he agreed to the Treaties of
  Velasco, which recognized the independence of Texas; with these
  steps, Mexican rule in Texas effectively came to an end, and the
  Republic of Texas was established; and
         WHEREAS, Individuals from a range of backgrounds contributed
  to this epic battlefield victory; among them were a company of
  Tejano troops who served bravely under the command of the prominent
  revolutionary leader Juan Nepomuceno Seguin and are representative
  of the many Hispanics who took up arms in the independence movement;
  another Latino member of the Texan army was Lorenzo de Zavala Jr.,
  the son of the republic's vice president; as an aide to Sam Houston,
  he acted as a translator in the general's negotiations with Santa
  Anna; and
         WHEREAS, Soldiers young and old were part of the fight for the
  Texans; there were teenagers such as 15-year-old William P. Zuber,
  16-year-olds Thomas O'Conner and Cornelius DeVore, and
  19-year-olds Alfonso Steele and Elijah Votaw; on the other end of
  the spectrum were James Curtis Sr., and John S. Menifee, both 57
  years old, and Asa Mitchell, the oldest person in the battle at age
  60; in addition, General Houston's forces contained troops who had
  earlier taken part in the fighting at Goliad as well as individuals
  who had been present at the Alamo but had been ordered to leave the
  fort before its fall to carry out various missions; after surviving
  those engagements, they were able to assist in vanquishing the
  enemy force that had killed so many of their fellow Texans; and
         WHEREAS, Demonstrating the courage and determination that
  are so much a part of the Texas character, the valiant members of
  Sam Houston's army charged across a grassy battlefield in April of
  1836, intent on securing liberty and avenging their fallen
  comrades; their steps set in motion a series of events that have
  made the State of Texas into the prosperous land that we enjoy
  today, and the momentous events of that day indeed deserve to be
  remembered and celebrated; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby commemorate San Jacinto Day in the year 2023.