88R25938 AMB-D
  By: LaMantia S.R. No. 465
         WHEREAS, Alamo city commissioner Maria Del Pilar Garza has
  dedicated her career to public service and has selflessly given of
  her time and talents to benefit her fellow citizens; and
         WHEREAS, Born and raised in Alamo, Pilar Garza enjoyed a
  nearly 40-year-long career with the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo
  Independent School District, during which time she served as a
  teacher, counselor, principal, assistant principal, and central
  office administrator; and
         WHEREAS, Seeking additional opportunities to give back to her
  community, Ms. Garza has demonstrated strong leadership as a member
  of the Alamo Board of Commissioners for the past 12 years; she has
  also served as a board member for the Alamo Economic Development
  Corporation and the Friends of the Alamo Museum; in addition, she
  has volunteered her time for many sports and recreation programs
  created by the Alamo Parks and Recreation Department, and she has
  been an active member of the Resurrection Catholic Church; and
         WHEREAS, In all her endeavors, Commissioner Garza has enjoyed
  the love and support of her family, including her three sons, Felix,
  Froy, and Fabian; and
         WHEREAS, Pilar Garza has rendered exemplary service to the
  city of Alamo through her work as a city commissioner and through
  her many other roles, and she may take satisfaction in knowing that
  her achievements have made a positive and lasting difference in her
  community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby honor Maria Del Pilar Garza for her many years of service to
  the city of Alamo and extend to her sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Commissioner Garza as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas Senate.