88R23162 KSM-D
  By: Middleton S.R. No. 472
         WHEREAS, BIZPAC.us, an association of business owners and
  executives working together for business-friendly legislative
  policy, has made important contributions to the state's economic
  vitality; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in 2019, BIZPAC.us benefits from the able
  leadership of its founder, Joseph L. Trahan, who serves as
  executive chairman; the organization's members represent the full
  spectrum of Texas business and industry, including patent holders,
  innovators, scientific and medical professionals, and other
  leading performers in their fields who are often called upon by
  legislators as experts in their industries, market sectors, and
  regions; and
         WHEREAS, BIZPAC.us holds monthly meetings with elected and
  appointed officials to promote business-friendly policies; in
  addition, the organization researches candidates and publishes a
  report to better inform voters, and it encourages its members to
  serve their communities and state as elected officials; BIZPAC.us
  also hosts a weekly public service radio program on KSEV in Houston
  to educate listeners about its initiatives and to reach small
  business owners who are in need of resources and information; and
         WHEREAS, The BIZPAC Center for Business Excellence is a
  unique program that spurs business growth by pairing the next
  generation of innovators and entrepreneurs with experienced
  mentors; moreover, it has developed investment funds that provide
  growth capital to Texas companies, and it has organized a network of
  Texas-based professional service firms; and
         WHEREAS, Providing a unified voice for like-minded business
  owners, BIZPAC.us advocates for effective public policy to sustain
  a robust economy, and in so doing, it is helping to maintain and
  advance the economic prosperity of the Lone Star State; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby recognize Joseph L. Trahan and BIZPAC.us for their
  contributions and extend to all those associated with the
  organization sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Joseph L. Trahan and BIZPAC.us as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas Senate.