88R20315 AMB-D
  By: LaMantia S.R. No. 496
         WHEREAS, Texas Health and Human Services Inspector General
  Sylvia Hernandez Kauffman has demonstrated a long-standing
  commitment to her fellow citizens over the course of her notable
  career in public service; and
         WHEREAS, Sylvia Kauffman first joined the Office of Inspector
  General in 2015 after working for the Health and Human Services
  Commission, and she previously served OIG as principal deputy
  inspector general and deputy inspector general for data and
  technology; she was appointed to her current position as inspector
  general for Texas Health and Human Services by Governor Greg Abbott
  in January 2018; and
         WHEREAS, Among her many responsibilities, Inspector General
  Kauffman oversees the vision, direction, strategy, and day-to-day
  operations of the 500-person office, which is charged with
  protecting the integrity of HHS programs and with preventing,
  detecting, and deterring fraud, waste, and abuse in the delivery of
  health and human services in the state; throughout her exemplary
  tenure, she has placed a significant emphasis on the use of data
  analytics, and as a result, recoveries have steadily increased
  despite a reduction in overall staff; in the 2022 fiscal year alone,
  the agency recovered nearly half a billion dollars and demonstrated
  a return of $6.21 for every dollar invested; in total, the OIG has
  recovered more than $2 billion for Texas taxpayers under her able
  leadership; and
         WHEREAS, Born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley, Inspector
  General Kauffman was the valedictorian of her high school and a
  first-generation college student; she holds a bachelor's degree in
  computer science from Stanford University and a master's degree in
  public policy from Harvard University; earlier in her career, she
  was employed by the Strategic Planning Unit in the Information
  Technology Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where she
  received the Governor's Special Achievement Award for her work in
  transforming the delivery of government services; and
         WHEREAS, Through her skill, professionalism, and commitment
  to excellence, Sylvia Kauffman has greatly benefited the people of
  the Lone Star State, and she may indeed reflect with pride on her
  outstanding record of service; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby honor Sylvia Hernandez Kauffman for her professional
  accomplishments and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Inspector General Kauffman as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas Senate.