In Memory
  Gloria Reyes Garcia
         WHEREAS, The city of Raymondville lost a beloved resident
  with the passing of Gloria Ann Reyes Garcia on June 6, 2019, at
  the age of 66; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of two migrant workers, Jose and
  Santos Sosa, Gloria Reyes Garcia was born in Raymondville on
  August 14, 1952, and she grew up with the companionship of five
  brothers, Jose, Juan, Gilbert, Noe, and Ricardo, and seven
  sisters, Josephina, Maria, Herminia, Adela, Lydia, Tina, and
  Brenda; in her youth, she attended Raymondville schools while
  also working alongside her family in the fields; and
         WHEREAS, Gloria went on to take a job with the Last Yellow
  Bus, a migrant outreach program in which she drove people to and
  from medical appointments and delivered medications; she
  eventually joined the referral department of Su Clinica Familiar
  and served in several different positions, including assistant
  social worker and migrant hospital coordinator, before being
  promoted to clinic manager in 1977; she later embarked on a
  rewarding second career in real estate; and
         WHEREAS, Gloria was extremely active in her community and
  held leadership positions in a number of organizations,
  including the Raymondville Independent School District Board of
  Trustees, where she served as president, successfully advocated
  for the passage of two school bonds, which led to the creation of
  a new high school in Raymondville, and helped secure salary
  increases for teachers and support staff, and the Su Clinica
  Familiar Board of Directors; in addition, she was a member of the
  National Advisory Council on Migrant Health and also gave freely
  of her time assisting survivors of sexual assault; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Reyes Garcia was the proud mother of five
  children, Ricardo, Sandra, Jennifer, Stacey, and Erica; with the
  passing years, she had the privilege of watching her family grow
  to include 15 grandchildren, John, Isabella, Colt, Mikeal,
  Mikaela, Madeline, Carlos, Feliberto, Jaime, Emily, Amelia,
  Jeweliana, Jesse, Jaxson, and Ophelia; and
         WHEREAS, Although the death of Gloria Reyes Garcia brought
  great sorrow to those who loved her, her life was an inspiring
  example of the good that one person can accomplish; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the life of Gloria Ann Reyes
  Garcia and extend sincere condolences to all who mourn her
  passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas Senate adjourns
  this day, it do so in memory of Gloria Reyes Garcia.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 2, 2023, by a
    rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate