In Memory
  Mary O. Horn
         WHEREAS, Denton County lost a trailblazing civic leader
  with the passing of former county judge Mary O. Horn on April 21,
  2023, at the age of 77; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of Lieutenant Commander
  Dr. O. W. Roberts and Mary Ann Roberts, the former Mary Roberts
  was born in Owatonna, Minnesota, on June 28, 1945; after studying
  at Mankato State College and earning certification from the
  Minnesota School of Business, she began working for Braniff
  International Airways in Dallas as a flight attendant; she rose
  to become the only woman among the top executives at the airline
  before starting her own business in 1982; and
         WHEREAS, On May 6, 1967, she married James Nathan "Jim"
  Horn, and they settled in Denton, where they raised two children,
  Jennifer and Jim; the couple founded the Denton County Republican
  Party at their kitchen table in 1972, and Judge Horn campaigned
  energetically for her husband in his successful campaign for a
  seat in the Texas House of Representatives; in 1993, she became
  the first woman to win election as Denton County tax
  assessor-collector, and nine years later, she became the
  county's first female judge; during an era of phenomenal growth,
  she worked tirelessly to maintain a low tax rate while improving
  efficiency and providing a high level of service to residents;
  she increased budget reserves, paving the way for a AAA bond
  rating, modernized the county's taxing systems, and made motor
  vehicle registration more convenient by creating an online
  system; in 2004 and 2008, voters approved two bond packages, and
  she leveraged $335 million in local funds to bring over $3
  billion for road improvements and construction, expansion, or
  renovation of county buildings; she retired in 2018, following
  four consecutive terms, as the longest-serving county judge in
  Denton County history; and
         WHEREAS, Judge Horn shared her expertise in leadership
  roles with a host of local and state organizations, and she was
  vice chair of the Texas Workforce Development Board; she served
  many terms as president of the Denton Republican Women's Club,
  and she was the Texas Federation of Republican Women's 1988
  honoree; and
         WHEREAS, Above all, Judge Horn was devoted to her family,
  which grew to include eight grandchildren, Michael, Elle, Knox,
  Francie, Houston, Olive, Morgan, and Ashton; her greatest joy was
  spending time with them, whether attending their athletic events
  or reading stories, singing songs, and making up silly games; and
         WHEREAS, Mary Horn broke down barriers and skillfully
  guided Denton County during a transformative period, and
  although she will be deeply missed, her exceptional
  contributions will continue to resonate in the years to come;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the memory of the Honorable
  Mary O. Horn and extend sincere sympathy to all who mourn her
  passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas Senate adjourns
  this day, it do so in memory of Mary Horn.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 4, 2023, by a
    rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate