88R3742 BK-D
  By: Johnson, Parker S.R. No. 530
         WHEREAS, For 10 years, the Parkland Center for Clinical
  Innovation has worked to improve health outcomes and elevate the
  quality of patient care at Parkland Health; and
         WHEREAS, Founded on May 14, 2012, PCCI supports the mission
  of Parkland Health to address the health care needs of vulnerable
  communities through the application of data and technology; the
  center employs a diverse, multidisciplinary team of clinicians,
  informaticists, data analysts, and health services researchers,
  who combine their expertise in advanced mathematics, computer
  science, and clinical science to uncover opportunities to optimize
  and increase the efficiency of the health care system; and
         WHEREAS, From its inception, the not-for-profit organization
  has performed analyses on health care inequity in order to empower
  Parkland and other partners to make clinical decisions for the
  benefit of those who need care the most; by working with Medicaid
  payers and safety-net providers, the organization has been
  instrumental in developing actionable strategies for fighting
  COVID-19, preventing pre-term births, and helping children manage
  asthma, while further leveraging its data resources to resolve
  other public health issues impacting Dallas County; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to working to improve the delivery of
  health care within the Parkland system, PCCI has collaborated with
  philanthropic foundations, federal agencies, rural and urban
  health systems, local municipalities, and other organizations; one
  of its major partnerships resulted in the creation of the COVID-19
  Proximity and Vulnerability Indices, which have assisted county
  health leaders in determining where to allocate resources for
  COVID-19 testing and vaccinations; PCCI has also extensively
  studied social, environmental, and economic factors in developing
  its Connected Communities of Care model for the purpose of
  facilitating collaboration between health systems, municipalities,
  and local organizations to better serve a community's most
  vulnerable residents; to date, PCCI's work has impacted the lives
  of more than two million patients and resulted in around $76.3
  million in savings for patients and medical providers; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout its first decade of service, the Parkland
  Center for Clinical Innovation has demonstrated the potential of
  technology to shape the future of medicine and build more equitable
  and inclusive health care systems, and it is fitting to recognize
  PCCI's significant contributions to the health and well-being of
  Texans in Dallas County and beyond; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby honor the Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation on the
  occasion of its 10th anniversary and extend to all those affiliated
  with the organization sincere best wishes for continued success;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for PCCI as an expression of high regard by the Texas